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Saturday, April 11th 2015, 12:25pm

question about super-prize mounts.

Can i get them on every level? or i have to be level 5 to get them?

I mean, if now i am level 3, is there a chance to get a cerrador, and ill just have to wait to level 5 to use it?
or there is no chance ill get it in the first place?


Saturday, April 11th 2015, 3:18pm

Yes you could win a cerrador at level 3. But to use it you would have to reach level 5.

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Saturday, April 11th 2015, 3:21pm

I knew a level 2 who got Scorpion Sword or Dagger, and he got it out without any copper/silver/golden horshoes.
It depends on luck, you don't really need a level to get a super prize, but as Dullahan has said, you can get it at L3 but you need to wait until L5 to use it.
Visionary. Savior. Madman. It doesn't matter. I am SINISTER.