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what they should impliment for all battlefields are option to do either interserver or your own server.
cause if its interserver you can be facing some really tough people all the time, if you want a break from it, you can always switch to doing battlefeilds in your own server as you please.
Option for both in all battlefields
cause if its interserver you can be facing some really tough people all the time, if you want a break from it, you can always switch to doing battlefeilds in your own server as you please.
Option for both in all battlefields
You really new to the server
COM was the one that whined for the removal of home queues because DE, PL, IT, ES and FR servers were too terrified of our buff + negative effects fanatism. They had the population to play their home queues. COM server wouldn't face each other if they were paid. While we now merged COM mentality won out somehow... so don't expect us to face each other when heavy buffers still dont like facing other heavy buffers
You really new to the server

i suggest tallar interserver because in this server with broken armor tallar dont start, which is difference go in .com or in interserver if tallar no start at this moment? tallar for this server is BF deadYeah, lets split the queues on the basis that COM is weaker than other servers? Brilliant idea
for player have fear buff or power of .de and .pl remember always dont is necessary buff or much gold for do valour in tallar is sufficiente use brain
lol like i said, i played this game when i was 12-13 my only goal was to get thousands of victories and no defeats xD.. i am 1year total of being concious about this server lol@Deathstroke
You really new to the serverCOM was the one that whined for the removal of home queues because DE, PL, IT, ES and FR servers were too terrified of our buff + negative effects fanatism. They had the population to play their home queues. COM server wouldn't face each other if they were paid. While we now merged COM mentality won out somehow... so don't expect us to face each other when heavy buffers still dont like facing other heavy buffers
i bring up issues i hear form people in game. this is one of the biggest reasons along with naked hunters as to why people dont que. because they are afraid to face full group of PL DE players on non break days. that the teams are really tough... SO YES. i will suggest again, to add option.. because thats a reason why people dont que aswell. but hey why argue. people make millions of reasons and many worse than facing another server., and many you may call friends, the world may never know.Yeah, lets split the queues on the basis that COM is weaker than other servers? Brilliant idea
ecause they are afraid to face full group of PL DE players on non break days.that the teams are really tough
No, they just suck. I beat plenty of people from DE and PL with minimum effort in any battlefield I went to. There are noobs everywhere, and there are maniacs on all servers too. However, there's absolutely no standard, unbeatable players that come only from one server or the other. If some people can't beat anyone whatsoever from either PL or DE, they just suck. A lot.

along with naked hunters
What? Just.... what?
You do not quit playing computer games because youre old, you get old because you quit playing.
Just gonna put this out there
Intersrver tallars would solve anything
, cause same thing would happen. For first few days a bunch will go cause its "new", but then it will die out until non break happens. Same reason BF dont happen now. Look at CC and Temple. Dont happen unless non break for the day is on, even though without 2x val, they give double or tripple the val a tallar can give for around same time.
Secondly, DE nd PL are not stronger than us
- not even close
Intersrver tallars would solve anything

Secondly, DE nd PL are not stronger than us

is easy find 6 players for tallar with interserverJust gonna put this out there
Intersrver tallars would solve anything, cause same thing would happen. For first few days a bunch will go cause its "new", but then it will die out until non break happens. Same reason BF dont happen now. Look at CC and Temple. Dont happen unless non break for the day is on, even though without 2x val, they give double or tripple the val a tallar can give for around same time.
Secondly, DE nd PL are not stronger than us- not even close
for luck much players do not have fear broken armor
i dont know myself, but i heared during clan wars some clans were wiggin out cause they were faced against the number 1 clan which is on one of those servers. would be nice to get a statistic comparing the servers, although thats not enought to see whos stronger..Secondly, DE nd PL are not stronger than us - not even close
What would be nice is if admins implimented a monthly interserver tournament, in which we all choose 9 of the best players in our eyes in each level to repressent COM, (PL DE other servers would do the same) and see who comes out on top at the end of the tournament.
i dont know myself, but i heared during clan wars some clans were wiggin out cause they were faced against the number 1 clan which is on one of those servers. would be nice to get a statistic comparing the servers, although thats not enought to see whos stronger..Secondly, DE nd PL are not stronger than us - not even close
What would be nice is if admins implimented a monthly interserver tournament, in which we all choose 9 of the best players in our eyes in each level to repressent COM, (PL DE other servers would do the same) and see who comes out on top at the end of the tournament.
They are not stronger. I have faced plenty of mags from both servers and I beat like 99% of them. Always will be a few stronger than others, but we have our own share of stronger players than me that will beat them. Hard to really show we are par. maybe their top players just pvp more so it seems like they stronger. But we are on par game wise. Maybe they paypal a bit more, but that doesnt make their server ahead of ours. we have the same ability as them

is easy find 6 players for tallar with interserverJust gonna put this out there
Intersrver tallars would solve anything, cause same thing would happen. For first few days a bunch will go cause its "new", but then it will die out until non break happens. Same reason BF dont happen now. Look at CC and Temple. Dont happen unless non break for the day is on, even though without 2x val, they give double or tripple the val a tallar can give for around same time.
Secondly, DE nd PL are not stronger than us- not even close
for luck much players do not have fear broken armor
Again, that will fix the situation for a little bit. after a week or 2 it will become dead BF all over again. ONLY way tallar becomes busy WITHOUT non break, is if they bring back Dragon Insignas. Otherways it will stay as is

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