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Hey, It's been a long time and i was thinking of coming back to this game. However i was wondering if game has changed since 2 years ago? Is it still dead, do you still have to beg people to que for instances? Is the even more unplayable for f2p users? Have any of the bots been banned yet? Be honest and share your thoughts with me.
There have been 2 Updates They mearged servers a lot has changed in 2 years...
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all..
A lot better things have been added to the game and the game is more fun then ever.
The Early Bird, Takes The Worm.
alot more swag has been added
since the merger change there has been more battlefields and just the same amount of lag and now troubles leaving your fights but not sure if its the same for premium players as they ge better things here so if your coming back welcome back and have fun