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Wednesday, May 3rd 2017, 5:34pm

Ten-fold chests

"- The amount of precious stones received is 10 times greater"

That doesn't say the chance to get them is 10 times greater, it says the amount is 10 times greater.


17:31 A pleasant addition to the contents was Blue Rainbow Stone 1 pcs, found at the very bottom.

It should be 10 stones, or the wording is incorrect on the chest. Everything else says "10 times greater chance"
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Wednesday, May 3rd 2017, 10:18pm

Not sure if it's possible to get more than 1 rainbow stone for one of those chests.

But you wouldnt usually find a rainbow stone in every chest you open, its probably about 1 stone every 10 chests or so on average or less right?


Wednesday, May 3rd 2017, 10:51pm

It's not possible to get more than one stone in a regular chest. These chests are equivalent to opening 10 chests at one time, so you should get 10 stones.
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Thursday, May 4th 2017, 12:57am

Equivalent in stones matter or the loot in general?


Thursday, May 4th 2017, 11:58am

normal chest with 100% chance = 1 stone
ten fold chest with 1000% chace = 1 stone

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Thursday, May 4th 2017, 3:19pm

I'm having a hard time to understand which part of "10 times the amount,not chance" you had hard time to understand,Grahf.
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Thursday, May 4th 2017, 5:22pm

17:11 Holding your breath, you open the trunk...
17:11 and under it's cover you were lucky to find Copper Horseshoe of Luck 1 pcs. You continue searching the content of the casket...
17:11 and found inside: Merchant Mark 225 pcs, Great Scroll of Retribution 30 pcs.
17:11 There is a nice bonus at the bottom of the chest: a handful of gems. Received: Green Rainbow Stone 10 pcs.

maybe changed or not lucky enough, i get 10x


Thursday, May 4th 2017, 5:26pm

17:11 Holding your breath, you open the trunk...
17:11 and under it's cover you were lucky to find Copper Horseshoe of Luck 1 pcs. You continue searching the content of the casket...
17:11 and found inside: Merchant Mark 225 pcs, Great Scroll of Retribution 30 pcs.
17:11 There is a nice bonus at the bottom of the chest: a handful of gems. Received: Green Rainbow Stone 10 pcs.

maybe changed or not lucky enough, i get 10x
weird i open 17 and got like 5 stones altogether.
Beg that I succeed, for I have seen the throne of the gods, and it was empty.

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Thursday, May 4th 2017, 7:50pm

i open 2 pcs and win superprice, stupid chests :(

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