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Order of the Triads - Reputation Guide
General Info about the Reputation can be found HERE
Short guide - How to?
Rising of the Skill:

Quest: Triad Procurement SKill
Reward: Increase the procurement of Triads to the same amount the character has for Incarnums/Centridos
Quest: Secrets of the Midday lands
Reward: Triad Procurement skill +5

Quest: Family Relic (or Heirloom, not sure about the exact translation)
Reward: Triad Procurement skill +1

Quest: Risky Raid in the Forbidden City
Reward: Triad Procurement skill +1

Quest: Contra Attack
Reward: Triad Procurement skill +1

Quest: Stolen Hammer
Reward: Triad Procurement skill +1

Quest: A mysterious sickness
Reward: Triad Procurement skill +1
Receive Triad - Part I
Required: 500 reputation Order of the Triads
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +1
Receive Triad - Part II
Required: 1000 reputation Order of the Triads
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +1
Receive Triad - Part III
Required: 2000 reputation Order of the Triads
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +2
Receive Triad - Part IV
Required: 3000 reputation Order of the Triads
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +2
Receive Triad - Part V
Required: Worship in the Order of the Triads
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +3
Green Triad Procurement Scroll
Required: 4500 Reputation of City level 16, can be bought from Shop
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +1
Yellow Triad Procurement Scroll
Required: 9000 Reputation of City level 16, can be bought from Shop
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +1
Black Triad Procurement Scroll
Required: Defeating a Superbeing at Siass Instance, low probability of receiving it.
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +1
Purple Triad Procurement Scroll
Required: Defeat of a monster in lands level 16+, low probability of receiving it.
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +1
Blue Triad Procurement Scroll
Required: Clan Citadel Magic Pot Level 5
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +1
White Triad Procurement Scroll
Required: 7000 Reputation Raiting, can be bought from Sheara's Shop
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +1
Amulet of Shaissar Feathers
Required: Gather Collection Amulet of Shaissar Feathers (Backpack>Collections>Rare), items for this collection are being received as random by killing Shaissar [20]
Characteristics: First use increase forever Triad Procurement skill +2. Every use increase forever Triad Procurement skill +15 for the duration of 1 hour.
Note: The Permanent increasement +2 does not work if you do not have any Triad Procurement skills.
Opal Amulet
Required: 10 pcs. Meridian Chronicles Page in order to be purchased from level 16+ shop
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +5 for the duration of 1 hour
Hunting Amulet
Required: 2g 50s, can be bought from level 16+ shop
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +10 for the duration of 1 hour
Amulet of Shaissar Feathers
Required: Gather Collection Amulet of Shaissar Feathers
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +15 for the duration of 1 hour
Note: You can not combine them at the same time.
Attention: Triad drop is different than other drops. There it doesn't depend on your bless only but the amount of monsters killed. The factor is the number of killed monsters (the ones that drop Triads) multiplies with the chance to obtain Triads to triple procurement, therefore you gain more "skill" most effectively the "first hour" while hunting monsters. Any future one will increase more the chance of drop.
Pallid Pearls - Complete guide.
Short guide - How to?
Rising of the Skill:

Quest: Triad Procurement SKill
Reward: Increase the procurement of Triads to the same amount the character has for Incarnums/Centridos
Quest: Secrets of the Midday lands
Reward: Triad Procurement skill +5

Quest: Family Relic (or Heirloom, not sure about the exact translation)
Reward: Triad Procurement skill +1

Quest: Risky Raid in the Forbidden City
Reward: Triad Procurement skill +1

Quest: Contra Attack
Reward: Triad Procurement skill +1

Quest: Stolen Hammer
Reward: Triad Procurement skill +1

Quest: A mysterious sickness
Reward: Triad Procurement skill +1
Receive Triad - Part I
Required: 500 reputation Order of the Triads
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +1
Receive Triad - Part II
Required: 1000 reputation Order of the Triads
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +1
Receive Triad - Part III
Required: 2000 reputation Order of the Triads
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +2
Receive Triad - Part IV
Required: 3000 reputation Order of the Triads
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +2
Receive Triad - Part V
Required: Worship in the Order of the Triads
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +3
Green Triad Procurement Scroll
Required: 4500 Reputation of City level 16, can be bought from Shop
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +1
Yellow Triad Procurement Scroll
Required: 9000 Reputation of City level 16, can be bought from Shop
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +1
Black Triad Procurement Scroll
Required: Defeating a Superbeing at Siass Instance, low probability of receiving it.
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +1
Purple Triad Procurement Scroll
Required: Defeat of a monster in lands level 16+, low probability of receiving it.
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +1
Blue Triad Procurement Scroll
Required: Clan Citadel Magic Pot Level 5
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +1
White Triad Procurement Scroll
Required: 7000 Reputation Raiting, can be bought from Sheara's Shop
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +1
Amulet of Shaissar Feathers
Required: Gather Collection Amulet of Shaissar Feathers (Backpack>Collections>Rare), items for this collection are being received as random by killing Shaissar [20]
Characteristics: First use increase forever Triad Procurement skill +2. Every use increase forever Triad Procurement skill +15 for the duration of 1 hour.
Note: The Permanent increasement +2 does not work if you do not have any Triad Procurement skills.
Opal Amulet
Required: 10 pcs. Meridian Chronicles Page in order to be purchased from level 16+ shop
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +5 for the duration of 1 hour
Hunting Amulet
Required: 2g 50s, can be bought from level 16+ shop
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +10 for the duration of 1 hour
Amulet of Shaissar Feathers
Required: Gather Collection Amulet of Shaissar Feathers
Characteristics: Triad Procurement skill +15 for the duration of 1 hour
Note: You can not combine them at the same time.
Attention: Triad drop is different than other drops. There it doesn't depend on your bless only but the amount of monsters killed. The factor is the number of killed monsters (the ones that drop Triads) multiplies with the chance to obtain Triads to triple procurement, therefore you gain more "skill" most effectively the "first hour" while hunting monsters. Any future one will increase more the chance of drop.
Pallid Pearls - Complete guide.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "muffin" (May 21st 2017, 9:43am)
Rising the Reputation
The use of each tablet will increase your reputation by +10 points.
Tablets and blesses for them can be found in the Library. Purchase of tablets is done on level 16 shop for specific amount of resources as stated there.
Producement of required resources:
Also found int he Library.
For any typo mistakes I am deeply sorry.
Translated form russian mentor site.
Will be updated whenever update appear....
The use of each tablet will increase your reputation by +10 points.
Tablets and blesses for them can be found in the Library. Purchase of tablets is done on level 16 shop for specific amount of resources as stated there.
Producement of required resources:
Also found int he Library.
For any typo mistakes I am deeply sorry.

Translated form russian mentor site.
Will be updated whenever update appear....
Required Resources for the Tablets
Will Tablets:
Bless, use on self.

Weak Temper Tablets: (Anger)
Curse, use on others.

Secrecy Tablets:
Can bring or Weak Temper, or Will.

Rising of the reputation:
Option 1: Secrecy - Use the tablets anger / will, according to the current level of reputation. This version eventually get several times more expensive. Since the Secrecy tablet higher level may Cast the effects of anger / will for a lower level, it makes no sense to spend money on pumping reputation tablets that require more resources.
Option 2: Will - Use on yourself Will of the chosen lower the current level of Secrecy Tablets reputation. Will tablets has no timer. You can buy as many as you want and use freely. You need to use 300 tablets untill reaching 3000 reputation (50 gray, 50 green, 100 blue, 100 purple; Using lowe level tabled than the reputation you have achieved will not rise it)
Option 3: Weak temper (Anger): Use on another players and lower the current level of Secrecy Tablets reputation. In general you can ask a friends that did are willing to take the curses for you or just cast on opposite race, or enemies. You need to use 300 tablets untill reaching 3000 reputation (50 gray, 50 green, 100 blue, 100 purple; Using lowe level tabled than the reputation you have achieved will not rise it)
Option 4: Mix and match Will and Anger tablets according to your desire or situation.
Please Read this reply with correct information!
Efril Exchange Sphere:
Efril Exchange Sphere - you can use to exchane faulty efril parts with another players (work on the same way as Chess in Aquadomes).

Approximate amount of Triads needed is 3000pcs., Faulty Efrils is 3800pcs., 425 gold (for will and anger tablets)
Bless, use on self.

Weak Temper Tablets: (Anger)
Curse, use on others.

Secrecy Tablets:
Can bring or Weak Temper, or Will.

Rising of the reputation:
Option 1: Secrecy - Use the tablets anger / will, according to the current level of reputation. This version eventually get several times more expensive. Since the Secrecy tablet higher level may Cast the effects of anger / will for a lower level, it makes no sense to spend money on pumping reputation tablets that require more resources.
Option 2: Will - Use on yourself Will of the chosen lower the current level of Secrecy Tablets reputation. Will tablets has no timer. You can buy as many as you want and use freely. You need to use 300 tablets untill reaching 3000 reputation (50 gray, 50 green, 100 blue, 100 purple; Using lowe level tabled than the reputation you have achieved will not rise it)
Option 3: Weak temper (Anger): Use on another players and lower the current level of Secrecy Tablets reputation. In general you can ask a friends that did are willing to take the curses for you or just cast on opposite race, or enemies. You need to use 300 tablets untill reaching 3000 reputation (50 gray, 50 green, 100 blue, 100 purple; Using lowe level tabled than the reputation you have achieved will not rise it)
Option 4: Mix and match Will and Anger tablets according to your desire or situation.
Please Read this reply with correct information!
Efril Exchange Sphere:
Efril Exchange Sphere - you can use to exchane faulty efril parts with another players (work on the same way as Chess in Aquadomes).

Approximate amount of Triads needed is 3000pcs., Faulty Efrils is 3800pcs., 425 gold (for will and anger tablets)
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "muffin" (Feb 17th 2017, 5:32pm)
Editor notice
Note: Weak Will tablet require also 12 pc. Live Spark in addition to the rest of the resources.
Rising of the reputation EDIT note!
Will Tablets:
Rising of the reputation:
Option 1: Secrecy - Use the tablets anger / will, according to the current level of reputation. This version eventually get several times more expensive. Since the Secrecy tablet higher level may Cast the effects of anger / will for a lower level, it makes no sense to spend money on pumping reputation tablets that require more resources.
Option 2: Will - Use on yourself Will of the chosen lower the current level of Secrecy Tablets reputation. Will tablets has no timer. You can buy as many as you want and use freely. You need to use 300 tablets untill reaching 3000 reputation (50 gray, 50 green, 100 blue, 100 purple; Using lowe level tabled than the reputation you have achieved will not rise it)
Option 3: Weak temper (Anger): Use on another players and lower the current level of Secrecy Tablets reputation. In general you can ask a friends that did are willing to take the curses for you or just cast on opposite race, or enemies. You need to use 300 tablets untill reaching 3000 reputation (50 gray, 50 green, 100 blue, 100 purple; Using lowe level tabled than the reputation you have achieved will not rise it)
Option 4: Mix and match Will and Anger tablets according to your desire or situation.
You can only rise the reputation by clearing Weak Temper (anger) or Will tablets with Secrecy. For using the hex/bless alone you will not get any reputation unless you have cleared it with Secrecy.
Option 1 - Will + Secrecy - Use Will as per your choice and reputation restrictions, then remove with the best available Secrecy in the shop according to your reputation.
Cheapest Example - You have Green Badge. You can use Gray Will and remove with Blue Secrecy to get 10 reputation points.
Note: You can use the bless yourself and then remove or mischef on players and remove theirs.
Option 2 - Anger + Secrecy - Use Anger as per your choice and reputation restrictions, then remove with the best available Secrecy in the shop according to your reputation.
Cheapest Example: You have Blue Badge. You can use Gray Anger and remove with Purple Secrecy to get 10 reputation points.
Note: You can ask friends to cast it on them and then remove it for your rep points.
Option 3 - You can mix and match. Sometimes remove Will either from you or from Another player and you can as well rise reputation by removing Anger from players.
Thanks to venomstang, toff and blitz for clearing the things up!

Additional way of increasing the Triad Procurement Skill
After completing the quest series Through the Pages of the Ancient Manuscript, warriors from level 16 will obtain Power of Aeons Medallion that increase the Triad Procurement Skill with +2.
Please note that the quests must be completed in the exact order:
«Run-down on the World’s History», «Through the Pages of the Ancient Manuscript» and «Guardians of the Magic Book».
Resin do NOT apply on the amulet but new one can be obtained in case of breaking. From Ulvarno at White Castle for 50 gold as long as the quest was completed OR the item is not in the bag (can be placed in safe deposit box).
Please note that the quests must be completed in the exact order:
«Run-down on the World’s History», «Through the Pages of the Ancient Manuscript» and «Guardians of the Magic Book».
Resin do NOT apply on the amulet but new one can be obtained in case of breaking. From Ulvarno at White Castle for 50 gold as long as the quest was completed OR the item is not in the bag (can be placed in safe deposit box).
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "muffin" (Feb 17th 2017, 5:45pm)

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