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Do you know the history of Tallaars? ...
Weekly knowledge test: 10-10- 17-10-2014
Do you know the history of Tallaars? And how does this instance work?
Post your answers here.
For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
Good game and good luck for all!
Do you know the history of Tallaars? And how does this instance work?
Post your answers here.
For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
- Every week (Friday morning) we publish one question to our game:
Legend. Legacy of the Dragons. - From all correct answers up to 10 participants will win one promotional game code each.
- The most detailed or unique answers have the biggest chance to win.
- Copy and paste-answers will NOT be considered. Same goes for trolling or spamming or inadequate language.
- Personal attacks on other players in your answers/posts as well will NOT be accepted.
- Answer must be in English. You can answer in your mothertongue only if you post understandable translation in English in same post as your answer.
- The winners will be chosen by a mixed team of magmars and humans. The decision will be final.
- The winners will be displayed after the draw in the same poste.
- Codes will be sent via private messages in the forum or per post ingame.
Good game and good luck for all!

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Oct 24th 2014, 9:22am)
Sorry guys I have never read the history of Tallaars, to lazy my bad
What I can do is tell you how the instance works:
Tallaars 101
Lv 7 players and above are able to join Tallaars
Now this BF is my favorite BF out of all of them. Players get rewarded for winning, but losers also get an incentive. 10 Players to start the BF, if you leave BF no loss of valor. All players are invisible to each other, and everyone can attack everyone, doesn't matter which race you are. You will start in a Hall without anyone inside it, as soon as you move to the next Hall the action starts...the only way of moving on to another Hall is by defeating all players in the same Hall as yourself, once this is done you can move to another location.
There are no mount and no summons aloud inside Tallaars, you can only bless up and I hear its a great place for executioners to gain levels
Top 5 players get bonus valor
so do yourself a favor, if you want to have fun in this game, go at least once in your life there and check it out, you wont be disappointed, and remember to always have fun
What I can do is tell you how the instance works:
Tallaars 101
Lv 7 players and above are able to join Tallaars
Now this BF is my favorite BF out of all of them. Players get rewarded for winning, but losers also get an incentive. 10 Players to start the BF, if you leave BF no loss of valor. All players are invisible to each other, and everyone can attack everyone, doesn't matter which race you are. You will start in a Hall without anyone inside it, as soon as you move to the next Hall the action starts...the only way of moving on to another Hall is by defeating all players in the same Hall as yourself, once this is done you can move to another location.
There are no mount and no summons aloud inside Tallaars, you can only bless up and I hear its a great place for executioners to gain levels

Top 5 players get bonus valor
so do yourself a favor, if you want to have fun in this game, go at least once in your life there and check it out, you wont be disappointed, and remember to always have fun


what is the definition of insanity?

Tallaar is Faeo's version of Kronos the mad Titan.
He is the god of destruction. Power hungry, he created the Chaos Giants and armed them with swords of Chaos to sow the seeds of Chaos and destruction all over the world. He wanted to claim the throne of the ruler of the Universe, and as such began to outpower his counterpart, Or'Vernon, the guard of Creation.
So stuff came to pass, and after a mighty battle, Or'Verrnon sacrificed himself, and as a result, Tallaar died with him to ensure the equilibrium of the world.
To honor their god of Destruction, some cultists created a Temple to their god Tallaar. Which is now known as Tallaar's Halls. Such is the bloodlust of the god, that warriors crossing it's threshold are filled with bloodlust so mighty, that they cannot differentiate between foe and friend.
As such, you can't see who you're fighting in Tallaar's Halls.
The halls, are divided into a lot of rooms.
A typical Hall is made up of 10 players. Although both sides can apply, this battlefield is the only one which is Race neutral. Theoretically, it can be made up of all 10 mags or all 10 humans.
Now on to the fighting.
We're intially spawned in a room with no other person. Once you enter another room, you cannot leave it till only 1 person remains standing. Also, you're randomly allotted which side of the fight you get on.
Once fighting finishes, you're resurrected into a room same as starting room, and you can heal life or injuries (which is free btw).
The instance finishes when 20 fights have been completed in total, or the time finishes ( 2 hours)
Defeated players of a fight receive 80% of the valor earned by the winning people.
Also, all kills are scalps whether they be magmar or Human.
Top 5 players get extra valor in decreasing order of standings.
As of now, there isn't a clear cut logic as to how the players' standings are calculated.
Sometimes player with most damage or wins can be in the 4th or 5th or even bottom position.
(Far as my knowledge goes, it is concerned with the number of buffs we have)
Anyways, it's one of the best instances out there, and should not be missed. So guys, queue, queue, queue!!
He is the god of destruction. Power hungry, he created the Chaos Giants and armed them with swords of Chaos to sow the seeds of Chaos and destruction all over the world. He wanted to claim the throne of the ruler of the Universe, and as such began to outpower his counterpart, Or'Vernon, the guard of Creation.
So stuff came to pass, and after a mighty battle, Or'Verrnon sacrificed himself, and as a result, Tallaar died with him to ensure the equilibrium of the world.
To honor their god of Destruction, some cultists created a Temple to their god Tallaar. Which is now known as Tallaar's Halls. Such is the bloodlust of the god, that warriors crossing it's threshold are filled with bloodlust so mighty, that they cannot differentiate between foe and friend.
As such, you can't see who you're fighting in Tallaar's Halls.
The halls, are divided into a lot of rooms.
A typical Hall is made up of 10 players. Although both sides can apply, this battlefield is the only one which is Race neutral. Theoretically, it can be made up of all 10 mags or all 10 humans.
Now on to the fighting.
We're intially spawned in a room with no other person. Once you enter another room, you cannot leave it till only 1 person remains standing. Also, you're randomly allotted which side of the fight you get on.
Once fighting finishes, you're resurrected into a room same as starting room, and you can heal life or injuries (which is free btw).
The instance finishes when 20 fights have been completed in total, or the time finishes ( 2 hours)
Defeated players of a fight receive 80% of the valor earned by the winning people.
Also, all kills are scalps whether they be magmar or Human.
Top 5 players get extra valor in decreasing order of standings.
As of now, there isn't a clear cut logic as to how the players' standings are calculated.
Sometimes player with most damage or wins can be in the 4th or 5th or even bottom position.
(Far as my knowledge goes, it is concerned with the number of buffs we have)
Anyways, it's one of the best instances out there, and should not be missed. So guys, queue, queue, queue!!
Tallar’s Halls by MB
Little about well-known history
Ancient temple built by a group of apostates for worshipping the great God of Destruction and Guard of the Universe, Tallaar. Responding to the heretical summons and bursting through from the other world, Tallaar's dark will destroy the naive cultists and took up permanent residence within the temple's walls. Since then, any warrior crossing the threshold is possessed with a thirst for destruction and goes berserk, losing the ability to differentiate between his own and other species, and capable only of thinking how to spill the blood of others.
This is text which describes Tallar’s in game, not mine. Writing essay about it wouldn’t be really worth a time I believe. Second part is more interesting.
How tallar’s work.
Instance is accessible for every player who reached level 7. There are maximum 10 players in one instance. This is only BF that open-minded so much that race wouldn’t matter, so it is just bloodlust brother against brother. Instance ends, when 20 fights finish or in case of many HW inside sometimes after 2 hours. Winner is person, who gets most valor. First 5 warriors get as bonus extra valor and also experience.
Basic facts
Players start in separate rooms. There is shop, where can be bought blesses and other useful staff, repair broken staff or even heal wounds. There are other rooms in where is mostly fight happens. These are connecter with 4 others and sometimes is hard to find where all players killing each other. If player enter into room, which is empty, it’s free to leave but if there is anyone else, it is impossible to leave until only one of them stand. If there are players, who already fight, it is wise to join the fight and get hands dirty but player names are hidden mean it is never know who you attack.
Instance is different from others in case those players are not allowed choose which side they like to join or to use summons and mounts in fight. It is possible to ride mount to cut down transfer times.
When fight is over, it is possible to see nicknames of players in fight. Dead rise in separate rooms and can go to fight again. Even though I once get ressed in same room with my friends and we did fight there. Happened to me only once longer time ago, can’t say if it is normal, but uncommon or it was bug.
Little info about valor – in normal Tallaar, players get it depending on their damage done in battle reduced by gear and blesses (explained below). Winners get 100, losing side 80%. So it is worth to fight even 1 against more as they can win but they all get only small amount of valor compared to 1 fighter who maybe get valor reduced but do a lot more dmg. On the other hand, during double valor in Tallar’s, winning side get 200% and losing only 80% which is huge difference and then it is questionable if it worth to stay and fight in unbalanced fights.
Blessing and gear
It is hard to balance blessing and gear. Having more bless and better items, stronger giants mostly mean player get more kills and win more fight with dealing more dmg. But these also reduce valor. That in fact means, that unblessed guy who don’t use giant and have green armor receive more valor for same dmg then fully blessed red dressed warriors. But in longer fights, unblessed die sooner without chance to deal same dmg. That is reason, why is so important to balance armor and blesses to get maximal possible valor.
Few points in the end
Gain from Tallar’s
Little about well-known history
Ancient temple built by a group of apostates for worshipping the great God of Destruction and Guard of the Universe, Tallaar. Responding to the heretical summons and bursting through from the other world, Tallaar's dark will destroy the naive cultists and took up permanent residence within the temple's walls. Since then, any warrior crossing the threshold is possessed with a thirst for destruction and goes berserk, losing the ability to differentiate between his own and other species, and capable only of thinking how to spill the blood of others.
This is text which describes Tallar’s in game, not mine. Writing essay about it wouldn’t be really worth a time I believe. Second part is more interesting.
How tallar’s work.
Instance is accessible for every player who reached level 7. There are maximum 10 players in one instance. This is only BF that open-minded so much that race wouldn’t matter, so it is just bloodlust brother against brother. Instance ends, when 20 fights finish or in case of many HW inside sometimes after 2 hours. Winner is person, who gets most valor. First 5 warriors get as bonus extra valor and also experience.
Basic facts
Players start in separate rooms. There is shop, where can be bought blesses and other useful staff, repair broken staff or even heal wounds. There are other rooms in where is mostly fight happens. These are connecter with 4 others and sometimes is hard to find where all players killing each other. If player enter into room, which is empty, it’s free to leave but if there is anyone else, it is impossible to leave until only one of them stand. If there are players, who already fight, it is wise to join the fight and get hands dirty but player names are hidden mean it is never know who you attack.
Instance is different from others in case those players are not allowed choose which side they like to join or to use summons and mounts in fight. It is possible to ride mount to cut down transfer times.
When fight is over, it is possible to see nicknames of players in fight. Dead rise in separate rooms and can go to fight again. Even though I once get ressed in same room with my friends and we did fight there. Happened to me only once longer time ago, can’t say if it is normal, but uncommon or it was bug.
Little info about valor – in normal Tallaar, players get it depending on their damage done in battle reduced by gear and blesses (explained below). Winners get 100, losing side 80%. So it is worth to fight even 1 against more as they can win but they all get only small amount of valor compared to 1 fighter who maybe get valor reduced but do a lot more dmg. On the other hand, during double valor in Tallar’s, winning side get 200% and losing only 80% which is huge difference and then it is questionable if it worth to stay and fight in unbalanced fights.
Blessing and gear
It is hard to balance blessing and gear. Having more bless and better items, stronger giants mostly mean player get more kills and win more fight with dealing more dmg. But these also reduce valor. That in fact means, that unblessed guy who don’t use giant and have green armor receive more valor for same dmg then fully blessed red dressed warriors. But in longer fights, unblessed die sooner without chance to deal same dmg. That is reason, why is so important to balance armor and blesses to get maximal possible valor.
Few points in the end
- Executioners like to say, that they get many +1 in Tallaar. But I can’t confirm it as humble healer
- Valor capped warriors can’t win, they get 0 valor in fights and then occupy last positions. Their goal is mostly getting warriors vouchers, energy, scalps, increase exe profession or relive from stress by killing others (:-D)
- Don’t stall inside! It kills fun for others (mean they don’t queue again), losing valor and respect of other warriors. It is better to die fast and be in more fights then stall for little more dmg while there are others who beating hell of each other and getting valor.
- From my experience, after bigger fight, mostly players go back to same location as there will be winners fighting each other.
Gain from Tallar’s
- Valor
- Scalps
- Energy
- Warrior vouchers
- Increase of Exe
- Achievements for ending in 1-5 place and achievement for ending in all first 5 places.

The history:
It is a temple to worship the god of destruction, Tallaar. Anyone who enters this temple is overcome by rage and loses all control causing them to attack anyone and anything.
After it became evident that Tallaar’s evil will could reach beyond the temple’s walls, a group of valiant Destroyers of Chaos set out to enter the accursed building in order to put obstacles in this terrible threat’s way.
From this day on, only the most courageous warriors dare to cross the temple’s threshold.
How it works:
To be fully successful in this instance is alot more complex than many think. Yes there is always an element of luck involved, but there are things you can do to help you maximise your gain.
The instannce will start when you have 10 warriors of the same lvl queue up, and you will then get a confirm. Atleast 9 of those 10 must confirm otherwise the instance will not begin.
When you enter you will start in a room that cannot be accessed by anyone else, there you will find a shop, a way to remove injuries obtained in the instance and a repair shop. Anytime you die in this instance you will res in this location.
From here you will be able to move to a random hall, at this point you cannot choose which. There are many different halls in this instance and as soon as you find yourself in a hall with 2 ppl or more you will not be able to leave until either dead or the only person left there alive. If you are the only person in a hall you will then have a choice of halls to move to from there until you find other players. You will not see anybodies name in the locations and will have no idea who you are attacking, you can attack any player in the instance at any time, except for 10 seconds after they have finished a fight to give players a chance to change belts or regain hp etc.
Now the bit many don't realise:
When fighting there are many factors which detemine the amounts of valour gained. The type of armour you wear, the amount of buffs you use, the amount of buffs an opponent has on and an opponents armour will all effect the valour amounts gained in a fight. But the most important part is the valour caps, yes valour caps in halls. Many players believe that the more dmg they do to a player the more valour they will gain, this is only correct to an extent. For instance you could find yourself in a 1v1 fight you could do 2k dmg to that person or 10k dmg to that person but you would still gain the same amount of valour for both. Why? because you can only gain a max amount of valour per player per fight, as soon as you have done enough dmg on that person in that fight you will no longer gain valour from dmg on that person. So unless you have multiple players to face in a fight it can often be best to just move onto another fight rather than hang around ages being held up gaining nothing extra. This is the real reason it is key to try and gain fast fights in this instance to do well. However, it is possible to do well from longer fights too if you find yourself in a large fight and on the inferior side as you will have many more opponents to gain valour from. In this situation it can help you to gain valour on players ahead of you in the instance or increase a lead you may have.
I cannot help with the exact amounts of dmg needed on players to be at the max valour for each fight, as like i said above it is effected by so many things, but as a guide more buffs may help you win fights faster (only if not all do it otherwise they will take far far logner) but it will heavily reduce the amount of valour gained in fights unless you can get serious dmg.
Additional info:
The instance will last a maximum of 2hrs or 20 fights whichever comes first. If all 20 fights are completed in the time then the top 5 players will recieve additional valour.
1st 2000
2nd 1600
3rd 1200
4th 1000
5th 500
There is also a small xp bonus added to those places too, but i'm not sure on the amounts.
All fights in the instance gain valour unless you are valour capped and all players in a fight that finishes gain valour 100% to the winning side and 80% to the losing side.
It is a temple to worship the god of destruction, Tallaar. Anyone who enters this temple is overcome by rage and loses all control causing them to attack anyone and anything.
After it became evident that Tallaar’s evil will could reach beyond the temple’s walls, a group of valiant Destroyers of Chaos set out to enter the accursed building in order to put obstacles in this terrible threat’s way.
From this day on, only the most courageous warriors dare to cross the temple’s threshold.
How it works:
To be fully successful in this instance is alot more complex than many think. Yes there is always an element of luck involved, but there are things you can do to help you maximise your gain.
The instannce will start when you have 10 warriors of the same lvl queue up, and you will then get a confirm. Atleast 9 of those 10 must confirm otherwise the instance will not begin.
When you enter you will start in a room that cannot be accessed by anyone else, there you will find a shop, a way to remove injuries obtained in the instance and a repair shop. Anytime you die in this instance you will res in this location.
From here you will be able to move to a random hall, at this point you cannot choose which. There are many different halls in this instance and as soon as you find yourself in a hall with 2 ppl or more you will not be able to leave until either dead or the only person left there alive. If you are the only person in a hall you will then have a choice of halls to move to from there until you find other players. You will not see anybodies name in the locations and will have no idea who you are attacking, you can attack any player in the instance at any time, except for 10 seconds after they have finished a fight to give players a chance to change belts or regain hp etc.
Now the bit many don't realise:
When fighting there are many factors which detemine the amounts of valour gained. The type of armour you wear, the amount of buffs you use, the amount of buffs an opponent has on and an opponents armour will all effect the valour amounts gained in a fight. But the most important part is the valour caps, yes valour caps in halls. Many players believe that the more dmg they do to a player the more valour they will gain, this is only correct to an extent. For instance you could find yourself in a 1v1 fight you could do 2k dmg to that person or 10k dmg to that person but you would still gain the same amount of valour for both. Why? because you can only gain a max amount of valour per player per fight, as soon as you have done enough dmg on that person in that fight you will no longer gain valour from dmg on that person. So unless you have multiple players to face in a fight it can often be best to just move onto another fight rather than hang around ages being held up gaining nothing extra. This is the real reason it is key to try and gain fast fights in this instance to do well. However, it is possible to do well from longer fights too if you find yourself in a large fight and on the inferior side as you will have many more opponents to gain valour from. In this situation it can help you to gain valour on players ahead of you in the instance or increase a lead you may have.
I cannot help with the exact amounts of dmg needed on players to be at the max valour for each fight, as like i said above it is effected by so many things, but as a guide more buffs may help you win fights faster (only if not all do it otherwise they will take far far logner) but it will heavily reduce the amount of valour gained in fights unless you can get serious dmg.
Additional info:
The instance will last a maximum of 2hrs or 20 fights whichever comes first. If all 20 fights are completed in the time then the top 5 players will recieve additional valour.
1st 2000
2nd 1600
3rd 1200
4th 1000
5th 500
There is also a small xp bonus added to those places too, but i'm not sure on the amounts.
All fights in the instance gain valour unless you are valour capped and all players in a fight that finishes gain valour 100% to the winning side and 80% to the losing side.
This ancient temple was built by a group of apostates for worshipping the great God of Destruction and Guard of the Universe, Tallaar. Responding to the heretical summons and bursting through from the other world, Tallaar's dark will destroyed the naive cultists and took up permanent residence within the temple's walls. Since then, any warrior crossing the threshold is possessed with a thirst for destruction and goes berserk, losing the ability to differentiate between his own and other species, and capable only of thinking how to spill the blood of others.
According to the game itself, this is the history of tallaars halls
Personally i feel the history of tallaars is more like a modern day Romeo and Juliette.
10 people, going in full of passion, unable to restrain themselves and throw them into the arms of another.
Their passion overtaking them when they see another "stranger" join them, fighting till the end.
Unlike the old lovestory, tallaars does have a happy ending, in the end, there is somebody happy with the result where maybe some others can live with the fact that they are forced to look up to that person.
These people will naturally get a reward, which can be seen below.
(sorry level 16's, you do not count!)
These spots are able to be picked trough several ways, one (sadly fairly common) way is by going heavy buffed and stay within the center locations where most people will wander into, picking up the widespread mass damage, generally bringing them to the top of the table.
Generally the lower buffed people will try staying in the outside locations and have smaller fights where they wont get taken out by a lot of people due to their lack of buffs.
The locations can be found below:

There are some small notes:
-Mounts are not possible to use.
-There is a valorcap per person that you can reach per fight, hence an all out fight doing 10k damage to eachother is equally useful as one where you do 4k damage to eachother (with the only difference being the experience being gained).
-Buffs/injuries are possible to aquire or dispose inside the tallaars halls
-Armour does break and can be repaired in the shop.
-Valorcapped people will always end up occupying the last places.
-The lower the amount of buffs, the lower the armour (red down to green), and the lower the amount of hp (consider giants/armourset) the more valor you get relatively seen.
-After death, you are moved to a location where you can not be attacked, your health will not be refilled automatically.
-If you lose a fight, you still get valor (80% of what you wouldve gotten if you won) but no experience.
-For every kill you get a scalp, 10 energy, warrior vouchers (depending on level) and possibly if you are lucky and you injure the opponent, and have the profession, an executioner levelup.
Of coursethis cuddlefest has an end, like all good things.
The end is reached after 2 hours, or when 20 rumbles have been finished (whichever comes first).
According to the game itself, this is the history of tallaars halls

Personally i feel the history of tallaars is more like a modern day Romeo and Juliette.
10 people, going in full of passion, unable to restrain themselves and throw them into the arms of another.
Their passion overtaking them when they see another "stranger" join them, fighting till the end.
Unlike the old lovestory, tallaars does have a happy ending, in the end, there is somebody happy with the result where maybe some others can live with the fact that they are forced to look up to that person.
These people will naturally get a reward, which can be seen below.

(sorry level 16's, you do not count!)
These spots are able to be picked trough several ways, one (sadly fairly common) way is by going heavy buffed and stay within the center locations where most people will wander into, picking up the widespread mass damage, generally bringing them to the top of the table.
Generally the lower buffed people will try staying in the outside locations and have smaller fights where they wont get taken out by a lot of people due to their lack of buffs.
The locations can be found below:

There are some small notes:
-Mounts are not possible to use.
-There is a valorcap per person that you can reach per fight, hence an all out fight doing 10k damage to eachother is equally useful as one where you do 4k damage to eachother (with the only difference being the experience being gained).
-Buffs/injuries are possible to aquire or dispose inside the tallaars halls
-Armour does break and can be repaired in the shop.
-Valorcapped people will always end up occupying the last places.
-The lower the amount of buffs, the lower the armour (red down to green), and the lower the amount of hp (consider giants/armourset) the more valor you get relatively seen.
-After death, you are moved to a location where you can not be attacked, your health will not be refilled automatically.
-If you lose a fight, you still get valor (80% of what you wouldve gotten if you won) but no experience.
-For every kill you get a scalp, 10 energy, warrior vouchers (depending on level) and possibly if you are lucky and you injure the opponent, and have the profession, an executioner levelup.
Of coursethis cuddlefest has an end, like all good things.
The end is reached after 2 hours, or when 20 rumbles have been finished (whichever comes first).