Unbalance between races
We don't lose by number, we lose by brain function, takes 9 mags to take out 1 lvl 14 and 1 lvl 16 human) STAY on mobs ppl...honestly sad... flash news, available fonction " blessing" is possible option in this game..... considered sometimes
We don't lose by number, we lose by brain function, takes 9 mags to take out 1 lvl 14 and 1 lvl 16 human) STAY on mobs ppl...honestly sad... flash news, available fonction " blessing" is possible option in this game..... considered sometimes
Certain Mags havent seen human scalp in a long time and want some free " Magnetic ( Free Taco)..LOL.
And some humans don't understand they can't get a scalp from magmars more than two levels lower

And these humans don't let other humans get scalps from magmars

Magmars against humans, humans against humans

Sorry for little offtopic!
I like attacking low level. It give me a deep satisfaction enjoy the wound
LOl.. I like attacking low levels ...in fact I find a deep satisfaction )... Enjoy my gifts
I spit on you and on the wounds you or anyone gives me

I have life, while I have wounds I will do something else, maybe even more interesting than this game

So come, give me more wounds

So funny the one that saying get a life is wasting theirs by being the one complaining and moaning about higher levels killing them even though they say it doesn't bother them. Sad little fox.
I'm not complaining, be smarter to see difference!
I'm saying you mages don't let low levels play normally, because you can beat them, but they can't beat you. If low levels had a chance to kill a mage then it would be ok. Please note, I'm not talking about myself, as I said I spit on Steelblender and wounds, picture change doesnt bother me really! I'm saying in general. Some players are adult people, some are children, they should like to play, not suffer of things mages can do to them.
Also another thing. You kill and mirror a low level, low level can mirror but not kill you. Whatever low levels do to play this game the way they like, is ruined if mages chase them.
Let's say, for example, a low level wants to paypal do achieve something, but you kill and mirror him/her, and whatever that player wanted to do is failed... why whould he/she paypal, to waste money worked so hard? I wouldn't, I value my time and labour!
This is real imbalance in the game. Knowingly stong players kill knowingly weak ones. It's not fair, it sucks!
I and many others were killed randomly by higher levels when we first started. I got a few solutions for you. 1. If your getting attacked by stronger players, then get stronger and kill then or get to where your a threat and they leave you alone. 2. Stop doing whatever your doing that making them attack you, lately I've been passing over many lower lvls when I go to mag land because I'm after a handful of individuals. 3. Go to de server and play "hello kitty playtime adventure land" with them because last time I checked this is WAR of dragons, suck it up cupcake and play the game instead of changing it because you don't like it.
I and many others were killed randomly by higher levels when we first started. I got a few solutions for you. 1. If your getting attacked by stronger players, then get stronger and kill then or get to where your a threat and they leave you alone. 2. Stop doing whatever your doing that making them attack you, lately I've been passing over many lower lvls when I go to mag land because I'm after a handful of individuals. 3. Go to de server and play "hello kitty playtime adventure land" with them because last time I checked this is WAR of dragons, suck it up cupcake and play the game instead of changing it because you don't like it.
1. I don't want to play this game so long to be able to kill a mage, game is addicting.
2. I have no idea what makes them attack me, I guess they attack me just because they can

3. Fact that this is WAR of dragons doesn't mean we have to be animals, we all should have moral principles, ones who have them in real life have them in game too. I personally don't attack lv 1-3 because I have conscience, and I find it below my dignity. I attack only levels 4+ because they give me scalps, energy and if I'm lucky exe +1. Only looters are exception. And I'm definitely a better person than anyone who doesn't agree with me on #3!
I and many others were killed randomly by higher levels when we first started. I got a few solutions for you. 1. If your getting attacked by stronger players, then get stronger and kill then or get to where your a threat and they leave you alone. 2. Stop doing whatever your doing that making them attack you, lately I've been passing over many lower lvls when I go to mag land because I'm after a handful of individuals. 3. Go to de server and play "hello kitty playtime adventure land" with them because last time I checked this is WAR of dragons, suck it up cupcake and play the game instead of changing it because you don't like it.
LoL well from level 3-5 I was getting attacked all the time..... But was funny I started Jumping mages when I was half way to level 6.... Fun was one level 13 I jumped so many time he started bring help to attack me.... All so he could go do red rune.... He died so many times.... It was so sad I would jump him then call for the Big Guys to destroy him...... He kept my scalp for trophy for a month until I used my now level 7 to jump him who was level 4 then... Then he took that one for trophy for another month.... I look at it this way I was getting attacked so why not fight and stall for help.....

Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all..

I and many others were killed randomly by higher levels when we first started. I got a few solutions for you. 1. If your getting attacked by stronger players, then get stronger and kill then or get to where your a threat and they leave you alone. 2. Stop doing whatever your doing that making them attack you, lately I've been passing over many lower lvls when I go to mag land because I'm after a handful of individuals. 3. Go to de server and play "hello kitty playtime adventure land" with them because last time I checked this is WAR of dragons, suck it up cupcake and play the game instead of changing it because you don't like it.
1. I don't want to play this game so long to be able to kill a mage, game is addicting.
2. I have no idea what makes them attack me, I guess they attack me just because they can
3. Fact that this is WAR of dragons doesn't mean we have to be animals, we all should have moral principles, ones who have them in real life have them in game too. I personally don't attack lv 1-3 because I have conscience, and I find it below my dignity. I attack only levels 4+ because they give me scalps, energy and if I'm lucky exe +1. Only looters are exception. And I'm definitely a better person than anyone who doesn't agree with me on #3!
Wa Wa Wa Wa Don't like being attacked If I remember right there is a game called Romper Room.... That would maybe be better for You......


Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all..

All blessed up buffed magmars and just us with exe and speed pot on...
More mags showed up heavily buffed but didnt join, like this guy: http://warofdragons.com/user_info.php?ni…5393347c6725883
Imagine if we had buffed/blessed up like they did? Ponder that for a little bit and then leave your peanut gallery reply below mine here
More mags showed up heavily buffed but didnt join, like this guy: http://warofdragons.com/user_info.php?ni…5393347c6725883
Imagine if we had buffed/blessed up like they did? Ponder that for a little bit and then leave your peanut gallery reply below mine here

You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...
oh yeah, forgot, Hatred was just in fight alongside venom and for some reason thought his "splinter blessing" wasnt enough to join. Whats happened with that alliance? they not like each other?
NOW put your peanut gallery comments after this
NOW put your peanut gallery comments after this

You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...
All blessed up buffed magmars and just us with exe and speed pot on...
You mr sith are a liar ))

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