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about PVP feedback
hi all , not too long ago admin asked us about giving them feedback on changes we would like to see in battlefields .…=28763&pageNo=1
there where many many idears and oppinions given . 10 pages actualy ...some good some not so mutch
my question is , are admins working on any of them and if so ,do they plan on introdusing some of these changes soon ?
a little feedback from admin would be nice . at least give us someting to look forward too
there where many many idears and oppinions given . 10 pages actualy ...some good some not so mutch
my question is , are admins working on any of them and if so ,do they plan on introdusing some of these changes soon ?
a little feedback from admin would be nice . at least give us someting to look forward too

dont argue with idiots they will drag u down to their level and beat u with experience
Estates are going to be upgraded to L7 max
New BF
New area for all levels
New mount for L4+
Tons of new quests
New rules for hunting
That's just the beginning :o)
New BF
New area for all levels
New mount for L4+
Tons of new quests
New rules for hunting
That's just the beginning :o)
If you don't like something I post in forums, go to this website: www.magrareallydoesn't care.troll and fill out a frankie got his feelings hurt report

That specific change was made to combat bots. The proposal i saw on russian mentor site was to restrict hunting to 4-5hrs per day. Atleast you could hunt as much as you want but after that time elapsed you get no money or drops from killing further. Not sure how much of that made it through to implementation however.
Audio signal for Battlefield confirmations
It would be easier for us if we had an audio signal whenever we are requested to confirm a battlefield particiapation. Because the long wait times, I sometimes do other things (work, watch a movie, etc) while queuing to battlefields. And because of this now I have a ban for the next 7 days.
It would be easier and helpful for all players if we can get an audio signal when participation in battlefields needs to be confirmed.
-_Liquid Ice_-
It would be easier and helpful for all players if we can get an audio signal when participation in battlefields needs to be confirmed.
-_Liquid Ice_-
I agree with this. I admit it's not a big change but when you queue for 5 hours and then you're absent for just 5 mins, you get a punishment because the confirmation is silent. If admins implement this, you won't need to check your screen every 5 minutes anymore.It would be easier for us if we had an audio signal whenever we are requested to confirm a battlefield particiapation. Because the long wait times, I sometimes do other things (work, watch a movie, etc) while queuing to battlefields. And because of this now I have a ban for the next 7 days.
It would be easier and helpful for all players if we can get an audio signal when participation in battlefields needs to be confirmed.
-_Liquid Ice_-