you have the exact same swords I do...and you've never had to repair either of them yet...
I'm not a 'rich' player by most peoples standards. less than 100g in the bank, no worships etc.
Don't come at me with 'srmours are expensive to repair' when you have purple armour and valour rank. The whole point in armour is for the armour to take the damage so you have a better chance of doing more damage.
You think 1500 years ago people would think it's a reasonable excuse for a knight with actual shiny armour to say "I really don't think I'll be going to battle this time because I don't want to have to maintain my armour"
If you can't afford to repair your armour, buy a cheaper set maybe?
I'd love to see your face when you have to repair your belts, amulets and rings at level 5+ LOL
My point is simple. People should go to BFs regardless of non-break / double valour...but they don't because they know there will be a non-brek event on soon and double valour will coincide with next big paypal event lol. I just don't understand their logic as I explained in previous posts. You play your way, I play mine. Don't really matter as long as people enjoy the game ^_^