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Friday, April 7th 2017, 6:16pm

Admins: Need harsher pusnishment

Admins, we really need you to increase the punishment for players who do NOT confirm participation in battlefields. We have way too many people who don't care, don't confirm. What's one gold penalty...honestly? 1 gold is like peeing against the wind.

We need harsher punishments for players who are ruining the fun....


Friday, April 7th 2017, 9:44pm

also, is there a chance that admin check the ones who don't confirm, and see if they are linked to the players in the other team (same Ip, clanies, friends, etc.) . I don't know about higher levels, but in low levels I see a lot of cc starting with 4-5 players which is not normal at all (happens on both sides).

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Friday, April 7th 2017, 9:50pm

Couldn't agree more (and would also like to add the idea for harsher punishment for leaving (debatable)).

Despite the fact that it's out of your reach, Arma, low lvl battlefields suffer daily because of that crap. From smallest to biggest, CCs tend to be really bad nowadays (9 vs 4/5, and similar). CCs and occasional Temples MAY start with both teams on max (happens every month or three), but it's gonna be a surprise if nobody leaves.
Buuut, they often won't start with full number of players. Just like previously mentioned, CCs usually aren't 9 vs 9 AS THEY SHOULD BE - either players don't accept or leave (often both).

Because of that battlefields aren't fun or challenging as much as they should be.

An easy win when you need it and come with fully prepared group (or solo (depending on the battlefield))? - No problem, AT ALL!

*Note: Possible exaggeration that isn't far away from the truth.

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Saturday, April 8th 2017, 8:06am

I assume they do not only get 1 gold punishment,after not confirming enough times,they get a warning letter,as the letter stays there,if they don't confirm one more time,they get banned from that battlefield for a period of time. (you can see how long they will not be able to queue up for that battlefield in their punishment gift)
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

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Saturday, April 8th 2017, 6:19pm

http://warofdragons. de/instance_stat.php?outside=1&instance_id=33578007&finish=1
This was today. Just an example.