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Which trades are not allowed in game?
Weekly knowledge test: 08/05- 14/05/2015

Which trades are not allowed in game? What are forbidden trades via third party? Explain the threshold between two player.
Post your answers here.
For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
Good game and good luck for all!

Which trades are not allowed in game? What are forbidden trades via third party? Explain the threshold between two player.
Post your answers here.
For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
- Every week (Friday morning) we publish one question to our game:
Legend. Legacy of the Dragons. - From all correct answers up to 10 participants will win one promotional game code each.
- The most detailed or unique answers have the biggest chance to win.
- Copy and paste-answers will NOT be considered. Same goes for trolling or spamming or inadequate language.
- Personal attacks on other players in your answers/posts as well will NOT be accepted.
- Answer must be in English. You can answer in your mothertongue only if you post understandable translation in English in same post as your answer.
- The winners will be chosen by a mixed team of magmars and humans. The decision will be final.
- The winners will be displayed after the draw in the same poste.
- Codes will be sent via private messages in the forum or per post ingame.
Good game and good luck for all!

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (May 21st 2015, 4:11pm)
Which trades are not allowed in game?
- Trading between two accounts that are connected from the same pc
Example: If for some reason I lend my PC to connect to another player, later we could not have trade
What are forbidden trades via third party?
- No
Example: I can't ask a character C to give me things to a character B, that I gave hgim with my character A
Trades that are not allowed:
1_Trades with characters with same IP
2_ Give money to other people (must payback in 10 days):
3_ Give items for free to other accounts.
4_Buy or sell items very cheap, or very expensive than the normal price.
What are forbidden trades via third party?
When you use a third person to give to you (character A) the items from the character B
1_Trades with characters with same IP
2_ Give money to other people (must payback in 10 days):
3_ Give items for free to other accounts.
4_Buy or sell items very cheap, or very expensive than the normal price.
What are forbidden trades via third party?
When you use a third person to give to you (character A) the items from the character B
I'm cute

Trades not allowed:
-Between multies - multies are accounts that connects to game via the same IP - (no difference if balanced or unbalanced)
-Players quiting the game can't to give their items/money to other characters
-Power leveling trades - transfer of items/money that exceeds recipient’s level limit (the only exception is when one of the participants pays back in 10 days)
Third party transaction:
Normal trades are those between two characters, usually buyer and seller (person A and B). Third party means that there is also a character C, who makes a role of broker, who doesn't benefit from the trade but is used as a factor to abuse rules of multies.
Let's say you own character A and B, and you want to power-level character B: (+ Character C, who is not your multi)
1. Character A trades with character C.
2. Character C trades with character B.
-Between multies - multies are accounts that connects to game via the same IP - (no difference if balanced or unbalanced)
-Players quiting the game can't to give their items/money to other characters
-Power leveling trades - transfer of items/money that exceeds recipient’s level limit (the only exception is when one of the participants pays back in 10 days)
Third party transaction:
Normal trades are those between two characters, usually buyer and seller (person A and B). Third party means that there is also a character C, who makes a role of broker, who doesn't benefit from the trade but is used as a factor to abuse rules of multies.
Let's say you own character A and B, and you want to power-level character B: (+ Character C, who is not your multi)
1. Character A trades with character C.
2. Character C trades with character B.
Trades not allowed:
Between two players that are own by one person (multies) or accounts that are connects to game with
same ip or pc.
Giving players free items or money which are higher than player lvl treshold (powerleveling)
Also if player quiting the game cant trade his armor/items or money to another player.
Third party trade is not allowed and it is When u have 2 multies player A and Player B.
than player(A) give items or money to player (C) and than player(C) trade those items or money
to player(B)
Between two players that are own by one person (multies) or accounts that are connects to game with
same ip or pc.
Giving players free items or money which are higher than player lvl treshold (powerleveling)
Also if player quiting the game cant trade his armor/items or money to another player.
Third party trade is not allowed and it is When u have 2 multies player A and Player B.
than player(A) give items or money to player (C) and than player(C) trade those items or money
to player(B)
U mojim venama je tribina, u meni buldog rezi otkida!
Rukama stežem plavi dux i šal stani kraj mene brate zapjevaj!
OoooOOooo BHF
Rukama stežem plavi dux i šal stani kraj mene brate zapjevaj!
OoooOOooo BHF
Which trades are not allowed in game? What are forbidden trades via third party? Explain the threshold between two player.
When 2 players share ip and computer, there is not allowed any trade between them, no matter if is balanced or not. When 2 players share ip but not pc, there is allowed balanced trades, trades done with an average market price. When 2 players don't share ip or pc, any trade is allowed but with limits of "free" items or money that one can give to another, the limits always is according to the lvl of the one that receive, and they are between 2 players, let's say, you can give for free up to 100g to one player with limit is 100g, but then if you want to give to another different other 100g, is allowed, cause trades are separately.
When 2 players are married, it is allowed free trade always that they don't share ip or pc like we explained before, that rules go first in that cases.
Via 3rd party. Is forbidden to use another character to overcome not allowed trades. Example when you share ip and pc, you create a multi account just to give things to your main char, but as is not allowed in trade rules, you ask a friend to make trade with you, you give him things from your second char, and he gives back to your first char. In that case is forbidden and can be jailed the 3 characters, also the 3rd party.
Another case, when you want to re-roll. You can't give all your things to one person, re-roll, and then ask him to give you back to your new character. There is a premium service to do this specifically according to rules.
When 2 players share ip and computer, there is not allowed any trade between them, no matter if is balanced or not. When 2 players share ip but not pc, there is allowed balanced trades, trades done with an average market price. When 2 players don't share ip or pc, any trade is allowed but with limits of "free" items or money that one can give to another, the limits always is according to the lvl of the one that receive, and they are between 2 players, let's say, you can give for free up to 100g to one player with limit is 100g, but then if you want to give to another different other 100g, is allowed, cause trades are separately.
When 2 players are married, it is allowed free trade always that they don't share ip or pc like we explained before, that rules go first in that cases.
Via 3rd party. Is forbidden to use another character to overcome not allowed trades. Example when you share ip and pc, you create a multi account just to give things to your main char, but as is not allowed in trade rules, you ask a friend to make trade with you, you give him things from your second char, and he gives back to your first char. In that case is forbidden and can be jailed the 3 characters, also the 3rd party.
Another case, when you want to re-roll. You can't give all your things to one person, re-roll, and then ask him to give you back to your new character. There is a premium service to do this specifically according to rules.
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