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Wednesday, March 22nd 2017, 11:28pm

Admins please / monsterbalancing humans vs magmars

hello admins

i write for few weeks a thread about monsters

we have really to less on humanside !

i was yesterday in magmarland and was fast frustrated.....why ?

the magmarside have durkghargs or how i have to write this monsters,we humans have for this old bears ,ok

but why on magmarside 12 bears and on humanside only 6 bears ?

can we please have the same amount of monster on all locations ,that both races have really the same ?
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing:thumbsup:


Wednesday, March 22nd 2017, 11:29pm


why have magmars 12 durghkharg and humans 6 bears i mean ,not bears and bears
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing:thumbsup:

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Wednesday, March 22nd 2017, 11:38pm

isn't monster spawn rate and the amount of availible monsters dependant on how many people are currently standing in the location...?


Wednesday, March 22nd 2017, 11:42pm

you know the tale about the bees, magmars are more high spirited.... thats why they reproduce more than in human land


Wednesday, March 22nd 2017, 11:56pm

i was alone magmarland on this location

wild forrest,the location on humanside was 8 players

but we humans have less monsters

normal is,more players = more monsters,not on this !

look selfe
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing:thumbsup:

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Thursday, March 23rd 2017, 12:40am

not trying to start any conspiracies but... some mobs have a certain respawn time like 2min etc, did you consider there being more duggies in the location that you were alone in because noone killed them for a while, while when 8 people are in the same location there are most likely a couple naked hunters there killing them as soon as they respawn?

Its been a while now but I remember naked hunting duggies on lvl 6 and when there were a couple other people trying the same and it was hard to get one for myself, so try to look at both locations under the same conditions

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Thursday, March 23rd 2017, 1:47am

What's the next thing you're going to complain about? Ground needs more grass?


Thursday, March 23rd 2017, 11:58am

there is never 12 durks at a time in grotto 5 lvl 5 durks and 1 lvl 6 if u go to next location there is 4 lvl 6 durks

nude hunter can confrim this never once i have seen 12 durk not even when there is 10 ppl on the map they dont increase like higher lvl mobs which would mean nude hunter heaven to all those mobs to choose from
and there respawn time i think is over 45 secs


Thursday, March 23rd 2017, 2:26pm

i think pilek is right im in chion settlement right now as im posting this and i count 10 gungls this is great


Thursday, March 23rd 2017, 5:06pm

not mean grotto ,1 location for bats den
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing:thumbsup:

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Thursday, March 23rd 2017, 6:15pm

not mean grotto ,1 location for bats den
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Thursday, March 23rd 2017, 9:16pm

not mean grotto ,1 location for bats den
i see what u meant i passed there this morning ther was about 6-8 didnt completely counted but i saw alot more than the 4 i used to see


Friday, March 24th 2017, 9:08am

i did not check all locations, but for the mobs i typically hunt, which is lvl 4-5, i see 2x and 3x the number of mobs in the location. is this the new normal, or a bug?

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Friday, March 24th 2017, 11:05am

Please dont reduce the number of mobs again. Atleast we lvl 11+ are happy with that. we had very few of them earlier.


Friday, March 24th 2017, 11:20pm

i did not check all locations, but for the mobs i typically hunt, which is lvl 4-5, i see 2x and 3x the number of mobs in the location. is this the new normal, or a bug?

it is normal players were asking for increase the amount of mobs got we got it finally thanks to every one :)

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