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Admins a respectful request
Hi guys,
Was thinking today (miracle for me but thought I would try something new, variety is the spice of life after all), anyway we Faeo'ans are a community whether mag or human, sometimes we hate, sometimes we love but we are all here to play this game.
In our years together we have seen the rise and fall of clans large and small and on both sides we have seen the loss of friends, colleagues and families who have unfortunately passed away, their characters left in the game but obviously no longer active over time become lost.
So I'm asking for our admins to set up a permanent clan that spans both magmars and humans, a "Clan of the Fallen Hero" and place our friends within it so that as long as the game survives our former allies, enemies profiles stand tall with thier own clan badge proudly shown on thier profiles.
I would name
as 2 worthy recipients of this respect and would ask for anyone aware of others to include their names for consideration.
Was thinking today (miracle for me but thought I would try something new, variety is the spice of life after all), anyway we Faeo'ans are a community whether mag or human, sometimes we hate, sometimes we love but we are all here to play this game.
In our years together we have seen the rise and fall of clans large and small and on both sides we have seen the loss of friends, colleagues and families who have unfortunately passed away, their characters left in the game but obviously no longer active over time become lost.
So I'm asking for our admins to set up a permanent clan that spans both magmars and humans, a "Clan of the Fallen Hero" and place our friends within it so that as long as the game survives our former allies, enemies profiles stand tall with thier own clan badge proudly shown on thier profiles.
I would name
as 2 worthy recipients of this respect and would ask for anyone aware of others to include their names for consideration.
I can add a section in the game library for that purpuse. You can write your memories, which will be posted there. Think minus the animated memories.
Losos a page would be good idea, but these guys were active members of our community when unfortunate circumstances occured, would be a nice gesture in their memory if they were armoured (maybe a special vanity suit) and given a clan badge so their profiles show us the Faeo'an warriors that they were when still with us.
would be another to be included…n666#post202302
would be another to be included…n666#post202302 - can't confirm he's passed away, but as he was Syrian and hasn't logged in for a number of years now, I think it's a safe presumption. He'd been trying to emigrate to Australia before the civil war really blew up, I don't think he ever made it out.
I'd commemorate another character but I know he didn't pass away...his family had some trouble and he had to leave the game to focus on them. I chatted with him via Messenger briefly a couple years ago and he's definitely not coming back.
I'd commemorate another character but I know he didn't pass away...his family had some trouble and he had to leave the game to focus on them. I chatted with him via Messenger briefly a couple years ago and he's definitely not coming back.…D=4608&pageNo=1
sturm has been gone for almost 7 years and acheron for around 5, both are missed but far from forgetten…D=4608&pageNo=1
sturm has been gone for almost 7 years and acheron for around 5, both are missed but far from forgetten
He didn't pass away, he's just enjoying real life but I miss very much one of the greatest guy who has played the game and also who was the head of the mags guard for many years. I miss you, buddy....

Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.
Quite A Noble Overview to design and Add to the Legacy
So I have these two players names to add.....
Rest in peace Jessica
When this becomes active, please consider the 2 names listed above, for that venue.
THank you
Rest in peace Jessica
When this becomes active, please consider the 2 names listed above, for that venue.
THank you
There is always room for Noodles!
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