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Thursday, May 12th 2016, 3:49am

Voyage to the Past

The part where you have to charge 4 rune boards, are these specifically rune only locations?
I've managed to locate and charge 2 on board 1+3.
But cant locate locations of last 2. tried every location on mag side. :bll:

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Thursday, May 12th 2016, 6:57am

It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Thursday, May 12th 2016, 7:08am

HERE is the full guide.
:angel: Choose me for your Consecrator :kiss2:


Thursday, May 12th 2016, 11:21am

Thanks for the info, using the guide already, other posts not showing the info i need.
Active board 1
Active board 3
These 2 charged boards i did in Gorge of Gondi and manor of budrimakh.

Final 2
Inactive board 2
Inactive board 4
i tried to charge in every location that runes can be used in.

Hope this helps a little more to explain my situation


Thursday, May 12th 2016, 5:34pm

Each Board has 3 probabilities. Responding to actual Gnome runes locations and one last is at Platoe. So far I runned all rune locations and clicked on all boards. Then when I had 1 left only a did it at Platoe.

Runes locations:
Clan Burial Groungs, Ridges of Darkness, Gorge of Gondi, Glade of Dreams, Barrow of Death, Manor of Buddrimakh, Forgotten Mines, Ice Grotto.
:angel: Choose me for your Consecrator :kiss2:


Thursday, May 12th 2016, 6:31pm

Tried all those locations twice now, so no idea whats going on. but ty anyway