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Posts: 647

Location: Oregon

Occupation: Head security

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Thursday, August 18th 2016, 11:00pm

isn't it obvious that he was trolling when he said to worship him? you probably should learn to spot a troll on the internet or you'll have your feelings hurt many times
i know hes trolling thats why i trolled back:) just hope you guys realise that too.
I snap shot all my postings, dont remove my comments and claim them to be off topic.any...threads/posts containing name-calling will be closed/deleted.


Thursday, August 18th 2016, 11:13pm

thinking someones feelings got hurt :lol: :lol: :drop:


Friday, August 19th 2016, 10:05am

@Crimm I clearly wasn't talking about you, the world doesn't gravitate around you, you know.

@Darius I did not say you got your feelings hurt here, but said that if you can't spot a troll on the internet you'll have more than one unpleasant experience.

Hope you people properly read before trying to make a witty comment :)


Friday, August 19th 2016, 10:47am

@Crimm I clearly wasn't talking about you, the world doesn't gravitate around you, you know.

@Darius I did not say you got your feelings hurt here, but said that if you can't spot a troll on the internet you'll have more than one unpleasant experience.

Hope you people properly read before trying to make a witty comment :)
Pretty sure the feelings hurt comment was aimed at you? right?


Friday, August 19th 2016, 1:01pm

I'm just a human.

I always say I would bring peace to world If I had power, just as people with power used to say when they didn't have power.

I always blame people not helping Afrika etc. while they had power to do, but I don't help poor in my neighbourhood.

I blame people for doing bad things but I do thousand of bad things in a year.

Rest of the things about me isn't worth mentioning

Posts: 1,439

Location: India

Occupation: Network Analyst

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Friday, August 19th 2016, 3:19pm

certainly this game is not something id worship anyone for. besides you seem to have gone of topic. its about who we are outside of game. and on that i still wouldnt worship you no matter who you are. your human, just as flawed as anyone else on this planet. after your dead you will eventually be forgotten like all the rest of us. thats reality, sorry.

You are an obvious unbeliever in the Church of SilentWater. Come to me, I shall purge your sins and make you my disciple. (Also the fee is 200g)