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How to do the Switch between Bringers of Evil and Brotherhood of Virtue - Guide
This option is for when you made red BOV and you want to shift to Executioner and Bringer of Evil.
Option 1 - Complete removal of BOV reputation (not recomended)
Resign your Healer/Locksmith reputation and go straight to Fanatic. Do the initiation quest and become BOE. For each hex you will receive 10 BOE points and lose 50 BOV points.
Option 2 - Both reputations stay on 3000
Complete quest Evil for Hire, then resign your healer/locksmith profession and use Versatility Charm to switch to BOE. The 2 halves for this amulet you can purchase only when doing Evil for Hire/Good for Hire quests.
This is for when you made red BOE and you want to switch to Healer/Locksmith and Brotherhood of Virtue.
Option 1 - Complete removal of BOE reputation (not recomnded)
Resign your Executioner profession and go to:
A) Option 1 - Norak - you have to give him 350 Evil Eyes and 350 Skulls to remove your BOE points.
B) Option 2 - Elder - 1 Efril will remove 1 BOE point. When your BOE rep is lower than 500 then you will be able to start BOV at Norak.
Start rising your BOE rep.
Option 2 - Both reputations stay on 3000
Complete quest Good for Hire, then resign your Executioner profession and use Versatility Charm to switch to BOV. The 2 halves for this amulet you can purchase only when doing Evil for Hire/Good for Hire quests.
You can use Versatility Charm once every 10 days to switch between the reputations.
For each use you will need 30 pcs. Half an Evil eye which you can get from using Scroll of Separation that can be purchased either from Norak or Fanatic.
If you use the amulet to switch from BOV to BOE temporary then you can still use your Healer/Locksmith professions.
If you use the amulet to switch from BOV to BOE temporary then you can NOT use your Executioner profession.
This option is for when you made red BOV and you want to shift to Executioner and Bringer of Evil.
Option 1 - Complete removal of BOV reputation (not recomended)
Resign your Healer/Locksmith reputation and go straight to Fanatic. Do the initiation quest and become BOE. For each hex you will receive 10 BOE points and lose 50 BOV points.
Option 2 - Both reputations stay on 3000
Complete quest Evil for Hire, then resign your healer/locksmith profession and use Versatility Charm to switch to BOE. The 2 halves for this amulet you can purchase only when doing Evil for Hire/Good for Hire quests.
This is for when you made red BOE and you want to switch to Healer/Locksmith and Brotherhood of Virtue.
Option 1 - Complete removal of BOE reputation (not recomnded)
Resign your Executioner profession and go to:
A) Option 1 - Norak - you have to give him 350 Evil Eyes and 350 Skulls to remove your BOE points.
B) Option 2 - Elder - 1 Efril will remove 1 BOE point. When your BOE rep is lower than 500 then you will be able to start BOV at Norak.
Start rising your BOE rep.
Option 2 - Both reputations stay on 3000
Complete quest Good for Hire, then resign your Executioner profession and use Versatility Charm to switch to BOV. The 2 halves for this amulet you can purchase only when doing Evil for Hire/Good for Hire quests.
You can use Versatility Charm once every 10 days to switch between the reputations.
For each use you will need 30 pcs. Half an Evil eye which you can get from using Scroll of Separation that can be purchased either from Norak or Fanatic.
If you use the amulet to switch from BOV to BOE temporary then you can still use your Healer/Locksmith professions.
If you use the amulet to switch from BOV to BOE temporary then you can NOT use your Executioner profession.
Till now, was 2 way to change, one with quest, the other without quest.
But doing the quest is worth only to keep proff and have the possibility to do a other proff with the other rep.
Now, as say muffin, but don't know from where she got these info, on russian site is always the same:
"Option 1 - Complete removal of BOV reputation (not recomended)
Resign your Healer/Locksmith reputation and go straight to Fanatic. Do the initiation quest and become BOE. For each hex you will receive 10 BOE points and lose 50 BOV points. "
never needed to resign healer to start BOE (with quest or without), i kept mine long time before decide to change for exe ...
BOV rep was never complete removal, only when you start BOE, BOV decrease, that's all, but the rep is not lost. when you want switch with versality charm, you switch between 2 rep at 3k. is explain on this site http://mentor.dclans.ru/new/?page_id=242
With the quest is the same, you never had 3k on both rep at same time, doing BOE rep decrease BOV rep, you recover when you switch back again.
other thing seems changed:
"The 2 halves for this amulet you can purchase only when doing Evil for Hire/Good for Hire quests."
Same, don't know from where she got this info, but each part can be bought with the red badge, quest or not, nothing to do with that. The quest are for proff only.
I didn't do any quest, never bought any part of charm, if i want it now, I only have to go to norak buy the radian part and to fanatic for the other part. Nothing more.
Now that:
"Option 2 - Both reputations stay on 3000
Complete quest Evil for Hire, then resign your healer/locksmith profession and use Versatility Charm to switch to BOE. The 2 halves for this amulet you can purchase only when doing Evil for Hire/Good for Hire quests."
both rep never stay at 3k at same time, is like for option 1, you increase BOE rep, that decrease BOV, but when you use versality charm for switch, you have your 3k rep again.
And what is now "not recomended" is the way the most player did.
Till now, the quest is to do for BOE who want keep exe proff and come back BOE again, after doing BOV. Or for people who want change regularely and have proff in both side as healer when bov and exe when boe. That's all
So seems are many change, i wanted only know from where are these info.
But doing the quest is worth only to keep proff and have the possibility to do a other proff with the other rep.
Now, as say muffin, but don't know from where she got these info, on russian site is always the same:
"Option 1 - Complete removal of BOV reputation (not recomended)
Resign your Healer/Locksmith reputation and go straight to Fanatic. Do the initiation quest and become BOE. For each hex you will receive 10 BOE points and lose 50 BOV points. "
never needed to resign healer to start BOE (with quest or without), i kept mine long time before decide to change for exe ...
BOV rep was never complete removal, only when you start BOE, BOV decrease, that's all, but the rep is not lost. when you want switch with versality charm, you switch between 2 rep at 3k. is explain on this site http://mentor.dclans.ru/new/?page_id=242
With the quest is the same, you never had 3k on both rep at same time, doing BOE rep decrease BOV rep, you recover when you switch back again.
other thing seems changed:
"The 2 halves for this amulet you can purchase only when doing Evil for Hire/Good for Hire quests."
Same, don't know from where she got this info, but each part can be bought with the red badge, quest or not, nothing to do with that. The quest are for proff only.
I didn't do any quest, never bought any part of charm, if i want it now, I only have to go to norak buy the radian part and to fanatic for the other part. Nothing more.
Now that:
"Option 2 - Both reputations stay on 3000
Complete quest Evil for Hire, then resign your healer/locksmith profession and use Versatility Charm to switch to BOE. The 2 halves for this amulet you can purchase only when doing Evil for Hire/Good for Hire quests."
both rep never stay at 3k at same time, is like for option 1, you increase BOE rep, that decrease BOV, but when you use versality charm for switch, you have your 3k rep again.
And what is now "not recomended" is the way the most player did.
Till now, the quest is to do for BOE who want keep exe proff and come back BOE again, after doing BOV. Or for people who want change regularely and have proff in both side as healer when bov and exe when boe. That's all
So seems are many change, i wanted only know from where are these info.
Yes, I check the info you can buy the Versatility charms even if you didn't do the quests BUT then you are NOT back on 3k rep if you switch. You are just on your worship badge.
However you can't be executioner if switch to BOV but you can be Healer/Locksmith if you switch to BOE.
If you feel more experienced on the subject please feel free to rewrite the guide. I also believe we accept Mentor applications.
Yes, I check the info you can buy the Versatility charms even if you didn't do the quests BUT then you are NOT back on 3k rep if you switch. You are just on your worship badge.
However you can't be executioner if switch to BOV but you can be Healer/Locksmith if you switch to BOE.
If you feel more experienced on the subject please feel free to rewrite the guide. I also believe we accept Mentor applications.
Yes, I check the info you can buy the Versatility charms even if you didn't do the quests BUT then you are NOT back on 3k rep if you switch. You are just on your worship badge.
Where did you read that?
a lot of players already switched without doing the quest and got 3k rep, used bless and all stuff with rep as written on russian site: http://mentor.dclans.ru/new/?page_id=242
При наличии двух медалей: добра и зла - вы можете сделать Талисман изменчивости , собрав две части, от Доброхота и Изувера. Талисман изменчивости позволяет не чаще, чем раз в 10 дней менять вашу репутацию: с 3000 добра на 3000 зла и наоборот. Таким образом вы можете не только пользоваться наградами за обе репутации по очереди, но и профессией целителя-взломщика\палача. Талисман при использовании расходует 30 половинок злых очей , получить которые можно из Злых очей с помощью Свитков разъединения .
With two medals: good and evil - you can do Talisman variability , collecting two pieces of well-wishers and fanatics. Talisman variability allows no more frequently than once every 10 days to change your reputation: from 3000 to 3000 good evil and vice versa. So not only can you use the award-winning reputation for both turns, but the profession of healer-cracker \ executioner. Talisman using spends 30 halves evil eyes , which can be obtained from the Evil eyes using Scrolls separation .
So, where did you read what you wrote? or you got wrong info, or is a new feature.
Ok, Dahna, fine... Here are your answers:
1. The quests were introdiced so players can shift between reputations and do not lose their 3rd professions. Along with that to have the ability to use the the blessisngs according to the reputations.
2. Anyone who made the reps 'the old way' with decreasing the other have the badge but if they use the charm they do can't use the blesses. If they can, then there is glitch. And I will explain you why - the quests were introuced to give the player choice to change whenever they like to do so (ref to 1.)
3. Do you now understand why the quests were introduced and how the things work or I also have to chew what i just spoon fed you?
1. The quests were introdiced so players can shift between reputations and do not lose their 3rd professions. Along with that to have the ability to use the the blessisngs according to the reputations.
2. Anyone who made the reps 'the old way' with decreasing the other have the badge but if they use the charm they do can't use the blesses. If they can, then there is glitch. And I will explain you why - the quests were introuced to give the player choice to change whenever they like to do so (ref to 1.)
3. Do you now understand why the quests were introduced and how the things work or I also have to chew what i just spoon fed you?
Ok, Dahna, fine... Here are your answers:
again, my questions are: where did you read what you say?
I'm not asking you to repeat again and again how you think that work, but where you found the info.
if you're not able to show where you found them, maybe is because you didn't read that sowhere else than in your mind.
What you don't understand, is that a lot of players did it, use it, and that don't work as you say. You're sure about what you say? give the link where we can read that if you want be trustable.
Ok, Dahna, fine... Here are your answers:
again, my questions are: where did you read what you say?
I'm not asking you to repeat again and again how you think that work, but where you found the info.
if you're not able to show where you found them, maybe is because you didn't read that sowhere else than in your mind.
What you don't understand, is that a lot of players did it, use it, and that don't work as you say. You're sure about what you say? give the link where we can read that if you want be trustable.
I would make the guess that most of these guides are translated from their Russian counterparts.
I have translated it from the russian Mentors' site.
If the 'things do not work as I wrote' there there is glitch as I also told you that. Therefore, in origin if you done the reputations with decreasing the other one, when you switch you can use blesses that require "Medal of Worship" but not a certain rep points.
And, please, if you done it with decreasing (not via quest), change your reputation to the one you decreased and use the blesses on yourself. If you can do that then you will clearly prove to the game developers that they were wrong by adding the Quests and that they are not required.
If the 'things do not work as I wrote' there there is glitch as I also told you that. Therefore, in origin if you done the reputations with decreasing the other one, when you switch you can use blesses that require "Medal of Worship" but not a certain rep points.
And, please, if you done it with decreasing (not via quest), change your reputation to the one you decreased and use the blesses on yourself. If you can do that then you will clearly prove to the game developers that they were wrong by adding the Quests and that they are not required.
Hi all ,
There are not good are bad way to swich from one side to other one. Are just 2 different ways:
1-- via quest, this mean that you want to keep your 3rd prof and after complete the quest you will went back to 1th rep you had and took back the same prof.
2-- direct way , just start with new reps and a new 3rd prof
In my case, i was a BoV healer lvl 2. I just started with BoE direct, because i din't care about the healer prof, so i decided to decline it and take executioner prof.
When you have 1 red medal , BoE or BoV you can buy 1 part of amulet.
When you got both reds BoV and BoE you can build the amultet , with 2 parts.
With this amulet you can change from one side to other side( if you have 3000 BoE rep and change to BoV, you can save and freeze your prof , exe in my case, and go to BoV without exe pro , taking back all 3000 rep and use all blesses you want).
P.S. Hope that 1 day the admins will translate the amulet options, because are all in russian.
Sorry for my bad english
There are not good are bad way to swich from one side to other one. Are just 2 different ways:
1-- via quest, this mean that you want to keep your 3rd prof and after complete the quest you will went back to 1th rep you had and took back the same prof.
2-- direct way , just start with new reps and a new 3rd prof
In my case, i was a BoV healer lvl 2. I just started with BoE direct, because i din't care about the healer prof, so i decided to decline it and take executioner prof.
When you have 1 red medal , BoE or BoV you can buy 1 part of amulet.
When you got both reds BoV and BoE you can build the amultet , with 2 parts.
With this amulet you can change from one side to other side( if you have 3000 BoE rep and change to BoV, you can save and freeze your prof , exe in my case, and go to BoV without exe pro , taking back all 3000 rep and use all blesses you want).
P.S. Hope that 1 day the admins will translate the amulet options, because are all in russian.
Sorry for my bad english
If you can do that then you will clearly prove to the game developers that they were wrong by adding the Quests and that they are not required.
that only explain that the quest are for keep 3rd proff nothing else. if you don't care of proff, no need to do these expensive quest.
witch site did you translated?
I gave you the russian text with translation from russian site, is clear swith 3000/3000. read again and let me know where you see "only for whose who did the quest"
otherwise, why can we buy the versatile charm when we didn't do the quest? change and not be able to use any bless? what the point?

Now, read what MAL wrote, he did it, used all blesses he wanted.
and i will just add something to Mal's guide ,
i did the same as he did , and "freeze" exe too . But , taken locksmith as i came back to BOE , and in my characterisitics still got my exe level .
I don't exactly know for the moment how it will be , and if i 'll can "freeze" as well locksmith level if i go back to exe profession once i take back BoE .
But i hope till that moment they will traduce the options of the quest too .
i did the same as he did , and "freeze" exe too . But , taken locksmith as i came back to BOE , and in my characterisitics still got my exe level .
I don't exactly know for the moment how it will be , and if i 'll can "freeze" as well locksmith level if i go back to exe profession once i take back BoE .
But i hope till that moment they will traduce the options of the quest too .
@Mal and Dahna,
Are you sure you can just "start" the BoE rep when you have a red BoV?
I read that you believe that the quest is "expensive"
Are you not factoring in the cost to remove BoV/BoE rep? Why exactly is the quest expensive?
The point is, that if you remove your rep to do the 2nd rep, you lose the ability to use those blesses. At least that is how I think it works.
Please. By all means, do correct me if I'm wrong.
Are you sure you can just "start" the BoE rep when you have a red BoV?
I read that you believe that the quest is "expensive"
Are you not factoring in the cost to remove BoV/BoE rep? Why exactly is the quest expensive?
otherwise, why can we buy the versatile charm when we didn't do the quest? change and not be able to use any bless? what the point?
The point is, that if you remove your rep to do the 2nd rep, you lose the ability to use those blesses. At least that is how I think it works.
Please. By all means, do correct me if I'm wrong.
from this site http://mentor.dclans.ru/new/?page_id=242
"With two medals: good and evil - you can do Talisman variability , collecting two pieces of well-wishers and fanatics. Talisman variability allows no more frequently than once every 10 days to change your reputation: from 3000 to 3000 good evil and vice versa."
so ofc with 3k rep, we can use blesses.
What the point to change rep only to bless the others? and how bless the others? buying the scroll? don't need 3k rep for?
How can you think you can bless the others and not yourselfe? need 3k rep to buy the scroll.
with what you think muffin, when we switch we have only red badge, so are BOV without rep, in that case, we could be blessed by the others, but not bless them, because need 3k rep for buy the scroll. But you say us that you read on mentor ru site the contrary? Is non sense.
Start to be ridiculous. i gave the link from russian mentor site, read again, nowhere is written what you say.
"Are you sure you can just "start" the BoE rep when you have a red BoV? "
we did it.
"Why exactly is the quest expensive?"
because need give for the quest a mount amulet (endarg or shankar)+ manaluk or lyran
"The point is, that if you remove your rep to do the 2nd rep, you lose the ability to use those blesses. At least that is how I think it works."
No. That don't work so.
"With two medals: good and evil - you can do Talisman variability , collecting two pieces of well-wishers and fanatics. Talisman variability allows no more frequently than once every 10 days to change your reputation: from 3000 to 3000 good evil and vice versa."
that work so, as explain on russian mentor site and as a lot of players already did.
The talisman can be bought at any moment, when you have the 2 red badge and not only during doing quest as wrote muffin.
MAL expalined, he was BOV, did BOE without quest, use the talisman to switch BOV again and recovered his 3k rep, used all blesses he wanted.
The quest is ONLY for keep the 3rd profession. If you don't care of your 3rd proff, no need to do the quest. that's all.
"With two medals: good and evil - you can do Talisman variability , collecting two pieces of well-wishers and fanatics. Talisman variability allows no more frequently than once every 10 days to change your reputation: from 3000 to 3000 good evil and vice versa."
so ofc with 3k rep, we can use blesses.
What the point to change rep only to bless the others? and how bless the others? buying the scroll? don't need 3k rep for?
How can you think you can bless the others and not yourselfe? need 3k rep to buy the scroll.
with what you think muffin, when we switch we have only red badge, so are BOV without rep, in that case, we could be blessed by the others, but not bless them, because need 3k rep for buy the scroll. But you say us that you read on mentor ru site the contrary? Is non sense.
Start to be ridiculous. i gave the link from russian mentor site, read again, nowhere is written what you say.
"Are you sure you can just "start" the BoE rep when you have a red BoV? "
we did it.
"Why exactly is the quest expensive?"
because need give for the quest a mount amulet (endarg or shankar)+ manaluk or lyran
"The point is, that if you remove your rep to do the 2nd rep, you lose the ability to use those blesses. At least that is how I think it works."
No. That don't work so.
"With two medals: good and evil - you can do Talisman variability , collecting two pieces of well-wishers and fanatics. Talisman variability allows no more frequently than once every 10 days to change your reputation: from 3000 to 3000 good evil and vice versa."
that work so, as explain on russian mentor site and as a lot of players already did.
The talisman can be bought at any moment, when you have the 2 red badge and not only during doing quest as wrote muffin.
MAL expalined, he was BOV, did BOE without quest, use the talisman to switch BOV again and recovered his 3k rep, used all blesses he wanted.
The quest is ONLY for keep the 3rd profession. If you don't care of your 3rd proff, no need to do the quest. that's all.
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