As long as you are no more than 490 points of BoE then you can use/be used on you ANY BoV bless, unless it has level restriction.
Yes, Magra is right that there is no mage buff for green badge BUT another players can cast on you blesses that increase mage stats:
Level 9 bless that require purple badge:
Generalist (for all sets) -
Level 13 bless that require red badge:
Bonecrusher -
Dodger -
Tank -
Also if you achieve purple badge yourself you can use eminations of good to use ONLY by yourself for yourself
Chuga Gift. You can do that from the laboratory or directly from your bag if you have
Chuga Statuette
Another alternatives for better BOV bless are Good Intentions according to your level, but for them your clan need to be one of the owners of the Faytvor Castle. Good Intentions is the most powerfull bless and it require eminations of good and castle resources (
Twilight Needle,
Veride - they grow only in the tower that the clan is being owner of).