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Thursday, February 9th 2017, 12:25pm

Illusionary Slots in Belt - Guide

What are Illusory slots and how to use them?

Illusionary slots does not give you extra slot but a potential pocket to add scrolls or potions which you may use later to replace the firstly added ones.

If you wish to use what is on your illusionary pocket you just click on it, then it moves alone to the main slot and then you can use it. However, once either of the main or the corresponding to it illusionary potion/scroll is used then the other one can not be used. As shown on the picture above - on the left side you han see the main and illusionary pocket but once the scroll from the main pocket was used, then the illusionary one is no longer available, as seen on the right.

What gives Illusory slots?

Illusionary slots are being given by Special runes. Each rune add one more Illusionary slot to your fight pockets. This runes are not being placed in some armor, they are just being used and whichever belts you use that will not affect the used before that runes.

How can I gwt this Runes? Do I need to use them in special order?

The runes can be purchased when the Shadow Catcher Reputation is reached, along with that they there is one rune for Reputation Raiting and up to 4 more slots from a special rune received durling special events. However, bellowe you will find the order of using the runes:

Faint Twilight Rune - Can be purchased after 2000 Shadow Catchers Reputation.
Twinkling Twilight Rune - Can be purchased after 3000 Shadow Catchers Reputation.
Shining Twilight Rune - Can be purchased after Shadow Catchers Worship Medal.
Glistering Twilight Rune- Can be purchased after 3200 Reputation Raiting was reached.
Blinding Twilight Rune - Can be obtained during special events or via trade/auction as it is transferrable.

Slots with more runes looks like the following:

1 rune =
Normal slot + 1 Illusionary slot

2 runes =
Normal slot + 2 Illusionary slots

3 runes =
1st Normal slot + 2 Illusionary slots
2nd Normal slot + 1 Illusionary slot

4 runes =
1st Normal slot + 2 Illusionary slots
2nd Normal slot + 2 Illusionary slots

5 rues =
1st Normal slot + 2 Illusionary slots
2nd Normal slot + 2 Illusionary slots
3rd Normal slot +1 Illusionary slot

and so on. If you wish to use more red runes for each next use you should require to have double more than the previous use, therefore, to reach the maximum of the red runes you require 15 pcs. ( 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 )

There is no specific order how to use the Twilight runes, gray to purple can be used once only, but so far my advise for you is to use them in systematic order - gray, green, blue and then purple. The red rune has a bit different qualities. It can be used many times until the maximum slots from it are rached:


Important! Blinding runes can be used up to 4 times to receive up to 4 extra illusory pockets, but each additional pocket will require twice the amount of Blinding runes.

Therefore, I advise you to keep and use the red runes after you have used gray, green, blue and purple.

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:angel: Choose me for your Consecrator :kiss2:

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