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08:46 Chat unavailable. Click here to refresh page!
and than
08:56 Connection with chat server not established yet.
I have tried, google chrome, mozilla firefox and game client. No results.
no private message, no main chat, no trade chat, no alliance chat, no clan chat in this computer. It doesn't work in my computer. But at another computer, and another modem, it works. I cleared cache but still same.
only by mail. it is borring for me.
and than
08:56 Connection with chat server not established yet.
I have tried, google chrome, mozilla firefox and game client. No results.
no private message, no main chat, no trade chat, no alliance chat, no clan chat in this computer. It doesn't work in my computer. But at another computer, and another modem, it works. I cleared cache but still same.
only by mail. it is borring for me.
got everyone else's problems. plus this fight only mag power got loot.…=1&server_id=10
Hitman Z
I had amulet in repository and now I cannot take it back. Cell in estate is showing empty however if Im checking all bank slots from bank I can see amulet in there. Can you return amulet please.
As been mentioned earlier.. start removing your items from your Estate safe and then what you had in your repository will soon show up there.. say you have 3 slot in estate safe and 3 repository slot.. the 3 from repository is "hidding" after your normal estate items.. if that make sense for you ?
*** You have been sold Closed Precious Trunk, 10 pcs., on the exchange.***
3x times got 1 pcs of Precious Trunk not 10 pcs than loses 27 pcs
*** You have been sold Metal Casket, 10 pcs., on the exchange.***
4x times got 1 pcs of Metal Casket not 10 pcs than loses 36 pcs
*** You have cancelled a request for the item Metal Casket, 10 pcs, on the exchange. ***
Got 1 pcs when cancel 2 from 10 request. Loses 1 pcs of Metal Casket.
Total losing 27 pcs Trunk + 37 Metal Casket.
Please restore it for me. Thanks.
ps if needed I have screenshots from post
After today changing loses additional to previus 3pcs Closed Precious Trunk + 1pcs Metal Casket
This items was in open messages on the post. Now only possible buton "Delite" and nothing inside
Total need to restore 30 pcs Closed Precious Trunk + 38pcs Metal Casket
I still hope on your help!
by checking safe deposite box, it shows I have Idalle 6 pcs, but its not really there.…ct_id=246367738
Fix this thingy pls.…ct_id=246367738
Fix this thingy pls.
Item from auction exchange disappeared!
It is the 3rd time i lost item from auction exchange.
Subject:Exchange: request partially paid forFrom
ystem message*** You have been sold Bronze Chest, 3 pcs. (of 5 requested) on the exchange. Your change has been returned.***
3 pcs of 5 requested,but only 1 in it!!!!where is the other 2 chests,it is 3rd time,i cant bear !how long will you fix this bug?pls check,thank you very very very very much!
Subject:Exchange: request partially paid forFrom
3 pcs of 5 requested,but only 1 in it!!!!where is the other 2 chests,it is 3rd time,i cant bear !how long will you fix this bug?pls check,thank you very very very very much!