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Thursday, July 20th 2017, 11:14am

Just wondering ...........

Why is it possible that this guy is still playing (and looting) ??
Look at his curse and wounds ..............
Just throw this guy in the dungeon ....... this is just stupid.


Thursday, July 20th 2017, 11:28am

No such thing as looting, loot goes to whoever does most damage. Stop whining and armour up to do damage.


Thursday, July 20th 2017, 11:44am

No such thing as looting, loot goes to whoever does most damage. Stop whining and armour up to do damage.

I'm not whining DeAdLY ....... just wondering


Thursday, July 20th 2017, 1:25pm

i agree, i think there should be a limit for each curse on how long you can roam free before being jailed.. esp those whom used other services/blackmarket i see people like that running around still. i guess allowing them to run free gives motivation to do whatever is needed to pay curse off and continue their game. who knows


Thursday, July 20th 2017, 3:09pm

ok, let's forget about "looting". Question is, how is a jailed person able to affect the game in any way? and as another kinda related question, when did the old O'delvays dungeon dissapear?


Thursday, July 20th 2017, 5:07pm

We cannot trow someone in the dungeon just because its looting or it heavy wounded. Also the dungeon did not dissapear, its stil there.

Every illegal thing that you do in the game has a certain penalty, this player can walk freely, but slowly :D , because he doesnt have a Curse of Captivity on him, he has Curse of Rejection.

More about penalties, here.



Thursday, July 20th 2017, 11:15pm

so what is dungeon really for? if you can buy your way out of any curse for breaking any rule, theres no certainty players will ever pay the curse back, idk just weird. beside all the cursed players looting, their are curse players who can intervein in GBs and idk about this, but possibly they can even mirror people?


Friday, July 21st 2017, 2:58am

Dungeon is for people with captivity curse. It is given when you are connected to another jailed account. Once the conditions are met for you to be released from it then thats the end of it. All other curses are restrictions on the players ability to interact with key game feature.

Whether the player chooses to play as a looter after release is of no concern to Guards. Looting is perfectly legal and extremely avoidable by doing damage as many already mentioned.


Friday, July 21st 2017, 4:12am

Dungeon is Joke these days... Used to be when some one was caught using Bots, joining fights with multies on the Same PC... Non payment of Debts, illegal trades...They got Jailed..... Now people get to roam around free and rob wound and cheat any way they want and get a tiny little slap on the hand... But put a insult to another player on your Bio.... Guess what JAIL until you pay a Fine.... This game is made for the ones that Cheat and Whine....
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all.. :lol: :lol:

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