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help quests Wilful Spirit Tasks
Excellent, simply excellent! Well then, here are the conditions of the task: You have two vessels, each of which will fit a different amount of water. The first will fit 9, the second - 4 . You need to measure out exactly 3. To start with both vessels are empty. You do not have a third vessel at your disposal. The water source is unlimited Remember: you have to complete the task in no more than 12 goes. In one go you can: - fill one vessel (it will become full); - pour water out of one vessel (it will become empty); - pour all the water from one vessel into the other (the first vessel will become empty); - pour enough water from one vessel to top up the other (the second vessel becomes full). What are you going to do?
First Move: Fill the small vessel
Second Move: Pour from small vessel to big vessel
Third Move: Fill the small vessel
Fourth Move: Pour from small vessel to big vessel
Fifth Move: Fill the small Vessel
Sixth Move: Pout from the small vessel to big vessel
This leaves the big vessel with 9 and the small vessel with 3
Second Move: Pour from small vessel to big vessel
Third Move: Fill the small vessel
Fourth Move: Pour from small vessel to big vessel
Fifth Move: Fill the small Vessel
Sixth Move: Pout from the small vessel to big vessel
This leaves the big vessel with 9 and the small vessel with 3
**FIRST vessel 7
**Second vessel 5
1.- Pour water in the first vessel (First 7 / second 0)
2.- Pour water from the first vessel to top up the second (First 2 / second 5)
3.- Pour water out of second vessel (First 2 / second 0)
4.- Pour water from the first vessel into the second (First 0 / second 2)
5.- Pour water in the first vessel (First 7 / second 2)
6.- Pour water from the first vessel to top up the second (First 4 / second 5)
3.- Pour water out of second vessel (First 4 / second 0)
**Second vessel 5
1.- Pour water in the first vessel (First 7 / second 0)
2.- Pour water from the first vessel to top up the second (First 2 / second 5)
3.- Pour water out of second vessel (First 2 / second 0)
4.- Pour water from the first vessel into the second (First 0 / second 2)
5.- Pour water in the first vessel (First 7 / second 2)
6.- Pour water from the first vessel to top up the second (First 4 / second 5)
3.- Pour water out of second vessel (First 4 / second 0)
and wheres the door for…ct_id=305531026, al this russian crap is pissing me off
*You poured water out of the selected vessel.* Now the vessels have the following measures of water: the first has - 0 and the second has - 2. The first fits 9, the second - 5 . You need to measure out exactly 3. What do you want to do now?
Then pouring from second 2l to first which is empty and I get this:
*You poured water from one vessel into the other.* Now the vessels have the following measures of water: the first has - 0 and the second has - 0. The first fits 9, the second - 5 . You need to measure out exactly 3. What do you want to do now?
REALLY admins ???
Then pouring from second 2l to first which is empty and I get this:
*You poured water from one vessel into the other.* Now the vessels have the following measures of water: the first has - 0 and the second has - 0. The first fits 9, the second - 5 . You need to measure out exactly 3. What do you want to do now?
REALLY admins ???
You have two vessels that fit different amounts of water. The first fits 9, the second - 7 . You need to measure out exactly 6. Remember: you have to complete the task in no more than 12 goes. In one go you can: - fill one vessel (it will become full); - pour water out of one vessel (it will become empty); - pour all the water from one vessel into the other (the first vessel will become empty); - pour enough water from one vessel to top up the other (the second vessel becomes full). What are you going to do?
am I missing something? every way i can see to solve this puzzle is over 12 actions
can anyone hep me find a shorter solution? or is this quest now impossible for me?
am I missing something? every way i can see to solve this puzzle is over 12 actions
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