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Hello all.
Some of you know I'm living in Japan.
The Huge Earthquake was hit Japan - Kyushu (southernmost of the four main islands of Japan), on 14th of April. It was M6.4. Since then, Earthquake is still hitting Kyushu and just this morning, They had M7.1 one.
I'm living in main land and too far from Kyushu but this earthquake was hit half of Japanese country.
I'm fine right now. still fine but maybe many people will lose their home and everything.
Just send your player to Japan. And if you want to send your donation, please send it through Red Cross.
Also, Castle Kumamoto was falling down and Mt.Aso started to small eruption. Things turned to worst... :/
Sorry to hear that
Hope there won't be any more casualties :/
Nothing is more important than human life
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
Sorry about miss typing... it's not "player" but "prayer". :/ I think I was really hurry when I post it.
Well, I think we really need prayer. Because a seismic center started to move to East. And there, we have active nuclear power plants.