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Corvus Mount - From Egg to Beast - Complete guide
Corvus mounts are the ones that do not require reputation and they are easy to be done with few quests according to the level.
Big Little Loss [5] - to receive Corvus egg.
1. Go to the wanderer at Taver/Pub and begin the quest.
2. He will ask you to question all NOCs there and find who stole his knife.
3. Then return to him, for Magmars it is Poker, for Humans is Cardsharp.
4. He will send you back to Poker/Cardsharp
5. Return the knife to the wanderer.
Reward: 2000 exp., 10 reputation Hunters of Fortune, Corvus Egg.
Nurturing a Corvus [5] - Obtaining Corvus mount
1. Go to the Beastmaster and begin the quest.
2. They will send you to the scientist.
3. Scientis will ask you to kill Stone Lotus Outcast [5]/Red Axes Outcast [5] (depending on your race) untill you get the scientist notes. When done return back to him
4. He will then ask you for Ragtikron Leather 1 pcs. and Diamond (stones) 5 pcs. and then he will send you to the Craftsman/Craftswoman.
5. He will then put your egg in a device and ask you to heat it up untill a chick hatch (1 effril per 'heat', maximum 1 'heat' per hour), when done go to the Beastmaster.
6. They will wask you to feed the corvus until it is a grown up, and when done to return to them.
5 times by 20 pcs. Grapes - Once every 5 hours.
5 times by 10 pcs. Weetsa the Woodlouse - Once every 5 hours.
5 times by 20 pcs. Turkey Leg - Once every 5 hours.
5 times by 20 pcs. Baked Fish - Once every 5 hours.
7. When the chick is grown up return to the Beasmaster and they will then send you to the Blacksmith (beyond Castle) to make armors for the Corvus.
8. He will ask you to bring him 1 pcs. Bubbly Metal, when done he will send you to the Beastmaster.
9. Beasmaster will give you complete Corvus Mount.
Reward: 1100 exp., Corvus Amulet
Note: To use Corvus mount you need to be atleast level 5 and to have 1st riding skill.
Golden Feather [7] - Upgrade of Corvus
1. Go to the Thief to start the quest. He send you to the City Fair grounds to find the robber. You click one house on locaton screen. He attack you directly regenerate life and summon 2 arcehers to help, fixed hp and strengnts for nomather what lvl you are/ Maybe mount and 2-3 golems will save you if you are lvl 8, for higher lvls its easier/. You lose your lvl 5 Corvus ride after this fight - it's part of the quest.
2. Go back to the Thief. He send you to Terror wharf/Luan coast to kill same robber with archers between 11:30-12:00 or 23:30-00 server time. In the right time you click one house on location screen it attack you directly. After you kill you get back your amulet cursed and book to remove the curse.
3. You got to the Sorcerer at. He take the book and tell you to bring him:
5 Primordial Fire (obtained by working geologist profession
5 Primordial Earth (obtained by working herbologist profession)
5 Primordial Water (obtained by working fisherman profession)
5 Primordial Air (obtained by killing Gargoyles or Grim Gargoyles)
5 Primordial Chaos (obtained by killing Gungles)
5 Primordial Nature (obtained by killing Sabre-Tooth Tigers or Valdagor Wolfs)
5 Primordial Anger (obtained by participating in Arena Battlefield)
5 Primordial Light (1 Primordial Air + 1 Primordial Nature + 1 Primordial Water = 1 Primordial Light in Elt Cube)
5 Primordial Darkness (1 Primordial Anger + 1 Primordial Earth + 1 Primordial Chaos = 1 Primordial Darkness in Elt Cube)
4.Have all? Go to the Sorcerer again. He takes from you the Primordials and 25 gold.
5. Go to the Beastmaster for quest Completion
Reward: 3000 exp., 500 pcs. Sack of food, Golden Feathered Corvus Amulet
Note: To use that maount you need to be atleast level 7 and to have 3rd riding skill.
Flying on a Corvus [11] - Upgrade of Corvus
1. Begin the Quest at the Beastmaster.
2. They will send you to the Wise man.
3. Wise man will request from you to go to Ivamur Treasury instance (Troll one) and to find the Corvus Behaviour Manuscript.
Tip: Purchase the teleportation scroll from the first giant in white castle - cost 5g. Use it and you will be teleported to Ivmuar Treasury. Make a group and enter the lower level. Proceed down to southern corridor until you reach the last room (Troll one). On the table to your right is the Corvus Behaviour Manuscript.
4. When done return to the Wise man, he will then send you to Brugil'da/Gredeya to obtain a potion.
5. She will then send you to Exiles Fortress to use the potion.
Tip: Create a group, enter the instance, use the potion, then 3 Varrangas will attack you (1563 hp each).
6. When done go to the Beastmaster. They will send you to the Craftsman/Craftswoman.
7. They will request from you 5000 pcs. Light Silver, 2 pcs. Bubbly Metal, 2 pcs. Ragtikron Leather, 10 pcs. Serpagones skins. When all gathered - return to them.
8. They will send you to the Sorcerer to get your saddle. Take as preffered.
Note - for BC saddle you need to bring him 5pcs. Earth Gift Amulet, for dodger 5 pcs. Earth Gift Elixir, for tank saddle 5 pcs. Earth Gift Scroll.
9. When done return back to the Beastmaster. They will ask you to deffeat a corvus. When done talk to them to finish the quest.
Reward: 15000 exp., 4g 40s, Amulet as per your choice.
Big Little Loss [5] - to receive Corvus egg.
1. Go to the wanderer at Taver/Pub and begin the quest.
2. He will ask you to question all NOCs there and find who stole his knife.
3. Then return to him, for Magmars it is Poker, for Humans is Cardsharp.
4. He will send you back to Poker/Cardsharp
5. Return the knife to the wanderer.
Reward: 2000 exp., 10 reputation Hunters of Fortune, Corvus Egg.
Nurturing a Corvus [5] - Obtaining Corvus mount
1. Go to the Beastmaster and begin the quest.
2. They will send you to the scientist.
3. Scientis will ask you to kill Stone Lotus Outcast [5]/Red Axes Outcast [5] (depending on your race) untill you get the scientist notes. When done return back to him
4. He will then ask you for Ragtikron Leather 1 pcs. and Diamond (stones) 5 pcs. and then he will send you to the Craftsman/Craftswoman.
5. He will then put your egg in a device and ask you to heat it up untill a chick hatch (1 effril per 'heat', maximum 1 'heat' per hour), when done go to the Beastmaster.
6. They will wask you to feed the corvus until it is a grown up, and when done to return to them.
5 times by 20 pcs. Grapes - Once every 5 hours.
5 times by 10 pcs. Weetsa the Woodlouse - Once every 5 hours.
5 times by 20 pcs. Turkey Leg - Once every 5 hours.
5 times by 20 pcs. Baked Fish - Once every 5 hours.
7. When the chick is grown up return to the Beasmaster and they will then send you to the Blacksmith (beyond Castle) to make armors for the Corvus.
8. He will ask you to bring him 1 pcs. Bubbly Metal, when done he will send you to the Beastmaster.
9. Beasmaster will give you complete Corvus Mount.
Reward: 1100 exp., Corvus Amulet
Note: To use Corvus mount you need to be atleast level 5 and to have 1st riding skill.
Golden Feather [7] - Upgrade of Corvus
1. Go to the Thief to start the quest. He send you to the City Fair grounds to find the robber. You click one house on locaton screen. He attack you directly regenerate life and summon 2 arcehers to help, fixed hp and strengnts for nomather what lvl you are/ Maybe mount and 2-3 golems will save you if you are lvl 8, for higher lvls its easier/. You lose your lvl 5 Corvus ride after this fight - it's part of the quest.
2. Go back to the Thief. He send you to Terror wharf/Luan coast to kill same robber with archers between 11:30-12:00 or 23:30-00 server time. In the right time you click one house on location screen it attack you directly. After you kill you get back your amulet cursed and book to remove the curse.
3. You got to the Sorcerer at. He take the book and tell you to bring him:
5 Primordial Fire (obtained by working geologist profession
5 Primordial Earth (obtained by working herbologist profession)
5 Primordial Water (obtained by working fisherman profession)
5 Primordial Air (obtained by killing Gargoyles or Grim Gargoyles)
5 Primordial Chaos (obtained by killing Gungles)
5 Primordial Nature (obtained by killing Sabre-Tooth Tigers or Valdagor Wolfs)
5 Primordial Anger (obtained by participating in Arena Battlefield)
5 Primordial Light (1 Primordial Air + 1 Primordial Nature + 1 Primordial Water = 1 Primordial Light in Elt Cube)
5 Primordial Darkness (1 Primordial Anger + 1 Primordial Earth + 1 Primordial Chaos = 1 Primordial Darkness in Elt Cube)
4.Have all? Go to the Sorcerer again. He takes from you the Primordials and 25 gold.
5. Go to the Beastmaster for quest Completion
Reward: 3000 exp., 500 pcs. Sack of food, Golden Feathered Corvus Amulet
Note: To use that maount you need to be atleast level 7 and to have 3rd riding skill.
Flying on a Corvus [11] - Upgrade of Corvus
1. Begin the Quest at the Beastmaster.
2. They will send you to the Wise man.
3. Wise man will request from you to go to Ivamur Treasury instance (Troll one) and to find the Corvus Behaviour Manuscript.
Tip: Purchase the teleportation scroll from the first giant in white castle - cost 5g. Use it and you will be teleported to Ivmuar Treasury. Make a group and enter the lower level. Proceed down to southern corridor until you reach the last room (Troll one). On the table to your right is the Corvus Behaviour Manuscript.
4. When done return to the Wise man, he will then send you to Brugil'da/Gredeya to obtain a potion.
5. She will then send you to Exiles Fortress to use the potion.
Tip: Create a group, enter the instance, use the potion, then 3 Varrangas will attack you (1563 hp each).
6. When done go to the Beastmaster. They will send you to the Craftsman/Craftswoman.
7. They will request from you 5000 pcs. Light Silver, 2 pcs. Bubbly Metal, 2 pcs. Ragtikron Leather, 10 pcs. Serpagones skins. When all gathered - return to them.
8. They will send you to the Sorcerer to get your saddle. Take as preffered.
Note - for BC saddle you need to bring him 5pcs. Earth Gift Amulet, for dodger 5 pcs. Earth Gift Elixir, for tank saddle 5 pcs. Earth Gift Scroll.
9. When done return back to the Beastmaster. They will ask you to deffeat a corvus. When done talk to them to finish the quest.
Reward: 15000 exp., 4g 40s, Amulet as per your choice.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Altarie" (Dec 17th 2024, 8:49pm)
Note: To use Corvus mount you need to be atleast level 11 and to have 3rd riding skill.
You can also play with the Cube to change your Corvus level 11 Corvus:
Updated cube combinations:
At one point, you have to chose which corvus you want to get by making a specific saddle:
Dodger Flying Saddle -->
Light-Winged Corvus Amulet which summons a Light-Winged Corvus (with a
Fire and Wind Shield, against Fire and Air)
Heavyweight Flying Saddle -->
Iron-Breast Corvus Amulet which summons an Iron-Breast Corvus (with
Light and Shadow Shield)
Bonecrusher Flying Saddle -->
Steal-Beaked Corvus Amulet which summons a Steal-Beaked Corvus (with
Ice and Stone Shield, against Earth and Water)
All other skills the different corvus typoes have are identical, the only difference seems to be the Shiled spell. If I get a "heavyweight" saddle/corvus, it will give me protection against dodger magic. However, I would be much more interested in protection against BC magic.
You can also play with the Cube to change your Corvus level 11 Corvus:
Updated cube combinations:
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "muffin" (May 22nd 2017, 8:56am) with the following reason: Adding info
Flying on a Corvus [11] - Tip Note
4. When done return to the Wise man, he will then send you to Brugil'da/Gredeya to obtain a potion.
Bring Brugilda the Sorceress Caustic Necrasphodel . It can be found in the Palaces of King Magish.
@muffin Please, if you are just getting info from other page, must add that page. If not you are stealing info without giving not even a "thank you".
I usually use 5 or more external sites on 3 or more languages to make my guides. And I can not say that I am 'stealing ready information' as I do translate, combine and improve the basics they post there, in order to give the Best for the players here. Sometimes even players help me do my guides by the experiance they got out of first hand. Then as well I add their names.
So if you are trying to follow a kind of a complain regarding copyrights or MY forum guides I have 2 options:
1 - I Stop do guides, which I rather not because my forum mailbox is full with propsals and I really want to help this people even without know who read it. Or even without a 'thank you'..
2 - As I am pretty busy I will kindly send you for the right institution as I am sure they can take good care for you if I ask them: -Magra- and please do as per the following instruction in her forum signature:
If you don't like something I post in forums, go to this website: www. magrareallydoesn't care.troll and fill out a frankie got his feelings hurt report![]()
I choose option 2.
Sorry but even if you are just translating info you are using their information doesnt matter if its combine with yours. So if you dont want to add the source even when you know you are just copy translate and paste. I know where you are getting this info from and let me tell you it has the same estruture aswell.
If you use more than 1 source, great, add them too, because they did that job and you are just using their info. Dont tell me you are doing all the job because is well known this server, right now, was an update years agn from ru server., which is the source of your info.
Sorry but even if you are just translating info you are using their information doesnt matter if its combine with yours. So if you dont want to add the source even when you know you are just copy translate and paste. I know where you are getting this info from and let me tell you it has the same estruture aswell.
If you use more than 1 source, great, add them too, because they did that job and you are just using their info. Dont tell me you are doing all the job because is well known this server, right now, was an update years agn from ru server., which is the source of your info.
Sorry but even if you are just translating info you are using their information doesnt matter if its combine with yours. So if you dont want to add the source even when you know you are just copy translate and paste. I know where you are getting this info from and let me tell you it has the same estruture aswell.
If you use more than 1 source, great, add them too, because they did that job and you are just using their info. Dont tell me you are doing all the job because is well known this server, right now, was an update years agn from ru server., which is the source of your info.
LoL so now you are the Copy right police????
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all..
You know the ru site and so does many other ppl so what's the problem? check there instead of whining here that you don't see link. A lot of info which muffin gives is not on any other sites and many guides in our forums never existed on ru.
You're making something out of nothing, if you don't enjoy the guide/translation leave it be and omit it.
You're making something out of nothing, if you don't enjoy the guide/translation leave it be and omit it.
I do not copy-paste and translate. I do not even use translator to translate the parts I need from the various sites I use.
I am not going to post the various sites I use because neither of them did their job properly to post al the required info. That makes them invalid source.
I also do not want anyone to post my name if they copy my guides for their sites. I want them to use, get help, be happy and enjoy, spread the world of gamers and share my knowledge. I don't even want a 'thank you' gifts and messages. I do all that out of my own desire to help and I don't enforce anyone to read them if they don't want to.
As for you... I don't even have to answer a person that never really did anything like MY guides to help players. You just came here and make the biggest mistake to troll THE person who try to reduce the questions towards Human and Mgmar Mentors and Guards. You troll THE person who do guides so you can have all info set up on one place and you can find easily.
Please, be productive and do one Mnetor-alike site for the game, copy all my guides and say you did them, I wouldn't mind at all.
Untill you do something useful, you have no right to judge others so ... zip it.
I am not going to post the various sites I use because neither of them did their job properly to post al the required info. That makes them invalid source.
I also do not want anyone to post my name if they copy my guides for their sites. I want them to use, get help, be happy and enjoy, spread the world of gamers and share my knowledge. I don't even want a 'thank you' gifts and messages. I do all that out of my own desire to help and I don't enforce anyone to read them if they don't want to.
As for you... I don't even have to answer a person that never really did anything like MY guides to help players. You just came here and make the biggest mistake to troll THE person who try to reduce the questions towards Human and Mgmar Mentors and Guards. You troll THE person who do guides so you can have all info set up on one place and you can find easily.
Please, be productive and do one Mnetor-alike site for the game, copy all my guides and say you did them, I wouldn't mind at all.
Untill you do something useful, you have no right to judge others so ... zip it.
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Could someone please fix the feeding schedule? It's not once every 5 hours, it's once every hour up to 5 hours in total (the corvus can be fed once every hour, in total it has to be fed 5 times).
Could someone please fix the feeding schedule? It's not once every 5 hours, it's once every hour up to 5 hours in total (the corvus can be fed once every hour, in total it has to be fed 5 times).
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
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