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Buy to Re-sell
Isn't this some sort of powerleveling?
Players using others to buy something from them for 30s for example and resell it right after for price x10 they gave for it.
Take Ludial Chain Link. They buy it for 30-40 silver and resell it for 2,50 - 3.
This should be fixed.
And yes, im buying them for 50s (sometimes more bec of these thiefs) but im using them for myself, not to resell them.
Players using others to buy something from them for 30s for example and resell it right after for price x10 they gave for it.
Take Ludial Chain Link. They buy it for 30-40 silver and resell it for 2,50 - 3.
This should be fixed.
And yes, im buying them for 50s (sometimes more bec of these thiefs) but im using them for myself, not to resell them.
Quoted from "Vedbal;1570"
Isn't this some sort of powerleveling?
Players using others to buy something from them for 30s for example and resell it right after for price x10 they gave for it.
Take Ludial Chain Link. They buy it for 30-40 silver and resell it for 2,50 - 3.
This should be fixed.
And yes, im buying them for 50s (sometimes more bec of these thiefs) but im using them for myself, not to resell them.
Ok so then is selling evil eyes, and other quest resources considered power leveling then too... or how bout anything else we find in ah for a cheap price and then we re- auction for higher price... geesh lets just call the whole game powerleveling why dont we!
The next event for getting violen item - I'm speaking about the cuirass, hope it'll appear soon - demands a lot of trading operations with EE, charcoal, Sculls and gray fish as well; so - let's do all those items non-transferrible right now! Especially gray fish, certainly! Seems to me - good idea, quite for spirit of previous..
Malle, really hope you change things back to the way it was once the issues get resolved. I feel like if I'm tryin to gather items that people need and want and I sell them at a price that they are willing to purchase them for.....I haven't hurt anyone or broken the rules. The game is about making money and those that work hard and find ways to make money should be rewarded. Seems only one person was really complaining about it. Ppl complain about looters....its part of the game too...but that don't get changed. Anywho...I thank you for all your hard work and effort.
It is a brave act of Valour to contemn Death; but where Life is more terrible than Death, it is then the truest Valour to dare to live.
No I disagree. INSANE is telling someone how high or low they should sell an item for when the price is within range of many players. Higher lvl player make a boat load more money than lower lvl players hence the reason the price is affordable. Some people Pay Pal....some ppl hunt....others do professions all for the sake of money and gold in the game. Why should you have the right to tell me how much money I can make on a item? When I have worked hard to collect these items?
I'm guessing you want the chain...and you are upset because people are selling them at the cost they are selling them for. So basically because you are not getting it for the price you want them think admin should step in and change the game...all for you.
I need evil eyes, I need skulls, and small xstals, and large xstals, and coal...3 of these items you get for free, but I don't see you complaining about the mark up on these items. Since when is the value of a small xstal the same as a large? Since ppl need the small for an armour piece....sooo value is increased. Allow the game and the players to deteremine what is fair....if you like something buy it...if you can't afford hard to get it. Don't ask the admins to change the way a game is played because you are not getting something for the price you desire.
Not tryin to be harsh about this....but there are many things about the game that is a bit unfair. Example Looters....Alchy get double creations on everything but bloods....sorcerers only on Rock Skin; powerful players bully smaller players to control resources.... but I don't see the admin jailing Relentless/OHMO members because they execute someone for getting a golden habus or pickin sighing grass. How is it fair for all of these things to occur....yet someone collects Chain Links to sell to make some call this unfair. Somehow that just don't seem right.
I'm guessing you want the chain...and you are upset because people are selling them at the cost they are selling them for. So basically because you are not getting it for the price you want them think admin should step in and change the game...all for you.
I need evil eyes, I need skulls, and small xstals, and large xstals, and coal...3 of these items you get for free, but I don't see you complaining about the mark up on these items. Since when is the value of a small xstal the same as a large? Since ppl need the small for an armour piece....sooo value is increased. Allow the game and the players to deteremine what is fair....if you like something buy it...if you can't afford hard to get it. Don't ask the admins to change the way a game is played because you are not getting something for the price you desire.
Not tryin to be harsh about this....but there are many things about the game that is a bit unfair. Example Looters....Alchy get double creations on everything but bloods....sorcerers only on Rock Skin; powerful players bully smaller players to control resources.... but I don't see the admin jailing Relentless/OHMO members because they execute someone for getting a golden habus or pickin sighing grass. How is it fair for all of these things to occur....yet someone collects Chain Links to sell to make some call this unfair. Somehow that just don't seem right.
It is a brave act of Valour to contemn Death; but where Life is more terrible than Death, it is then the truest Valour to dare to live.
Quoted from "-Dixi-;1731"
The next event for getting violen item - I'm speaking about the cuirass, hope it'll appear soon - demands a lot of trading operations with EE, charcoal, Sculls and gray fish as well; so - let's do all those items non-transferrible right now! Especially gray fish, certainly! Seems to me - good idea, quite for spirit of previous..
@dixi are u out of your mind!.
I see that one player taken advantage of this storozh ( who bought 20 Ludal links - (total of 21 Ludal Links) and selling it for 21 gold 21 silver in auction (someone is bidding at this point of time) - he should be penalised for ripping ppl off for that item. He even asked me to purchase one when I was unaware about this yesterday although I am close to level 4.
Here is what I propose - make the item sold only in trade fair for 50 silver but non-transferable to anyone else.
As i can see non of u botherd to undestand this topic. Its not about making some1 to sell on 50s. Its about that players are buying them for 1 price and re-sell them for x10 of the price they bought it. Thats powerleveling ,isnt it?
So please keep ur uselesss stupid posts out of this. This topic is for admins, not in city pub!
So please keep ur uselesss stupid posts out of this. This topic is for admins, not in city pub!
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