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caskets manipulated ?
so....time to cry ....
3900 caskets and trunks and again 0 superprice,but other players win every event 5-10 superprices and this on all events,is that really normal ?
ok,when i recieve from now round about 7500 caskets in total / from the last event too / nothing,how works that,that some players win in 5 minutes more then only 1 price ? sure spend a high level maybe more ,but when he recieve in 6 minutes 4 superprices looks this manipulated,how can he get so fast so many hoeshoes ?
3900 caskets and trunks and again 0 superprice,but other players win every event 5-10 superprices and this on all events,is that really normal ?
ok,when i recieve from now round about 7500 caskets in total / from the last event too / nothing,how works that,that some players win in 5 minutes more then only 1 price ? sure spend a high level maybe more ,but when he recieve in 6 minutes 4 superprices looks this manipulated,how can he get so fast so many hoeshoes ?
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing

Gee, that's a lot of chests...I imagine with the money spent on them you could have just bought a few superprizes off players who won them.
1000 chests (250 of each and I have none but that's 1000 chests in about 4 years. I don't buy chests often and never in huge amounts. Maybe some players just hack the game, obviously.
It's a conspiracy dammit!
1000 chests (250 of each and I have none but that's 1000 chests in about 4 years. I don't buy chests often and never in huge amounts. Maybe some players just hack the game, obviously.
It's a conspiracy dammit!
admins hate you...they collaberating against you so you never ever win superprize
yes,sounds like really so
all knows,that lososerg like lonly hunter and nestro and howone win the much superprices ? yes,nestro and lonly hunter
this is luck ? thats manipulated
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing

Jip) you such big boy and still believe in Santa Claus)))
Wont put nothing else or this topik gets deleted too)))
See Loso?) I can be nice sometimes too))
P.S.:11 golden horseshoes not top) I had 28 and still need it to spend 200g on chests to get superprize
how got so many ? Im sure old players remember Carnival event that we had in cities.
Wont put nothing else or this topik gets deleted too)))
See Loso?) I can be nice sometimes too))
P.S.:11 golden horseshoes not top) I had 28 and still need it to spend 200g on chests to get superprize
how got so many ? Im sure old players remember Carnival event that we had in cities.
05:35 In one of the trunks purchased at the City Fair, Pilek found a certificate for an intricate weapon.
05:35 and discover inside: Experienced Warrior Weapons Certificate 1 pcs.
not so bad,ok,not shoemaker tokens joker card etc,but not crappy tool cert
05:35 In one of the trunks purchased at the City Fair, Pilek found a certificate for an intricate weapon.
05:35 and discover inside: Experienced Warrior Weapons Certificate 1 pcs.
not so bad,ok,not shoemaker tokens joker card etc,but not crappy tool cert
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing

with 8 golden,2 silver and dont know,was a copper in backpack or not
u dont know,what that is ?
here the link:
u dont know,what that is ?
here the link:
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing

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