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  • "CrimmCreeper" started this thread

Posts: 647

Location: Oregon

Occupation: Head security

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Monday, May 16th 2016, 7:35am

Gizedor Big Problem

Gizedor has told you about a new problem:
The first head said:

The second head said:

Ive continuously searched for This quest through possible posts like this one, but could never find the one for Gizedors big problem only gizedor task/tragedy ..... i know how to read the gizedor language so dont criticize, i just ask for guidance, i have 1 bat and 14 tubemakers, im unsure of the items necessary,
I snap shot all my postings, dont remove my comments and claim them to be off topic.any...threads/posts containing name-calling will be closed/deleted.


Tuesday, May 17th 2016, 12:03pm

Poor Gizedor, why do you want to give him even more worms? :(

  • "CrimmCreeper" started this thread

Posts: 647

Location: Oregon

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Wednesday, May 18th 2016, 2:28am

dont know what he needs so hes stuck with worms for now
I snap shot all my postings, dont remove my comments and claim them to be off topic.any...threads/posts containing name-calling will be closed/deleted.


Wednesday, May 18th 2016, 6:22am

your 1/2 right. add a spider (to eat the worms)
I'll look that up...

  • "CrimmCreeper" started this thread

Posts: 647

Location: Oregon

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Wednesday, May 18th 2016, 7:08pm

do i need to upgrade the spider or it can be a regular tanquarion?
I snap shot all my postings, dont remove my comments and claim them to be off topic.any...threads/posts containing name-calling will be closed/deleted.

  • "CrimmCreeper" started this thread

Posts: 647

Location: Oregon

Occupation: Head security

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Wednesday, May 18th 2016, 7:09pm

and thank you!
I snap shot all my postings, dont remove my comments and claim them to be off topic.any...threads/posts containing name-calling will be closed/deleted.


Wednesday, May 18th 2016, 9:44pm

You don't have to upgrade it, but if you do, you'll get better reward for quest.


Sunday, April 15th 2018, 11:53pm

Hello i'm french so i don't understand all but could you tell me what i have to do to complete Gizedor's quest? :smile: