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Saturday, April 23rd 2016, 11:51pm

Red Profession Tool

How can i get it.If it needs something how can i get it?


Sunday, April 24th 2016, 1:58am

Thanks mate.

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Sunday, April 24th 2016, 7:19am

There are 3 ways of buying that i know of:

1-You have to wait for xmas fair to buy it with gold
2-You have to buy the Legendary Work Tool Certificate from someone
3-You have to keep playing Mirror Magic until you find it (or keep opening chests until you receive it as super prize)
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Monday, October 3rd 2016, 11:25am

And what's the price during xmas for legendary work tool? Thanks! :)

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Tuesday, October 4th 2016, 2:53am

@vixx last time it was 200g, we arent sure if is going to increase


Tuesday, October 4th 2016, 4:16am

red tools were just sold in last fair, 200g each


Tuesday, October 4th 2016, 7:07am

Ah, really angel? I didnt see.. and anyway I wouldnt have had enough gold to buy it. Ty for the answers!


Tuesday, October 4th 2016, 7:23am


Hello, HERE you can read more about tools. There is some that are less efficent than red ones but more easy to obtain. Good luck :rose:
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