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Sunday, September 28th 2014, 8:20pm

CT's awesome event,but it can be useless if one or another side sick or scared to que :S

to sum up my previous 2 experiences in CT as lvl 11 ... 20g+ buffs and protections and 2 lost souls at start... what's so great about that?

Dont over exxagerate it, you would spend more on a regular cc where you buy buffs from shop easily 10g+ and maybe end in 1-2k valour.
Hex protection mages you can get cheap scroll klarifa.

Ct win or lose is good rewards.

Dont expect better rewards for your poor preparation, if you have the intention to win, you can win with good preparation within your friend group.

"Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."

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Sunday, September 28th 2014, 8:40pm

as i've pointed above too... very hard to get groups for ct... u will always get leechers and u will always get ppl to overbuff for win... i dont like loosing and to win a ct it costs too much for my wallet so back to my pont above, i'll skip this when it comes, always willing to do any other battlefield
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.


Monday, September 29th 2014, 9:58am

yesterday was in queu all time but nothing start, i ll say again that this event is useless for lvl 11 +, we get many leech and it takes too much time.

So i hope adm will bring back Infernal, but with diffentent laws, why who cant play on week end is impossible make some valor, and on week ends they should usually do tallar event, maybe one time with insiga, one time with invulnerability, one time double valor ecc, i know there are different BF and you would that we do all, but the only thant from lvl 11 likes is tallar so promote it.

And about recular event Double valor in Arena and CC is really nice event and i hope someone will come in queu, but you could do the some for tallar so it s come not only on week end.


Monday, September 29th 2014, 10:01am

Ah and maybe could be nice have Tallar in Iterserver so maybe it could start also without double valor or insigna event, like at moment seems..

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Monday, September 29th 2014, 12:25pm

inter server halls +1

destroy all red armor + 1

what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Monday, September 29th 2014, 1:37pm

tallar event, maybe one time with insiga, one time with invulnerability, one time double valor ecc, i know there are different BF and you would that we do all, but the only thant from lvl 11 likes is tallar so promote it.

+1 for non damage/ insignia event, we had 2/3 talaars running at the same time throughout the event.
Successful event and plenty fun )

"Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."


Friday, October 17th 2014, 3:19pm



Friday, October 17th 2014, 6:03pm

resource fair in the 1st day of it being on ppl making huge amounts of gold - this was changed in less than 12 hours by admin when they hear this.. 4 cave events in row lvl5-6 have enough in q to go cave and nobody will see comfirm - give up :truce:
info: Visit the battlefields to earn valor. Valor is essential for getting access to the best armour!


Saturday, October 18th 2014, 1:24pm

Be thankful you get ppl to queue.

All others get is spending 8-10hrs in queue to see 1 side never go above 10

Something really does need to be done to make valour wanted again.


Saturday, October 18th 2014, 1:50pm


The point is not we have people in queu. the point is that cave tournament queu has been broke for 3-4 events i dont see why admins put the event back without fixing it it does not make any sense. whats the ppoint having over 30 people in q on each side if the tournament never starts


Saturday, October 18th 2014, 2:09pm


The point is not we have people in queu. the point is that cave tournament queu has been broke for 3-4 events i dont see why admins put the event back without fixing it it does not make any sense. whats the ppoint having over 30 people in q on each side if the tournament never starts

How can you be sure it is broken?

works fine for all other lvl ranges and i fail to see how it would break for just 1 lvl range, surely would be all or none.

So you get 30 ppl in queue, so the number needed is 25 nothing else. If all in queue are in groups and its not possible to make 25 on BOTH sides and thats 25 exactly, then is will not start. So you could have 80 ppl on 1 side but if they all in groups of 4 for instance then there is no way to get 25.


Saturday, October 18th 2014, 2:28pm

its been 3-4 events no ct started its broken forsure.. and every other event it started normally i dont think for 4 events straight groups arent equal and all that other nonsense


Saturday, October 18th 2014, 2:34pm

there are 1 trillion of battlfields that stay empty all the time... and we blame admins for it..
what you people excpet come lososeg and ask you to join his group for ct?


Saturday, October 18th 2014, 2:39pm

What we expect is the simple things to work and in this case we just want our q to be fixed in order for us to have some fun in ct aswell? lets say for example q for chaos does not work are you trying to tell me you wont ask admins to fix it? or just wait for lososerg to say "Come join my group for chaos lets kill egdnu"


Saturday, October 18th 2014, 2:42pm

sounds to me like the very next whining about the battlefield issue.. if you want to fight something or somebody there's always somebody or something to fight..

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Sunday, October 19th 2014, 4:28am

If there were that many people in CT queue did any of you at all think "Hmmm..theres a lot of us, maybe we should get in CC queue instead because its better than nothing" ?
I'm not crazy, I swear!:ogo:


Monday, October 20th 2014, 10:38am

i hope create all battlefield version 2.0 and resolve all problem on the valour definitively!!!!

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Monday, October 20th 2014, 10:50am

i hope create all battlefield version 2.0 and resolve all problem on the valour definitively!!!!

please no...then why do we need valor?

red armor remove :woody:

work for your best armor

2.0 should be only there for entertainment and lots of fun, with valor of course, but shouldn't be the only way to do battlefields, then we will be back in the same hole that we are now...

waiting 8 hours on sunday for first CT to begin, was a joke
what is the definition of insanity? :glance: