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  • "Sequana" started this thread

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Friday, August 11th 2017, 9:33am

Clan wars? Your opinion is required!

As there is more and more questions coming up concerning clan wars, we would like to know about your opinions to clan wars.

Please answer the following questions as detailed as possible and if you can think of any other topics which might have to be considered, feel free to bring them to our attention!

(This thread is not about the event: Clan wars! It is about the war between two clans in normal game life!)

1. Do you think that there should be a possibility to reject a war that has been declared to your clan/alliance? If so, what do you think should be the terms of denying a war?

2. Should there be a possibility to pay a fee to avoid a war that has been declared on your clan/alliance, what would you consider an adequate amount and what would you think it should paid with? Ex.: coins/potions/etc.

3. Do you think that clans/alliances need to have a reason to declare a war? If so, what would you consider to be an acceptable and valid reason to declare a war?

4. How long do you think a war should last?

5. What would you consider a fair break between two wars?

6. Would you put any restrictions on war methods? Ex.: restrict the use of some items/restrict the attacks somehow/region restrictions/etc.

Thank you very much for your opinions.

One last request, please stay in topic and try to be neutral. Abstain from any verbal attacks or offensive comments towards any other player who is supporting this "brainstorm"!
:!: Guards open their doors for new members. Interested? Please apply here! :!:

This post has been edited 6 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Oct 3rd 2017, 2:19pm)

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Friday, August 11th 2017, 10:07am

My overall experience in clan wars is low so I have nothing to say here just wanted to cheer for the idea of the thread. There were so many complains in the past regarding Clan Wars that this thread was a necesity. Good thinking on creating one.
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.


Friday, August 11th 2017, 11:40am

i cant tell if this is about clan wars the battlefield or a more personal war between clans on same race


Friday, August 11th 2017, 11:41am

we should be able to getr clan tag. for example
(clan amblem) [max 4 letter of clan short name] (rank amblem) Name
clan amblem can be colorful like green if ally red if enemy. yellow if nap. and 10 day enough i guess.
there should be a cost of war to system and nobody should attack very low level clans.

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Friday, August 11th 2017, 12:08pm

1. Do you think that there should be a possibility to reject a war that has been declared to your clan/alliance? If so, what do you think should be the terms of denying a war?

It should be a possibility, otherwise someone may just declare war to all human clan and raid as it was one time and kill all the human in his/her sight no matter lvl.
To declare a clan war there must be a valide motivation that is not i want to kill them because they are human and i can.
Otherwise, go to neutral place to kill people or take fight with your level player and with player who's level is not below yours by 3.

2. Should there be a possibility to pay a fee to avoid a war that has been declared on your clan/alliance, what would you consider an adequate amount and what would you think it should paid with? Ex.: coins/potions/etc.

Personally im against the fee to aboid the war, but if there will be a fee should be on clan stuff like clan energy, clan resourse etc.

3. Do you think that clans/alliances need to have a reason to declare a war? If so, what would you consider to be an acceptable and valid reason to declare a war?

I do not think that the game requires clan wars, if is personal stuff, solve the problem by yourself.
And we all know who is the weak and who in case call clanmate, and in the end is alway a personal stuff, no one need to rush all the clan into your personal trouble.
If someone need to do it just because his clan is more powerful than the other one's clan, well i dont want to be mean, but you are weak inside because you cannot win alone and need other to cover you.

4. How long do you think a war should last?

A war should last maybe few weeks, no need to get too long, otherwise poor low lvl player of that clan would walk full of injury when high lvl can just use heal pot or other stuff to heal up and go on.

5. What would you consider a fair break between two wars?

One month should be fair, also because already see that hihg lvl exe can make 1 or in some case about 2 days of injury in 1 exe, so in a few weeks of war you never know how long will the injury be.

6. Would you put any restrictions on war methods? Ex.: restrict the use of some items/restrict the attacks somehow/region restrictions/etc.

Well, in the end, if admin decides to put it on, and someone will declair it, it is a war, like magmar and human are in war, i dont think that any restriction is needed.

P.S. I'd like to underline the fact that a war begins almost alway because of one guy, so my personal advice is if those people try to learn to solve their problem alone, not only calling who and who because i'm in a clan that should be the best.

P.S. 2 A clan war should be made if people attack the other clan member, if you gonna declair one, do not focus on few members of that clan.

But hey, these are only my opinion, nothing less, nothing more :beer:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

  • "-Cahal-" has been banned

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Friday, August 11th 2017, 12:10pm

First off,a headline such as "War between two clans" would fit better as this one leads to confusion since it has the same name of the event "Clan Wars"
1- If the bully/the person who attacked first for some reason declares the war,yes,there should be a chance to reject it,within the few days,that clan's/allied clan's leader should be able to say that they do not accept the start of a war. (Both the declaration and rejection will be posted in forums)

2-If the troublemaker clan is being declared war on (for example the clan members execute/hex/use negative effects on the members of another clan),then yes,they should be able to pay a fee to the clan they have wronged. With golds,of course.

3-Definitely. Just because someone is willing to start a war between two clans does not mean it's enough of a reason to do so. The reason could be that the members of one clan are continuously joining and ruining great battles,they are using negative effects on the member(s) of the other clan without asking,or even attacking them for no reason,first there should be a warning to the troublemaker clan to stop doing their actions,if they do not stop,then the victim clan can start a war.

4-If this "war" is about weaker clan being crushed,it should last 1 or 2 days,if the stronger clan is facing strong resistance(for example 90% of the weaker clan are fighting back and doing everything they can to hurt the other clan) then it can be extended to 5 to 7 days,if this turned into a guerilla warfare, (everyone killing enemy clan's low levels,ruining the hunts,mirroring and running away etc.) then it should last from 1 to 2 weeks,the end of 14th day (00:00 server time) is the end of the clan wars.

5- 6 months. For 6 months the two clans should not be able to attack each other in any way,neither should they use negative effects nor should they attack each other directly.

6- Everyone should attack their own level group. A level 19 attacking a level 10 should not be considered alright. If the clans are fighting each other,level 4-10 should attack their own level group,level 11-15 should attack their own level group and level 16-19 should attack their own level group. As long as players don't break the 3 level rule,mages can attack low levels as well (for example level 12 killing a level 9) but this should not apply to level 16+ players.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

  • "-Cahal-" has been banned

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Friday, August 11th 2017, 12:12pm

Note: In the answer #1 it applies for the clan of the person who attacked first as well.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Friday, August 11th 2017, 12:14pm

1. Do you think that there should be a possibility to reject a war that has been declared to your clan/alliance? If so, what do you think should be the terms of denying a war?
yes there are clans who want just to play the game and no stress no stories with others mainly all a clan. and some alliance are just here in order to have more players speaking they primary lenguage so they just want a good chat to play the game and have laught and fun.

2. Should there be a possibility to pay a fee to avoid a war that has been declared on your clan/alliance, what would you consider an adequate amount and what would you think it should paid with? Ex.: coins/potions/etc.
knowing some behaviours I guess if there is a fee to avoid a clan war, some risk to abuse it and just declare war to force the clan to I desagree with a fee.

3. Do you think that clans/alliances need to have a reason to declare a war? If so, what would you consider to be an acceptable and valid reason to declare a war?
Yes they do. WoD is a game war but between races not inside the race, so if a player or a clan wants a war with a player/clan in his own race need a reason not only because he is strong and HL regarding the other clan/player of course.

4. How long do you think a war should last?
if there is a really good reason for a war between those 2 clans ....why put a limit ? lets do patience and the power of the 2 clans ...of course with a special mention for those players/clans who still want abuse of their powerfull

5. What would you consider a fair break between two wars?
no idea

6. Would you put any restrictions on war methods? Ex.: restrict the use of some items/restrict the attacks somehow/region restrictions/etc.
no idea


Friday, August 11th 2017, 12:17pm

In my opinion you are sticking your nose where you shouldn't.
The administration should supervise ONLY the things that concern MONEY (real or not) and VALOUR, in order to avoid any attempt of scam.
Every people that plays this game KNOWS that we reached a FINE BALANCE, where every action has a consequnce.
Don't try to disrupt this equilibrium adding STUPID RESTRICTIONS about what we can or what we can't do.
It's sad, but sometimes, even if you try to be polite and talk to people about issues, they simply don't listen.
And sometimes, a RUDE ATTACK is more effective than one thousand words.
On the contrary, rude and ARROGANT people have always been ISOLATED and banished from every clan they were in.
For these reasons, stop to care about the interpersonal dynamics, and try much harder to advertise this game.
We need more players, not more rules.


Friday, August 11th 2017, 12:30pm

1. Do you think that there should be a possibility to reject a war that has been declared to your clan/alliance? If so, what do you think should be the terms of denying a war?

Yes there should be a way to reject a war declaration. This should be done by offering no reason for rejection

2. Should there be a possibility to pay a fee to avoid a war that has been declared on your clan/alliance, what would you consider an adequate amount and what would you think it should paid with? Ex.: coins/potions/etc.

No, there should be no fee for rejection. If indeed there MUST be a fee, i would say that the fee should be in gold. The amont of gold should be the double of the clan LEVEL. for exemple, a level 12 clan, in order to avoind a Clan War should pay 12x2= 24g.

3. Do you think that clans/alliances need to have a reason to declare a war? If so, what would you consider to be an acceptable and valid reason to declare a war?

Yes, those reasons should be really specific : continuos hexes on the clan, continuos GB interference, etc... Also i belive that 1 single hex should not count as a reason for a Clan wars to be declared. This thing shod be a player execution, not a clan war declaration.

4. How long do you think a war should last?

Maxim 1-2 week/s, with the possibility of both sides to cancel the war at any time in this period.

5. What would you consider a fair break between two wars?

Any clan can go to war only once in 2 months. So even if youre an attacker or you are a attacked clan/alliance, you cannot be at war non-stop. Other things are in game like events, monthly events, ressource picking, etc...

6. Would you put any restrictions on war methods? Ex.: restrict the use of some items/restrict the attacks somehow/region restrictions/etc.

No restricion, all locations available, summon as you want. If otherwise, the guards will have to increase numbers :))



Friday, August 11th 2017, 12:36pm

On the contrary, rude and ARROGANT people have always been ISOLATED and banished from every clan they were in.

I think you meant to say "they were accepted into every clan they wanted and given free rein to do whatever the hell they felt like, harassing lots of players and ruining their gameplay".
You do not quit playing computer games because youre old, you get old because you quit playing.


Friday, August 11th 2017, 1:07pm

5. What would you consider a fair break between two wars?
i think this is the only reasonable question

all others should not be considered. clan wars should be a all out fight if a clan challenges you and you participate in clan wars, then there should be no backing down. otherwise have no business participating.

dont be to come off rude, just that all those rules sound like they came from clans that lose and want more fitting clan wars..


Friday, August 11th 2017, 1:10pm

(This thread is not about the event: Clan wars! It is about the war between two clans in normal game life!)
altho i skipped this part, if its not part of the event, but in normal game then my last comment is irrelevant.


Friday, August 11th 2017, 3:18pm

RE: Clan wars? Your opinion is required!

2. Should there be a possibility to pay a fee to avoid a war that has been declared on your clan/alliance, what would you consider an adequate amount and what would you think it should paid with? Ex.: coins/potions/etc.

How to organize a new racket on server !!

My clan declare the war to your clan... you don't want war? pay !!


Friday, August 11th 2017, 5:53pm

1. Do you think that there should be a possibility to reject a war that has been declared to your clan/alliance? If so, what do you think should be the terms of denying a war?

Yes not everyone wants to fight and it should only really be classed as a war if both sides are actively attacking each other not just one side attacking the other

2. Should there be a possibility to pay a fee to avoid a war that has been declared on your clan/alliance, what would you consider an adequate amount and what would you think it should paid with? Ex.: coins/potions/etc.

No because people will abuse this and bully gold/resources out of weaker clans

3. Do you think that clans/alliances need to have a reason to declare a war? If so, what would you consider to be an acceptable and valid reason to declare a war?

Yes there has to be a valid reason and personally I think only a clan leader should be able to declare war with it saying in the new rules about clan leaders could be held responsible for members actions with attacking lower levels

4. How long do you think a war should last?

1 week maximum

5. What would you consider a fair break between two wars?

at least a month

6. Would you put any restrictions on war methods? Ex.: restrict the use of some items/restrict the attacks somehow/region restrictions/etc.

cant really have restrictions otherwise it could lead to more uncertainties and gray areas


Friday, August 11th 2017, 7:08pm

Pass many wars and let me assure you) NONE of rules you make will be followed because its always "grey area " that could be easily manipulated no matter how hard you will try to apply a rule.

Most of war ( i would say 95 % of it ) starts from conflict off 2 ppl that buy day 3 off war is definitely out of conflict and calmly continue to play there game, when higher lvls pick up all mess and deal with it.
In 99% by end of wars nither side even knows for sure why all this begin from, considering in the middle new conflicts made) ( broken tool, waisted bless, caling names...list can be very long)

Solution easy trow 2 ppl that begin conflict out of clan and beat them till ppl don't fix their issue and learn to communicate without hiding behind clans/alliance.
I assure you, afer that half off "big ego" players will think twise before begin something


Friday, August 11th 2017, 7:29pm

Solution easy trow 2 ppl that begin conflict out of clan and beat them till ppl don't fix their issue and learn to communicate without hiding behind clans/alliance.
I assure you, afer that half off "big ego" players will think twise before begin something
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Friday, August 11th 2017, 8:10pm

Pass many wars and let me assure you) NONE of rules you make will be followed because its always "grey area " that could be easily manipulated no matter how hard you will try to apply a rule.

Most of war ( i would say 95 % of it ) starts from conflict off 2 ppl that buy day 3 off war is definitely out of conflict and calmly continue to play there game, when higher lvls pick up all mess and deal with it.
In 99% by end of wars nither side even knows for sure why all this begin from, considering in the middle new conflicts made) ( broken tool, waisted bless, caling names...list can be very long)

Solution easy trow 2 ppl that begin conflict out of clan and beat them till ppl don't fix their issue and learn to communicate without hiding behind clans/alliance.
I assure you, afer that half off "big ego" players will think twise before begin something

Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Wednesday, August 16th 2017, 9:02pm

Dear Admin

You have taken the war out of the game.
For five and a half years we have been able to raid the opposing land as in war and kill all opposing race now this cant be done unless they no more than 3 lvls below us this is useless whats the point now on going on raid.
I can understand brining in the rule of no excessive overkill on own race BUT you should still be allowed to kill opposition freeley
But then again there could be a loophole in this as we should all declare war on opposite race all clans then as we then have declared war we can kill all of them till they deem war is over but then again how can that be regulated and timed because in war you can only broker a ceasefire if both sides agree via a neutral party which cant happen if all clans declare war!!!

Little food for thought for everyone and this stupid rule you have brought in

to apease neffertiti as she wanted :gum:


Wednesday, August 16th 2017, 9:57pm

please no more rules

admin did a good job with new rules. but dont do same mistakes as on de server.... new rules are enough, no need for any more concerning wars.

No to any restrictions