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no, we have them ever since the game started but my point was that after each update, in a reasonable amount of time, bugs should be detected and resolved and we're way over due in time since last update
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.
no, we have them ever since the game started but my point was that after each update, in a reasonable amount of time, bugs should be detected and resolved and we're way over due in time since last update
This is what was meaning they ask players to report Bugs then they Ignore the reports...
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all..

Dragon asked to kill 5 monsters on level 1 below mine. I started to kill the Liches lvl 5, and they are not going to set off a series of murders.
liche's totaly different monsters doesnt count anywhere and any other event etc. things. kill another 5 lwl.
i dont know they different but not counts any quest etc (only if quest says kill xx liche)
November event Issue
Due to admins inadverntantly opening the mags event quests a day early and therfore turnning it off a day early. we no longer can complete the gnomes Broken Greenhouse quest. due to the fact that the zombies that dropped the ptomine and zombie skull are no longer there. it may not be important at this stage, but it has taken away another 5 mith palms mags could have obtain. thank you anyways admins.
fix the link in description so we know what is it for
fix the link in description so we know what is it for
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.
During UW in UW suite:
02:37 Beware of the enemy and start your fight against the creatures of the Chaos. warrior!
02:37 You have attacked Gladiator KOSTA_RICO [9] .
02:37 The battle « Attack on KOSTA_RICO» has begun.
02:40 You have summoned your steed to help! It will fight fearlessly for you!
02:43 Some of your items have been damaged: Reinforced Warlord's Belt (-1), Traveller's Rucksack (-1), Ezav Gnome Amulet (-1).
02:43 The battle « Attack on KOSTA_RICO» is over.
02:43 You have received 10 energy.
I think I should not be able to fight with that EQUIP (UW) out of UW.
^_^ In case is not a bug, tell me, I'll enjoy to do it
02:37 Beware of the enemy and start your fight against the creatures of the Chaos. warrior!
02:37 You have attacked Gladiator KOSTA_RICO [9] .
02:37 The battle « Attack on KOSTA_RICO» has begun.
02:40 You have summoned your steed to help! It will fight fearlessly for you!
02:43 Some of your items have been damaged: Reinforced Warlord's Belt (-1), Traveller's Rucksack (-1), Ezav Gnome Amulet (-1).
02:43 The battle « Attack on KOSTA_RICO» is over.
02:43 You have received 10 energy.
I think I should not be able to fight with that EQUIP (UW) out of UW.
^_^ In case is not a bug, tell me, I'll enjoy to do it

404 not found
Passed: You have completed Shadow's task. Tell it about your success. Current goal: With help from your own shadow, gain victory over any superbeing. Other players should not help you.…t=1&server_id=0
quest not completed.
17:06 You have attacked Polar Yeti [8] .
17:06 The battle « Attack on Polar Yeti» has begun.
17:07 Received: Quicksilver 31 pcs.
17:07 Received: Small Yeti Medallion Fragment 1 pcs.
17:07 Victory over a Superbeing activity completed! Go to the Activity section and get a well-earned reward!
17:07 The battle « Attack on Polar Yeti» is over.
17:07 The magic of the Statue of Experience has reduced the experience received in combat by 2!
want my 5 crystals ty…t=1&server_id=0
quest not completed.
17:06 You have attacked Polar Yeti [8] .
17:06 The battle « Attack on Polar Yeti» has begun.
17:07 Received: Quicksilver 31 pcs.
17:07 Received: Small Yeti Medallion Fragment 1 pcs.
17:07 Victory over a Superbeing activity completed! Go to the Activity section and get a well-earned reward!
17:07 The battle « Attack on Polar Yeti» is over.
17:07 The magic of the Statue of Experience has reduced the experience received in combat by 2!
want my 5 crystals ty
info: Visit the battlefields to earn valor. Valor is essential for getting access to the best armour!
says clearly in RED LETTERS 'Superbeing.'
why when i have shadow quest or activity quest against it it does not give me reward of killing superbeing?
23:44 You have attacked Berling [7] .
23:44 The battle « Attack on Berling» has begun.
23:45 Please follow the Chat Rules. Main and trade channel in chat are ENGLISH ONLY. You can speak your own language freely in clan chat or in private. Thank you!
23:45 Received: Quicksilver 12 pcs.
23:45 The battle « Attack on Berling» is over.
23:45 The magic of the Statue of Experience has reduced the experience received in combat by 1!
says clearly in RED LETTERS 'Superbeing.'
why when i have shadow quest or activity quest against it it does not give me reward of killing superbeing?
23:44 You have attacked Berling [7] .
23:44 The battle « Attack on Berling» has begun.
23:45 Please follow the Chat Rules. Main and trade channel in chat are ENGLISH ONLY. You can speak your own language freely in clan chat or in private. Thank you!
23:45 Received: Quicksilver 12 pcs.
23:45 The battle « Attack on Berling» is over.
23:45 The magic of the Statue of Experience has reduced the experience received in combat by 1!
info: Visit the battlefields to earn valor. Valor is essential for getting access to the best armour!
Hello I wish you can help me please, I can´t see the Christmas tree in my land i play from web not using client program. thanks and greetings .
Clear your Browsers temp files and it will show up... This is Not a Bug
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all..

tallar message: "[align=-webkit-center]Access to halls is open at Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10 to 11, from 12 to 13, from 14 to 15, from 16 to 17, from 18 to 19, from 20 to 21 and from 22 to 01"[/align]
[align=-webkit-center]Now is [/align][align=-webkit-center]Tuesdays [/align][align=-webkit-center]from 18 to 19, but can go in queue.[/align]
[align=-webkit-center]Now is [/align][align=-webkit-center]Tuesdays [/align][align=-webkit-center]from 18 to 19, but can go in queue.[/align]