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Rumours about new rule!
Hello dear players,
we got the information someone has spread something about a new rule concerning attacks and now all of you are pretty unsure if you will end up in jail with your next attack.
First of all: as long as you do not find anything concerning a change like this published in forum, rules or news it does not apply for us!
Second, this rumour is coming from German server where there is indeed a new rule concerning attacks on low level to protect them during raids. DE also has a rule to executions, which does not apply to our server!
Latest rule says you are not allowed to attack enemy race more than 3 level below your level or you will get punished according to their article 6 (which also includes their execution rule).
But as already pointed out, this rule does NOT apply to COM server. So whoever is telling you rumours about rules but there is no official statement from guards or administration, send the informant to the woods
Will that rule ever come to our server? I donĀ“t know. All can happen or nothing. But if any new rule will be implied on COM you will get information from us.
So keep enjoying your game on COM and do not care about rules and regulation of other servers!
we got the information someone has spread something about a new rule concerning attacks and now all of you are pretty unsure if you will end up in jail with your next attack.
First of all: as long as you do not find anything concerning a change like this published in forum, rules or news it does not apply for us!
Second, this rumour is coming from German server where there is indeed a new rule concerning attacks on low level to protect them during raids. DE also has a rule to executions, which does not apply to our server!
Latest rule says you are not allowed to attack enemy race more than 3 level below your level or you will get punished according to their article 6 (which also includes their execution rule).
But as already pointed out, this rule does NOT apply to COM server. So whoever is telling you rumours about rules but there is no official statement from guards or administration, send the informant to the woods

Will that rule ever come to our server? I donĀ“t know. All can happen or nothing. But if any new rule will be implied on COM you will get information from us.
So keep enjoying your game on COM and do not care about rules and regulation of other servers!

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Sequana" (May 12th 2017, 7:49am)
way its spoken about seems like its the worst idea to yall xD.
Of course the whole raiding part, all humans/mags/monsters/guards at all lvls are a Target, no rule should be applied for their protection.
but for same race, there should be a rule, to protect low lvls, from higher lvls if your lvl 3-4 get exed by high lvl mage when the low lvl has done nothing wrong, even if he spoke wrongly to a higher lvl, a higher lvl would take advantage of the stength difference and just attack him without hesitation, rather than, if it was same lvl arguement it would just be an argument rather than a quick hostile attack cause you can..
just think low lvls should be protected from same race (UNTIL GOOD REASONING), such as attack ally, or they send wraiths or are constantly picking on a friend.all people have rights to enjoy their game, and all people deserve the chance to have a chance. just my thoughts, altho a lot of people here already keep to themselves when is a low lvl issue..
I just think, if low lvl issue, wont be issue for long, gold is scarce and put towards BFs. high lvl. gold is everywhere issue/grudges last as long as you enjoy it.
protection to enjoy this game is fair for all. but of course, this issue will be hard to accept, when we have a majority of players, who complain cause they get killed by opposite race for raiding their land, and think your immune
Of course the whole raiding part, all humans/mags/monsters/guards at all lvls are a Target, no rule should be applied for their protection.
but for same race, there should be a rule, to protect low lvls, from higher lvls if your lvl 3-4 get exed by high lvl mage when the low lvl has done nothing wrong, even if he spoke wrongly to a higher lvl, a higher lvl would take advantage of the stength difference and just attack him without hesitation, rather than, if it was same lvl arguement it would just be an argument rather than a quick hostile attack cause you can..
just think low lvls should be protected from same race (UNTIL GOOD REASONING), such as attack ally, or they send wraiths or are constantly picking on a friend.all people have rights to enjoy their game, and all people deserve the chance to have a chance. just my thoughts, altho a lot of people here already keep to themselves when is a low lvl issue..
I just think, if low lvl issue, wont be issue for long, gold is scarce and put towards BFs. high lvl. gold is everywhere issue/grudges last as long as you enjoy it.
protection to enjoy this game is fair for all. but of course, this issue will be hard to accept, when we have a majority of players, who complain cause they get killed by opposite race for raiding their land, and think your immune
I wonder what DE players have to deal with sign in in WAR game adopt to rules they have, not first stupid rule they put there) admins there need to be remaind they guard WAR GAME
they lucky dont have nut cases like us)))we would make the rules desepire in 24 hrs
very surprised players don't object there to anything

they lucky dont have nut cases like us)))we would make the rules desepire in 24 hrs
very surprised players don't object there to anything
I would support this rule!
You're asking why? Because low levels also want to play! And we can't when, for example, mage attacks and mirrors.
I'm level 5, and I don't complain if level 5-7 attack me, but I don't like when a human mage attacks me.
Yesterday I went to Virigiya, attacked a level 3 human to get a scalp, and was mirrored and killed by a level 12 human mage.
Even if I had 3k Relic Seekers reputation and mirrored him, I can't kill him.
What can I do in turn? Nothing! My game is suspended for 2 hours, and he continues to play.
You're asking why? Because low levels also want to play! And we can't when, for example, mage attacks and mirrors.
I'm level 5, and I don't complain if level 5-7 attack me, but I don't like when a human mage attacks me.
Yesterday I went to Virigiya, attacked a level 3 human to get a scalp, and was mirrored and killed by a level 12 human mage.
Even if I had 3k Relic Seekers reputation and mirrored him, I can't kill him.
What can I do in turn? Nothing! My game is suspended for 2 hours, and he continues to play.
and when your own races attacks you?This is called war of races,won't change much for you if you get killed and mirrored by level 7.
what if a inconsiderate self acheiving snobby low lvl wants to bully a new player, and shows his might through his high lvl friends who dont care if this new guy is innocent or not. they will kill and mirror him/her because their friend ordered them to...
the factor is.. you lvl 18-19 wont be surpassed. there is no way NOW, to find even ground when you are new player or regular low lvl player. at some point there should be a respect. that same race players shouldnt play god and completely take over someones game and force them to play within the lvl 18s agenda.
yeah its a war game. but this game, is not a game which, you take over the enemy until they are gone permanently thats why bfs are there cause you need two sides.
but i agreed that its fine if any lvl of the opposite race attacks you. you are enemy no matter what lvl you are. but same race. is problematic. very much.
@ med
you was a guard ,you know,that this game was never a wargame,that is round about 10 years a strategy role playing game or not ?
in al threads the same.gif)
maybe aixlinn ask in next weekly knowledge,what this here is ,what we all play,im sure many dont know this
you was a guard ,you know,that this game was never a wargame,that is round about 10 years a strategy role playing game or not ?
in al threads the same
maybe aixlinn ask in next weekly knowledge,what this here is ,what we all play,im sure many dont know this
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing

"No doubt you can't wait to engage the warriors of the opposing nation in combat! From the moment you leave your home city there will be thousands of battles ahead of you. Find the enemies of your people before they find you and prove your strength in combat. With the exception of the main cities, which are well protected, you are free to attack the warriors of the other race virtually anywhere."
"No doubt you can't wait to engage the warriors of the opposing nation in combat! From the moment you leave your home city there will be thousands of battles ahead of you. Find the enemies of your people before they find you and prove your strength in combat. With the exception of the main cities, which are well protected, you are free to attack the warriors of the other race virtually anywhere."
make with my accoun whatever you want,when im in magmarland,thats my risk,when i go there
noone can scarry me,i recieve so or so scalps,sometimes more sometimes less and noone ,really noone can stop this
your race can give me only some hoers break
and in the mirrortimes i can make me something to eat ,looking auction etc etc,this game have enough options
nice weekend
noone can scarry me,i recieve so or so scalps,sometimes more sometimes less and noone ,really noone can stop this
your race can give me only some hoers break

nice weekend
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing