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Wednesday, August 17th 2016, 10:13am

Welp that didn't work :/

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Forum Moderator" (Aug 21st 2016, 3:46pm) with the following reason: fixed it for you

Posts: 219

Location: Above and Beyond.

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Saturday, August 20th 2016, 10:14am

@mellon collie
Skype daw oh, alam na this hahahha
Get a life :woody: I mean, an eternal one. :angel:


Sunday, August 21st 2016, 3:46pm

Folks, try not to resort to double posting when possible. Just form your thought and type it into a single post.

PG Scrum when you insert an image, its URL should end with image's extension, which in your case was png.


Sunday, August 21st 2016, 7:50pm

Folks, try not to resort to double posting when possible. Just form your thought and type it into a single post.

PG Scrum when you insert an image, its URL should end with image's extension, which in your case was png.
Thanks bae