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Saturday, April 8th 2017, 11:53pm

Remove Blesses In Tallaar

22:41 Received:: Weak Will of the Chosen 1 pcs.

22:42 Fights finished: 1 of 20
22:42 You intervened in the battle « Random battle».
22:44 Crucible of War battle preparation is starting for 16 level players! To join it, click HERE within 22:45:00.
22:45 Please follow the Chat Rules. Main and trade channel in chat are ENGLISH ONLY. You can speak your own language freely in clan chat or in private. Thank you!
22:46 Fights finished: 2 of 20
22:46 Fights finished: 3 of 20
22:46 The battle « Random battle» is over.
22:46 Gaining victory in a tough battle, you take the trophy due to you. Trophy Hunters reputation has increased by 50.
22:46 The last blow of the Soul Reaper cuts through your enemy's flesh and a shadow comes away from the dead body. It envelops the blade of the scythe and instantly disappears, as if absorbed by the steel of the blade.
22:47 Received: Satiety V 1 pcs
22:47 After performing a great deed in the service of the Great Battles, the character Kik82 [14] received the Medal of Worship.
22:47 You have been attacked by invisible.
22:47 The battle « Random battle» has begun.
22:47 Fights finished: 4 of 20
22:49 After performing a great deed in the service of the Fortune Hunters, the character Kik82 [14] received the Medal of Worship.
22:50 Struggling to find a location, resource, monster or NPC? Use the Navigator by clicking the compass button on the right-hand side of the screen.
22:52 Fights finished: 5 of 20
22:52 The battle « Random battle» is over.
22:52 Received: Satiety V 1 pcs
22:52 You intervened in the battle « Random battle».
22:54 Fights finished: 6 of 20
22:55 Looking for quicker loading times? Get the game client to have all the game data cached plus get extra plugins to view combos during battles, save and search chat logs and much more!
22:55 Fights finished: 7 of 20
22:55 The battle « Random battle» is over.
22:55 You intervened in the battle « Random battle».
22:57 The power of the Chosen, contained in the tablet, dispelled Weak Will of the Chosen 1 pcs.
22:57 TomasLtd used the Secrecy Tablet and cleansed Txirli of the magic of the Chosen.
22:58 Fights finished: 8 of 20
23:00 info: Need a Mentor? You can find online Mentor HERE .
23:03 Fights finished: 9 of 20

How is this possible? bug or new rules?? ?( ?( ?(
When the warriors dream, giants fall

 -MED- [20] 


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Posts: 729

Location: Moscow

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Sunday, April 9th 2017, 4:02am

i guess its same with marmaluke's croizier against bov blessings,atleast it been like that few years ago


Sunday, April 9th 2017, 9:56am

so as long as you know who you are up against, you can debuff and disperse their buff in tallaar??


Sunday, April 9th 2017, 1:04pm

It must be an error in game, i dont remember doing it .well: :shuffle:


Sunday, April 9th 2017, 8:30pm

i guess its same with marmaluke's croizier against bov blessings,atleast it been like that few years ago
So no bug? nice to know, but if we are invisible something is wrong, I try with marmaluke lol
so as long as you know who you are up against, you can debuff and disperse their buff in tallaar??
you are human try, humans can make very nice things, if you paypal more hehe
It must be an error in game, i dont remember doing it
It must be fear in halls, makes you more creative and desperate lol but you have to remove more bleses for beat me I remember well lol keep trying
When the warriors dream, giants fall


Sunday, April 9th 2017, 9:04pm

this is as old as the game.. always was possible to debuff with crozier, send dusk luck and things like that on tallaar..

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