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Sunday, February 19th 2017, 8:49pm

runes on red armor/weapons

any1 know if it is possible to put runes on red armor or red weapons?

 lol666 [9] 


Posts: 771

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Occupation: Searching for the real meaning of life

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Sunday, February 19th 2017, 8:56pm

Is possible to put bezel or rune on both red weapon and armour. :yes: :beer:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Sunday, February 19th 2017, 9:22pm

i heard it has been changed after update and cant put anymore.


Sunday, February 19th 2017, 10:06pm

After what update? I have both VI runes on my red weapons, put them like a month and a half ago


Sunday, February 19th 2017, 10:33pm

info: Visit the battlefields to earn valor. Valor is essential for getting access to the best armour!

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