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Friday, December 19th 2014, 12:36am

Mila, the pet women in kingala, has a new quest, but i can't click it to progress


Friday, December 19th 2014, 1:13am

I had two Elixir of Invincibility red (lasts 1 day) and one Elixir of Invincibility blue (lasts 2 hours) frozen in my repository: now disappeared; is it possible recuperate the items, please?
I had a Blue Lolly lasting two hours: now lasts one hour only...why? What happened?
...and I an not see my estate.
:truce: :truce:

Thanks :)
For elixirs I solved :jump:
Obsidian batterfly find
A last song
In deep blue forest


Friday, December 19th 2014, 1:38am

I cant in any fight - connectionto server interrupted


Friday, December 19th 2014, 2:30am

- always pb with tchat, need close client to sometimes recover the tchat.

- for picking ressource, always pb, need refresh 3-4 time to start collecting and that on each plant.
That work only if we have not to clic somewhere else before clic on plant.

- for equip slot always same pb .... need refresh or close client to see belt equiped, or item deleted ....

- font size 1 is a bit to small to read xp and % xp idem for valor, need a magnifying glass

- a lot of recuring quest disapear from list


Friday, December 19th 2014, 4:14am

Before update i have item,i forgot the name which will restore my energy fully. I used it after update but my energy did not increase, plz fix.


Friday, December 19th 2014, 5:04am

Bronze chest problem

I had a partially built lv 2 estate with some blue frozen biglotron parts in it and now I have lv 3 estate with nothing in it.

Also I put up an exchange for 10 chests, payed money for 10 chest and when exchange was delivered i got only 1.
I got the same problem with the chest, I put a request of buying 10 chest.. people sold me just 6. I cancelled and i recieve only one. And i lost the money for the other 5.


Friday, December 19th 2014, 5:48am

wher is my ring from estate i dont see him


Friday, December 19th 2014, 5:53am

items in repository lost life time

the items in my repository were removed and put in state bank, and they lost life time. will this be corrected and life time given back please?


Friday, December 19th 2014, 5:56am

Your reward for entering "Legend: Legacy of the Dragons": 10 .
You don't get the reward !!!


Friday, December 19th 2014, 5:57am

includes chaos ring and premimuim invincibility elixir.


Friday, December 19th 2014, 6:12am

Gift of Heaven game in city square. When you open that window, there is a description at the end of which is a link "More".
It leads to the wrong page.


Friday, December 19th 2014, 6:13am

I bought a great elixir of strengthened gift for 2 links, but it vanished after 1 use when it is supposed to be 2 uses.

I only got an hour of purple rage instead of 2 and lost out on EE and cash ( as gargs dodge loads more without it), yes i could have only done 1 hr when i saw it had gone, but then i would have wasted half of the ginger mead buff i had used.


Friday, December 19th 2014, 6:19am

Can't Pick any resource and Chat window problem

I can't pick any resource from hunt screen, when i click to pick the plant it just stuck there and no bar of progress is appearing. However when i click hunt screen and immediately pick plant as hunt screen appears then it works and after picking that plant, the same problem occurs.

How can i fix my chat window in one screen? now i am navigating chat window from left to right to see online players and chat. is there any way i can see all in one window without moving chat bar ???


Friday, December 19th 2014, 7:09am

My rainbow only lasted 1 hour instead of the usual 2 hours. Warlord's Blessing also lasted only 1 hour instead of 2 hours??? How come?


Friday, December 19th 2014, 7:57am

RE: Game Update Bug Report Thread

I disappeared 420 pet feed .That had saved him back?


Friday, December 19th 2014, 8:00am

Scrols of brutal executioner magic dissapeared

I had scrolls of brutal executioner magic in my armour.
In bracers
and chainmail :

50 each one. without using. Now it writes that only 1 use left. :wall: I bought 1 more few minutes ago
( )
and put it in my Bow.. And same thing.. now it says that 1 use left on it
( It info bag or true?

it happened only wit those scrolls that were new and not used. I had same in my battle axe, but used it before and it says that 23 left. like before :

Please fix it.. can live without my dear scrolls)))) And thanks for updates. Its great) :xmasparty:

Posts: 1,512

Location: South Africa

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Friday, December 19th 2014, 8:04am

My rainbow only lasted 1 hour instead of the usual 2 hours. Warlord's Blessing also lasted only 1 hour instead of 2 hours??? How come?

OMG please go read update noted before posting in bug forum...really now
what is the definition of insanity? :glance:

Posts: 1,512

Location: South Africa

Occupation: IT

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Friday, December 19th 2014, 8:07am

08:05 Вы не прошли испытания мастерства. Как результат, ваши шансы успешного сбора ресурсов на некоторое время понижены. Получено: Fatigue 1 pcs.

please next time explain a bit better what i need to when i clicked ready i got a debuff of 30 bad
what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Friday, December 19th 2014, 8:18am

no buildings in my estate...only land :(


Friday, December 19th 2014, 8:26am

loss of items after the update

With the latest update I lost everything in my repository. Thank you to make me. :wall: