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Oriana has fallen in Battle :((
Rest in Peace
"Oriana",aka Angie M.
On May 12th,2017 at 1415 pm in Pensacola, Florida, USA. My best friend in the Real World and Faeo took her last breath after a long up and down battle with Cancer
She wanted you all to know that over the last few years playing this game was a terrific in helping her not dwell on her pain and troubles. The friendships she made in Faeo helped her not feel so alone when it became difficult to leave the house other than Doctor Appointments etc.
Now she was not so thrilled to do PVP in Battlefields and dreaded leveling up to Mage and basically learning to fight all over again. But she did love working her Profession and chatting with her friends, then grouping up to go slay some Super-being.
A few days ago she asked me to look into talking to Admin if they would allow me to go on to her account. To help disperse her belongings out into the world of Faeo so they would not just gather dust in bank slots or in her Backpack. Especially when she has many friends and clannies that could make use of all those goods and resources. I do not if it will possible, but will look into it next week and see what they will say.
For those of you that did not know her, talk to someone that did. She was just as kind, giving,and friendly woman in real life as she was in the world of Faeo. The world is less bright today with her passing. But such was her spirit and how she touched others that little bit more of darkness will soon be pushed back by those that will take up her candle to drive it back. To lift those candles of kindness and compassion to light other candles and push the darkness back even more.
Know she is somewhere on the other side looking down on us, watching us, and taking joy in our successes in life, encouraging us when we have set-backs, crying when we are hurt and feeling pain. She will be waiting for her friends with open arms when it is our time to take the last step to cross the final barrier between this life and the next.
Godspeed on your journey Oriana, aka Angie, blaze across the heavens like a comet and know I will be looking up waiting for my time to join you. You are going to be so missed in our lives, but not forgotten.
With all my Love, _STRIDER_, aka Mirl S.
"Oriana",aka Angie M.
On May 12th,2017 at 1415 pm in Pensacola, Florida, USA. My best friend in the Real World and Faeo took her last breath after a long up and down battle with Cancer

She wanted you all to know that over the last few years playing this game was a terrific in helping her not dwell on her pain and troubles. The friendships she made in Faeo helped her not feel so alone when it became difficult to leave the house other than Doctor Appointments etc.
Now she was not so thrilled to do PVP in Battlefields and dreaded leveling up to Mage and basically learning to fight all over again. But she did love working her Profession and chatting with her friends, then grouping up to go slay some Super-being.

A few days ago she asked me to look into talking to Admin if they would allow me to go on to her account. To help disperse her belongings out into the world of Faeo so they would not just gather dust in bank slots or in her Backpack. Especially when she has many friends and clannies that could make use of all those goods and resources. I do not if it will possible, but will look into it next week and see what they will say.
For those of you that did not know her, talk to someone that did. She was just as kind, giving,and friendly woman in real life as she was in the world of Faeo. The world is less bright today with her passing. But such was her spirit and how she touched others that little bit more of darkness will soon be pushed back by those that will take up her candle to drive it back. To lift those candles of kindness and compassion to light other candles and push the darkness back even more.
Know she is somewhere on the other side looking down on us, watching us, and taking joy in our successes in life, encouraging us when we have set-backs, crying when we are hurt and feeling pain. She will be waiting for her friends with open arms when it is our time to take the last step to cross the final barrier between this life and the next.
Godspeed on your journey Oriana, aka Angie, blaze across the heavens like a comet and know I will be looking up waiting for my time to join you. You are going to be so missed in our lives, but not forgotten.
first - thanks for the information to _STRIDER_ + thanks that you was around there .
I dont want spend many words here - its a bad day for whole Feao and for all who knows Oriana at rl .
I'm so sad
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I dont want spend many words here - its a bad day for whole Feao and for all who knows Oriana at rl .
I'm so sad

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No, she did not die. Oriana just went to a better place than that cruel world. People calling it as "Heaven" i don't care name of it really but im sure about something, there is an always better place for good people after they left from world.
We never forget you Oriana. Always you will be remembered in our hearts, always! Thank you for all your support to me. Wait us in there, take care of yourself dear until see you again. xx
We never forget you Oriana. Always you will be remembered in our hearts, always! Thank you for all your support to me. Wait us in there, take care of yourself dear until see you again. xx
I still can't believe that in this world exists people that can insult in sexual-explicite way (yes you read it good) and be insensible about someone's death, to get only 1 day silence in game, what a shame that this little kiddo is part of human race in this world and can still login in this game to insult really badly... what a shame we cannot even know who is multi of or I'd close his game over and over personally... those people should be banned forever for their inhumanity... 3650 days of silence to him and all his multies that connects...
RIP O. What I had to tell, I told in private. You never left us and you will never leave us alone. Always taking care of us from the stars, even when we can't see you clearly. See you again in the other world.
RIP O. What I had to tell, I told in private. You never left us and you will never leave us alone. Always taking care of us from the stars, even when we can't see you clearly. See you again in the other world.
I want to thank everyone for thier kind words and thoughts, I know each day will become less hurt from her loss. All of her friends will be a reminder to me of the person she was. I can tell you toward the end one of things she said she missed the most was this game and the friends she made here over the last few years of her life. She regetted the fact that she was unable to meet any of you in person, as one of the things we talked about when we thought she had it beat, Was the desire to travel and actually meet some of you in person, to thank you personally for your friendship and support when her life was at it's darkest. So take heart that even at the end she was thinking of her friends in the world of Faeo. That she wished that each of you have a happy and fulfilling life with love of family and friends to be cherished. Angie is her nickname for Angela, which we all know is from the root name Angel. Now she has truly become an Angel for us all.
So live each day if it was your last, cherish your friends and family. That is the best way to honor her as Oriana, and the real person, Angie.
So live each day if it was your last, cherish your friends and family. That is the best way to honor her as Oriana, and the real person, Angie.

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