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Lvl18 skies…=0&server_id=10
dear magmars... you guarantee yourself no skies
You know more of you will come to fight. And still you use tons of bless
very very wise
keep doing that and you will have no human in skies never again
that was last skies for me
have fun
dear magmars... you guarantee yourself no skies
You know more of you will come to fight. And still you use tons of bless

1. valor- questionable when you have 7 opponents and all of them drop shadows and 6 of them are belssedu take valor , u don't break ...why to protest? because you didn't win this time ? ha ha're ridiculous

2. armor don't break - it will change with upcoming update within few days
3. why protest? maybe because it's ridiculous to fight agaist 7 shadows and 6 people who can kill you with 2 blows?

Wish you all good luck

dont play without a brain, go push your account (talents/rested red pets,better and stronger bless its easy to win...
dont play without a brain, go push your account (talents/rested red pets,better and stronger bless its easy to win...
Well not all can paypall like you@Elessar
dont play without a brain, go push your account (talents/rested red pets,better and stronger bless its easy to win...

@Elessar for what paypal ? Im hunting 90-100g/hour, my account got everything. Bless are not expensive for use them in pvp you are just stupid
call me however you want
i use bless only for hunt so i could get more money
using them for pvp is just lost of money. And don't tell me you got account with everything you want without paypalling and that you were moved for free. Don't be ridiculous
when i'll have all on my account (probably in 5y with time i can spend for hunting) then i'll be able to think to use bless for pvp
but i doubt i'll change my mind 
@No Pain No Gain
I don't complain about losing. I knew there is no chance to win for us. went to skies for fun
but there is no fun when you get 6 overblessed magmars + 7 shadows
call me however you want

@No Pain No Gain
I don't complain about losing. I knew there is no chance to win for us. went to skies for fun

@ Elessar i never bless for sky because its to easy for me, if you never take bless for pvp on magmars its normal that u loose every fight, u play like lvl 3-4 really bad so u need more experience, ask some people from MIB what u making wrong ask some good players for tipps and come sky again u will see the different
@elessar , 60% of players here are non paypal players , they just work hard on their char , to get a "not-too-bad-one" , you're in a good clan , with good people in pvp that can help u and explain how to up reputation and talents . Ask them info , and when you felt in front of supposed paypallers , blessed , take time to watch them , how they fight , u will lear a lot of your defeats ...probably .
to up reputation and tale
C'mon... do you think i'm last idiot?@elessar , 60% of players here are non paypal players , they just work hard on their char , to get a "not-too-bad-one" , you're in a good clan , with good people in pvp that can help u and explain how to up reputation and talents . Ask them info , and when you felt in front of supposed paypallers , blessed , take time to watch them , how they fight , u will lear a lot of your defeats ...probably .
durability :90 , yes you're idiot ...that's proof :p
durability :90 , yes you're idiot ...that's proof :p
1st of all i'm not valor player as you noticed
durability :90 , yes you're idiot ...that's proof :p

I'm baffled by this thread to be honest....I have seen a lot of idiotic post in this forum over the years but this one has to be in the top 15....
Ellesar, you literally just told us that you CHOSE (key word here), you CHOSE to not use your buffs for pvp but instead to use them all for hunting. Then you complain that some people CHOSE (same key word here, did you notice?) to use their buffs unlike you, for PVP.
This game is ALL about making choices because with the exception of a few players who spent a mortgage on this game, most of us have to make choices...focus on one thing, forget the other while you do that one thing, then move to the next thing....etc...
You made the choice of using your buffs one way, don't complain if other poeple have chosen to use them a different.
Take a hike....
Ellesar, you literally just told us that you CHOSE (key word here), you CHOSE to not use your buffs for pvp but instead to use them all for hunting. Then you complain that some people CHOSE (same key word here, did you notice?) to use their buffs unlike you, for PVP.
This game is ALL about making choices because with the exception of a few players who spent a mortgage on this game, most of us have to make choices...focus on one thing, forget the other while you do that one thing, then move to the next thing....etc...
You made the choice of using your buffs one way, don't complain if other poeple have chosen to use them a different.
Take a hike....

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