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this is still allowed,the mage protect his land and my problem on this is,the fight start vs a lvl 7,so he highest player,that i can call to help is only a lvl 10 ,because max 3 lv diff
all can see now,hat i have more problems as before and that is for all players now so
cant find a problem in he new rule
this is still allowed,the mage protect his land and my problem on this is,the fight start vs a lvl 7,so he highest player,that i can call to help is only a lvl 10 ,because max 3 lv diff
all can see now,hat i have more problems as before and that is for all players now so
cant find a problem in he new rule
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing
his isn allowed ,because on neural zone,his mage is bashing noob
his isn allowed ,because on neural zone,his mage is bashing noob
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing
magnmars every time unfair,cant beat me,only with high levels
have you not other hobby ? 1 hour run on all locations,hat i am
magnmars every time unfair,cant beat me,only with high levels
have you not other hobby ? 1 hour run on all locations,hat i am
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing
so a bashing noob clan
lvl 13 on 7
lvl 19 on 13
and guards do nothing ,respect !
so a bashing noob clan
lvl 13 on 7
lvl 19 on 13
and guards do nothing ,respect !
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing
magnmars every time unfair,cant beat me,only with high levels![]()
have you not other hobby ? 1 hour run on all locations,hat i am![]()
In enemy land anyone is allowed to join against you.
magnmars every time unfair,cant beat me,only with high levels![]()
have you not other hobby ? 1 hour run on all locations,hat i am![]()
In neutral area anyone can attack you or joina gainst you.
so a bashing noob clan
lvl 13 on 7
lvl 19 on 13
and guards do nothing ,respect !
Also neutral area, your porblem.
read better the new rules
From now on, there is an outright BAN on attacks against any player both YOUR and OPPOSITE race, whose level is below your level by more than 3. This rule is valid only on territories directly belonging to any of the races.
The following areas do not belong to any of the races, so this rule does not apply to any fights taking place on any of these territories:
Insanity Moor
Plateau of Silence
Isles of Fay-Go
Underwater World and all its locations
Isles of Swirling Mist
Frozen islands
Rainbow Lands (duringthe Clan Wars season)
if you think these new rules allow you to attack safely people collecting flowers at fay go you're wrong.
From now on, there is an outright BAN on attacks against any player both YOUR and OPPOSITE race, whose level is below your level by more than 3. This rule is valid only on territories directly belonging to any of the races.
The following areas do not belong to any of the races, so this rule does not apply to any fights taking place on any of these territories:
Insanity Moor
Plateau of Silence
Isles of Fay-Go
Underwater World and all its locations
Isles of Swirling Mist
Frozen islands
Rainbow Lands (duringthe Clan Wars season)
if you think these new rules allow you to attack safely people collecting flowers at fay go you're wrong.