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I do not know what to expect to punish thieves, years ago people complained about them and the few monsters. Solved the monsters and it's great but these people are abusing the effort, effort and time that others invested in playing and is frustrating. One wants to improve in the game and progress and these people frustrate you and you end up leaving. Aside those who come to steal is not people who start is people who already have another account and know what to do. There are tools to counteract them but it has a limit on the number of people you can get rid of.
if we are talking about naked hunting which i presume we are, then the answer is simple like mentioned countless times before. game was never designed to naked hunt, its a loop hole lower levels saw and are still being used today. same with loot stealing, nothing wrong with it accpet moral issues if you can put it like that

what is the definition of insanity?

If but naked hunting is one thing and creating a second character to steal the race or the enemy rza does not give. In any place thieves are punished for stealing for ourselves but when there are so many thieves the administration must do something, a person can not create an account because he paints to steal the others does not make sense
when you see someone loot stealing write to guards and try to convince them that the following character is breaking any of the following laws:
§1. Power leveling and using more than one character
Power leveling of a character
It is not allowed to have several characters registered by the same player with the purpose of improving the wealth of one of these characters.
Registration of a second character
It is allowed to have more than one character on the side of both races, but they may not enter the same fight or participate in the exchange/trade of game items and/or gold. If a player has an additional character that is only used for giving an advantage to his other character, e. g. by only using it for activities that are concerned with obtaining game money and /or items and giving it to the first character this will be regarded as a violation of §1a. The game administration might charge diamonds for compensation.
Creating/using a character to circumvent a ban of another character
If a player is banned for any reason they may under no circumstances create a new account or use their existing ones.
Using a game character to circumvent game limitations
The commercial use of a game character in order to circumvent game limitations is not allowed. This includes the use of amulets of resurrection, the use of a character for spying locations or registering a character to avoid curses in the forum or in the chat.
if not, then you are out of luck
§1. Power leveling and using more than one character
Power leveling of a character
It is not allowed to have several characters registered by the same player with the purpose of improving the wealth of one of these characters.
Registration of a second character
It is allowed to have more than one character on the side of both races, but they may not enter the same fight or participate in the exchange/trade of game items and/or gold. If a player has an additional character that is only used for giving an advantage to his other character, e. g. by only using it for activities that are concerned with obtaining game money and /or items and giving it to the first character this will be regarded as a violation of §1a. The game administration might charge diamonds for compensation.
Creating/using a character to circumvent a ban of another character
If a player is banned for any reason they may under no circumstances create a new account or use their existing ones.
Using a game character to circumvent game limitations
The commercial use of a game character in order to circumvent game limitations is not allowed. This includes the use of amulets of resurrection, the use of a character for spying locations or registering a character to avoid curses in the forum or in the chat.
if not, then you are out of luck

what is the definition of insanity?

It is simple:
Looting is not stealing. Mobs are free. The fact that you attack a mob does not make you own it. To have something stolen from you, you need to own it first.
The only reason "normal" player do not join intentionally other players fights is based on respect (maybe) and the fact that you loose time (fights can take longer) and get less loot, as you have to share the mob. Looters have their own reason to join your fights, but this does not make their doing illegal.
Principe in any fight still is, who does the most damage deserves the loot.
So whether get dressed to fight or accept looters.
Looting is not stealing. Mobs are free. The fact that you attack a mob does not make you own it. To have something stolen from you, you need to own it first.
The only reason "normal" player do not join intentionally other players fights is based on respect (maybe) and the fact that you loose time (fights can take longer) and get less loot, as you have to share the mob. Looters have their own reason to join your fights, but this does not make their doing illegal.
Principe in any fight still is, who does the most damage deserves the loot.
So whether get dressed to fight or accept looters.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Mar 29th 2017, 8:39pm)
While we've all agreed that it's clearly immoral, I'd also argue it should be illegal as you have dedicated players (naked hunters) who've invested gold and real money in the game to get their mounts, maintain them and thus be able to do what they do. On the other hand you have players (or just characters) who've contributed nothing to the game and are benefiting very disrespectfully of other people's hard work. Naked hunters may seem unconventional and differ from the game's original purposes but they still deserve respect and protection.
It should be easy to put a system where people could send screenshots of the fights which the thieves joined to a guard, post it on the forum or send it to support and after x complains (for example 5) the thieves would go to prison and have a fine to pay.
It should be easy to put a system where people could send screenshots of the fights which the thieves joined to a guard, post it on the forum or send it to support and after x complains (for example 5) the thieves would go to prison and have a fine to pay.
if i was to meet up with a human in a location remove my armour and keep letting him attack me to get easy scalps i would be jailed yet we have low level players running about all day giving away free scalps and valour to any low level of opposite race who attacks them armed with a poison scroll.
i have never understand why so called naked hunters have been allowed to do this for years
i have never understand why so called naked hunters have been allowed to do this for years
It should be easy to put a system where people could send screenshots of the fights which the thieves joined to a guard, post it on the forum or send it to support and after x complains (for example 5) the thieves would go to prison and have a fine to pay.
There is no need in it as it's not violation of rules. Want drop - do some dmg, else just catch good time to hunt naked without being looted. It's up to naked hunters solve this issue with ingame methods (exe orders,chains,mirror).
You might as well get an endagar/shankar and go to Fay-Go to hunt naked,even better,get yourself a group of people to hunt naked together.
But if you would like to have nobody attacking the monster you attacked and did more damage than you did,you should wear your items and bring the war to the...monsters.
It has been like this for more than 9 years now,you should learn to either hunt yourself,not let your poor mount to do all the work for you,or deal with those people.
Before anyone accuses me with anything,I have also been a naked hunter and also had those people joining my fights from either one of the races.
But if you would like to have nobody attacking the monster you attacked and did more damage than you did,you should wear your items and bring the war to the...monsters.
It has been like this for more than 9 years now,you should learn to either hunt yourself,not let your poor mount to do all the work for you,or deal with those people.
Before anyone accuses me with anything,I have also been a naked hunter and also had those people joining my fights from either one of the races.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
I'm not especially for or against naked hunt, but there's one thing I'm kinda curious, in what game does the summon not count as part of the summoner? kinda odd how you go through all the process of paying for the training and taming the monster, but it does not count as a part of you? saying that "because you let the summon fight for you, you do not deserve the loot" is just slandering all the summoners in all the games.
Admins told it many times already.
Naked hunting is abusing game holes and actually should be illegal. So if they would going to jail all looters they would have to jail all naked hunters as well
Solution is simple:
1. dress up
2. make dmg
3. lvl up
4. return to point 2 and continue
Have fun
Sooner or later you will understand that in this game exp is thing that counts the most
get to lvl cap and then you can achieve whatever you want
Naked hunting is abusing game holes and actually should be illegal. So if they would going to jail all looters they would have to jail all naked hunters as well

Solution is simple:
1. dress up
2. make dmg
3. lvl up
4. return to point 2 and continue

Have fun

i think we should make it illegal to be lvl 4-5 for over a year or two. i think you guys make it harder on yourself by making few gold in low lvl, rather than doing yourself justice and advancing in lvl and gathering more gold. this would also give mags/humans less scalps from always being naked, and also see a lot less crying cause a lvl 2 is running around disturbing the lvl 5s-6s. you understnad how embarressing that is xD lvl 2 causing havockWhile we've all agreed that it's clearly immoral, I'd also argue it should be illegal as you have dedicated players (naked hunters) who've invested gold and real money in the game to get their mounts, maintain them and thus be able to do what they do. On the other hand you have players (or just characters) who've contributed nothing to the game and are benefiting very disrespectfully of other people's hard work. Naked hunters may seem unconventional and differ from the game's original purposes but they still deserve respect and protection.
It should be easy to put a system where people could send screenshots of the fights which the thieves joined to a guard, post it on the forum or send it to support and after x complains (for example 5) the thieves would go to prison and have a fine to pay.

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