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Saturday, April 8th 2017, 9:32pm

Problems With Badge

Lososerg today i got green Vision Interpretors rep and i have not green badge where the badges are?

Fix pls


Saturday, April 8th 2017, 10:38pm

Try this. it may solve your issue faster:…&threadID=30603


Saturday, April 8th 2017, 11:24pm

If you received it while in an instance, it won't show up in your character profile. You'll need to send a ticket to support to have them add it, though you still have the rep.
If you don't like something I post in forums, go to this website: www.magrareallydoesn't care.troll and fill out a frankie got his feelings hurt report :bllll:

 -MED- [20] 


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Sunday, April 9th 2017, 3:59am

Welcome to hurt world. If you don't care about 20 rep raiting at this moment - just wait for 2k rep and it will appear as blue badge into badges list.


Sunday, April 9th 2017, 5:23pm

Welcome to hurt world. If you don't care about 20 rep raiting at this moment - just wait for 2k rep and it will appear as blue badge into badges list.
Nope, that doesn't solve it. I still miss 20 rep, compare my badges to rating in toplist.


Sunday, April 9th 2017, 6:04pm

admins should review repu in players, because many players have problem in that medal :)
and some players have extra rep is not much 10, 20 maybe

example: a few months ago _magnarus_ had problem with the medal, i think he wrote to admins he had 2 medal interpreter blue medal + 1 green, and still have extra 10repu in rating :)


Sunday, April 9th 2017, 6:10pm

and now that i remember, seems to be that other players with double medal mercenaries, 2 red + 1 purple medal / 2 purple + 1 red )))


Tuesday, April 11th 2017, 1:10pm

Really thought update would fix it, but since it didn't I expect a manual fix of this. Several people have wrong rep rating, it's scandalous.