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Tuesday, November 16th 2010, 8:57pm

Enough is enough

Yet again the servers crash and I have a forearm injury from the battle I was winning. Please heal me or I'm taking legal action against you. Don't quote T and Cs to me, I'm a lawyer and can have you over a barrel.

Your service is a disgrace.


Wednesday, November 17th 2010, 10:37am

I am sorry you feel this way. As our servers did not record such an incident - a server crash - I can only referr you to your own ISP and his service department. (In a case like yours you can determine the source of the problem rather swiftly: Ask around in the community. If everyone lost connection to the game it's a server crash. Everything else is usually a problem of the internet connection on the user's side or the route set up by the ISP.)