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Tuesday, December 22nd 2015, 2:17am

Help with the quest Causes of the Sickness

Hello yesterday i star the quest Causes of the Sickness with Pandrik the Wise.
Go to Elder Baguron, bring him the cure and ask him about rumors about the mysterious sickness.

Later the Elder only said
Find out what are the potential causes of the sickness.
I go to any NPCs i know and talk actually i only find this

Shiko the Paladin: He talks about zombies but when the convesation ends i fight with veteran demon hund (done)
Centurion Medken: He tell me about some skeletons and ask for 2 Ragtrikon Leather and 2 Bubbly Metal (done)
Voldemar: Again he talks about some zombies attack his barn and ask me if i can help searching this

I search for all places and nothing anyone can help me with the quest please

P.D: This quest is available after complete Mysterious Sickness


Tuesday, December 22nd 2015, 6:09am

You can find the bell by gatherring resources with your main profession. It is random one so you have to be patient. Good luck!
:angel: Choose me for your Consecrator :kiss2:


Tuesday, December 22nd 2015, 5:43pm

Thanks i found while i fishing. Now i need 8 Spheres of energy and 3 skins of the enemy so i need go to temple of chosen and kill some mags in battlefields this quest is interesting.
Thanks a lot for you help :rose:


Tuesday, January 12th 2016, 6:24pm

Hello me again i get the skin and the energy spheres and i get this…ct_id=337115723 now the inventor saids go to the mountains the crack between the wolrds obvious this the chion mountains i go to gizedor and nothing anyone knows what i need to do??


Friday, February 12th 2016, 2:29pm

I am in the same step and i don´t know how to continue the quest i will be very gratefull if you can help me , thanks. I have the energy tar adn i didn´t found where or what to do with it .…ct_id=345648551


Saturday, February 13th 2016, 6:51pm

Have you tried clicking on cracks in the area? Ruins or alike, as I have not received complete info might be Platoe, Insanity moor, Fothills or Choin Settlement. Try to search for cracks there. :rose:
:angel: Choose me for your Consecrator :kiss2:


Monday, February 15th 2016, 10:23pm

Thanks but not by there finally I found the place XD , Pacifist hills clicking in falling tree .


Monday, February 15th 2016, 10:25pm

1 The liquid covered the cracks and the gap closed.


Sunday, March 6th 2016, 3:44am

LOL yes its in pacifist hills woow that quest is amazing thanks a lot for all you help really thanks


Saturday, October 21st 2017, 9:39pm

The liquid covered the cracks and the gap closed.

I still have quest active and dont know what now?

 lol666 [9] 


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Occupation: Searching for the real meaning of life

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Sunday, October 22nd 2017, 9:49am

The liquid covered the cracks and the gap closed.

I still have quest active and dont know what now?

Go to the sage to report the situation, then the quest will end.
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Sunday, October 22nd 2017, 2:14pm

Thank you. Done