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Monday, September 14th 2015, 12:20pm

Aviable RR per lvl

Hi, so if i have the maximum medal aviable for my level in a rep, and i continue to get more, what happens, for example, if i have green Relic seekers in lvl 3, and get 2000 rep, will it cap before that, or can i continue getting rep and i'll recieve the medal when i get the necesary level?


Monday, September 14th 2015, 1:46pm

you cant gain rep after cap

Posts: 581

Location: Aspen, CO

Occupation: Nooby's tractor

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Tuesday, September 15th 2015, 12:48am

you cant.

Check your available RR by clicking on your experience tab.


Tuesday, September 15th 2015, 12:08pm

is this something from recent updates (last 6 months)? because I have some juggernauts rep even tho the medal isn't aviable for my lvl, or do the cap does not apply for those reps you have no medal?

Posts: 581

Location: Aspen, CO

Occupation: Nooby's tractor

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Wednesday, September 16th 2015, 12:35am

yes thats true. i've received jugger rep when i was lvl 3, idk how even if the medal isnt available at my lvl