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Disgruntled Mercenary
Before you can get yourself together after a difficult battle, you are attacked by a well armed and well trained mercenary, who clearly has no intention of chatting. Defend yourself!
How does one but a stop to these attacks?
They began after I finished the "In Search for Korlak: Long-standing Feud" Quest
Remember it's only a Game. So enjoy it. Real life will intrude soon enough.
I have also encountered this, don't know which quest has triggered this. Any more info would be appreciated
did you guys by chane started also In Search for Korlak: life in chains quest?
Yes I have. Right now I finished some Korlak quests and am at Korlak Fate one
then you should finish this quest by freeing Juminja (you have 2 possibilities at some point in the quest) by askin for the key (otherwise you will have fights each time). if you dont feel like finishing it now, just resign the quest for the time being.
Thx a lot for the help
It worked