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i searched you name in cc, arena, temple and didnt see it once...which bf's are you talking about because all are active on thier non break days... arena today has 10+ bf's and temple on 17th was 10+ too and on sunday had 3 ccthe same i ask me on lvl 5 + 6 and now on lvl 7
Beg that I succeed, for I have seen the throne of the gods, and it was empty.
when ou go saturday too,maybe we see us,ok,im only 10 days round about lv 7,cant say really are all battlefields die or not,but i was on 4 days in arena que and 0 start and chaotic the same,round about 10 times in the que,never start too :/
i been lvl 7 for while now i can tell you this
chaotic will never start.
tallars - non break days only.
cc is active on sunday's always, search completed bf's for proof. 3 on 15/01 and 4 on 08/01
arena & temple - around 10-20 bf's per day on thier non break days - again search completed bf's for proof
Beg that I succeed, for I have seen the throne of the gods, and it was empty.
@ neon,was looking yesterday and not long,the results scarry me and so much blesses and gold i waste each time,im not god and cant win so a battlefield alone,your race is really better on lvl 7-8
but today was 2 times arena and both win,was funny the first battlefields on lv 7 ,maybe we see us next week there ,i have 0 problems when i die,is only a part of the game,but before i fight vs monsters,better nerving magmars :-) ,but that knows your race so or so
but today was 2 times arena and both win,was funny the first battlefields on lv 7 ,maybe we see us next week there ,i have 0 problems when i die,is only a part of the game,but before i fight vs monsters,better nerving magmars :-) ,but that knows your race so or so
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing