This is an old fight between magmar race and one of now retired admins.
How to properly read fight statistics?
On the top you can see the date of the fight, name of the fight (usually it shows who was attacked first), type of the fight, location of the fight and its duration.
After the main info there come a big text saying which team won the fight or if it ended with draw.
Just under the big text you can see a button "statistics" it allows you to change perspective of the statistics:
1st with only names on the list and level they had when they took part in the fight
2nd with the table of full statistics, I will describe the table below.
First thing you notice is the column of Players with their current level, clan or even curses.
Next columns shows how much experience and valour the player gained in the fight (usually if you lose you don't get exp or valour).
3rd column shows damage the player did and how much life of allies he healed.
4th column shows how many kills they made in fight.
The last tab shows if the people got injured and if they recived the loot and scalp/possible trophy if you killed someone from opposite race.
That would be all... BUT... If you look closely you can see a little red arrow next to the "experience" column. It allows you to sort the players, usually they are all sorted by the the amount of damage, but if you click on any column name "Player", "Experience", "Damage", "Kills" you can sort the table via them