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Wednesday, March 4th 2015, 1:27pm

Hello all

Hello all newbies, how are you all. I am Adam
Walkner. Nice to meet all of you. I am am Artist. I like to meet new
people as well as making new friends. I love to watch new Hollywood
Movies as well as Bollywood Movies and want to know about them as more
as possible.

Posts: 370

Location: Spain - Valencia

Occupation: Doctor

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Thursday, March 5th 2015, 8:57pm

Hi ^^

welcome to the jungle xD

I hope you have fun here and make new friends that likes also your types of films :rose:

Magmar Consecrator

:love1: Italian :love: Spanish :love: English :love1:

Posts: 35

Location: West Coast USA

Occupation: School - Mechanical Engineering

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Friday, March 6th 2015, 1:45am

Howdy! It's great to see new names and faces. Welcome!

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