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I was thinking of something similar,like a general pardon for everyone in jail except bot users and black market dealers. (Because they 100% know what they were doing)
I mean people might misread or not even be able read the rules and ask around,they will understand less than half of what they are told and then act like that is the rule and at some point,they will break it.After that,it's jail time.
People jailed for joining same fight with their multies,people exceeding powerlevelling threshold,people sharing accounts... just give them all their freedom back and if it's necessary,take something from them,for example the amount of golds shown on red badges,every red badge can be counted 300 golds.
Just an idea.
I mean people might misread or not even be able read the rules and ask around,they will understand less than half of what they are told and then act like that is the rule and at some point,they will break it.After that,it's jail time.
People jailed for joining same fight with their multies,people exceeding powerlevelling threshold,people sharing accounts... just give them all their freedom back and if it's necessary,take something from them,for example the amount of golds shown on red badges,every red badge can be counted 300 golds.
Just an idea.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
i agree completely with the statement that if you cant prove it why jail them.. also if the community wants cursed players to have a chance to redeem themselves i dont see the problem.. this game is a game where its only the community now, admins are basically a lost cause, all that admins should do is continue with their events, diamonds or regular, and take our requests into deep consideration, if we think or come to agreement that something might help the players in this game enjoy it more then we should have it and no problems.. we put a lot of money in admins pockets, who cares how this game looks after changes, i dont care for same old boring original design, if people think id be cool to add different style gear, have new looking mounts for same badges and same battle effects just different look, or even new styles in hair physical appearances color tone, idk but i think its important to update and add, to keep everything fresh here..
anyways a little off topic, i agree if the community once again wants to give jailed players a chance to redeem themselves, guards may ask, what makes you think they wont do same thing over again. more work for us as guards, i would say the same thing but i also witnessed someone who was innocent to a intentional 3rd party trader for multies.. when you have 1 person with 2 accounts.. and you ask someone who doesnt know you have a multi "hey can you give this item to so and so, i have to run, but hell be online soon i gave him your name so hell message you when hes on" or whatever, and the player who is unknowing of the multis holds the item and trades it to the multi later.. CLEARLY thats violation of the rules. there is evidence of him being the 3rd party trader. BUT! how can gaurds know he had no understanding they were multis.. he said he didnt know.. but guards say, "thats what they all say, dont act like you dont know the rules when you get caught" guards are quick to accuse and jail, but do not put in the extra work to work on the players side and figure out if he is truely innocent as he says he is.. you can be third party trader, for mutlies and not know anything.. it happened and it happens, so conclusion. if there are players who really miss this game (if their are any lol" i would like them to get their chance to play.. or chance of a LOWERED fine and a reasonable one. so they can enjoy game like we all should..better have a line up of cursed players wanting to play in order to get any sort of attention on this xD
also, this alone isnt why the games dying.. people dont play this game the way it should be played.. naked hunting was never suppose to be a thing in this game now 100s of players do it, bunch of crying a bunch of incidents involving naked hunting that cause big issues. bfs are dead. overbuffers. scalpers who max rank and over buff go to tallars kill their opponents in 10secs to a minute dont care for others to get valor they just want scalps. high lvls grudge low lvls,clans pick on weak clans, no one opens up to new players who are ACTUALLY NEW because we all think they are just multies, main chat basically dead so new or clanless players play a real boring game when people get bored to prv them all the time. idk not all of these are reasons for the games downfall but all play a part no matter how small or big..
but i appreciate your stance and one step at a time..
heres to another idea ignored !
anyways a little off topic, i agree if the community once again wants to give jailed players a chance to redeem themselves, guards may ask, what makes you think they wont do same thing over again. more work for us as guards, i would say the same thing but i also witnessed someone who was innocent to a intentional 3rd party trader for multies.. when you have 1 person with 2 accounts.. and you ask someone who doesnt know you have a multi "hey can you give this item to so and so, i have to run, but hell be online soon i gave him your name so hell message you when hes on" or whatever, and the player who is unknowing of the multis holds the item and trades it to the multi later.. CLEARLY thats violation of the rules. there is evidence of him being the 3rd party trader. BUT! how can gaurds know he had no understanding they were multis.. he said he didnt know.. but guards say, "thats what they all say, dont act like you dont know the rules when you get caught" guards are quick to accuse and jail, but do not put in the extra work to work on the players side and figure out if he is truely innocent as he says he is.. you can be third party trader, for mutlies and not know anything.. it happened and it happens, so conclusion. if there are players who really miss this game (if their are any lol" i would like them to get their chance to play.. or chance of a LOWERED fine and a reasonable one. so they can enjoy game like we all should..better have a line up of cursed players wanting to play in order to get any sort of attention on this xD
also, this alone isnt why the games dying.. people dont play this game the way it should be played.. naked hunting was never suppose to be a thing in this game now 100s of players do it, bunch of crying a bunch of incidents involving naked hunting that cause big issues. bfs are dead. overbuffers. scalpers who max rank and over buff go to tallars kill their opponents in 10secs to a minute dont care for others to get valor they just want scalps. high lvls grudge low lvls,clans pick on weak clans, no one opens up to new players who are ACTUALLY NEW because we all think they are just multies, main chat basically dead so new or clanless players play a real boring game when people get bored to prv them all the time. idk not all of these are reasons for the games downfall but all play a part no matter how small or big..
but i appreciate your stance and one step at a time..

I dont said NO!!! (it's not my job), but for me it's not clear what is right and what is wrong. The rules are rules FOR EVERYONE. Why Missrobinsonofavalon played for 10 years clean, with attenctiom for every parts of the rules must be treated like mrxxxxxx that for 9 years cheats and after a investigation go in jail? And Missrobonsonofavalon is licensed to cheat at least 1 time, for be same mrxxxxxxx? And, all players know, every time, for not serious crimes, the guards send a warning letter. After that, some players continue on the right way, others sell the account....I was thinking of something similar,like a general pardon for everyone in jail except bot users and black market dealers. (Because they 100% know what they were doing)
I mean people might misread or not even be able read the rules and ask around,they will understand less than half of what they are told and then act like that is the rule and at some point,they will break it.After that,it's jail time.
People jailed for joining same fight with their multies,people exceeding powerlevelling threshold,people sharing accounts... just give them all their freedom back and if it's necessary,take something from them,for example the amount of golds shown on red badges,every red badge can be counted 300 golds.
Just an idea.
i would say the same thing but i also witnessed someone who was innocent to a intentional 3rd party trader for multies.. when you have 1 person with 2 accounts.. and you ask someone who doesnt know you have a multi "hey can you give this item to so and so, i have to run, but hell be online soon i gave him your name so hell message you when hes on" or whatever, and the player who is unknowing of the multis holds the item and trades it to the multi later.. CLEARLY thats violation of the rules. there is evidence of him being the 3rd party trader. BUT! how can gaurds know he had no understanding they were multis.. he said he didnt know.. but guards say, "thats what they all say, dont act like you dont know the rules when you get caught" guards are quick to accuse and jail, but do not put in the extra work to work on the players side and figure out if he is truely innocent as he says he is.. you can be third party trader, for mutlies and not know anything.. it happened and it happens, so conclusion. if there are players who really miss this game (if their are any lol" i would like them to get their chance to play.. or chance of a LOWERED fine and a reasonable one. so they can enjoy game like we all should..better have a line up of cursed players wanting to play in order to get any sort of attention on this xDheres to another idea ignored !
You make some good points, But in your 3rd person trading is faulted, I will give you a RL example why you need to be careful with your trades. Would you take luggage or a package from someone you did not know and fly to a another location? The person could be like "oh I see you are going to X place, My sick mom lives there can you take this package to there and my family will meet you. thanks" or A person says "I will give you money to take this luggage and meet a friend of mine". And if you get caught with a load of drugs ( or what ever it is illegal) you say " I did not know they were drug dealers" you think the police should say " oh ok you did not know then you can go free".

To the claim a player does not know it was agianst the rules, to that I say the take time ( as the game tells you at lower level quest) to read the rules and understand them. if you go to a different country and do not follow their rules you are to get a free pass? Sorry but no, you have to do the time if you do the crime. There are rules in some Euroepean countrys that are not in my country. But if I went there I would make sure I understand what I could not do. Then say " oh I did not know". That is a lazy excuse and a way out of owning up to your mistakes.
As to what players claim, remember there are 3 sides to every story "yours, mine and the truth" I have heard just about everything out there from " oh that player died in a car crash so I can be freed" to "was not me it was my cousin ( or my cat/dog

As to other ways of paying for their fines yes that would be a good idea, maybe add a stike program. You get 1 shot at using say in game items, mounts, badges and so on. But the 2nd time you get cusred then game over and all fines will be diamond only. I think if the player "did not understand the rules or could not read them (which I do not beleive if they are doing quests and such) " and does the same stupid thing again then they are just plain cheaters and need to be removed from the game.
Just my thoughts
Lets work hard to find a cure for liberalism
I agree, there are some old curses that should be looked at again. Make them pay something reasonable, and let them play again. The anti-bot programs now stop them from being used, so shouln't be an issue again.
A big boost to the game would be some advertising for the game. It seems all the money that is poured into this game by players goes into other games or something. Most of us old players were lured here with advertising, but now days, the game isn't advertised at all. I think it's an insult that another game is advertised on the home page of this game. It's like spitting in everyone's face here...
A big boost to the game would be some advertising for the game. It seems all the money that is poured into this game by players goes into other games or something. Most of us old players were lured here with advertising, but now days, the game isn't advertised at all. I think it's an insult that another game is advertised on the home page of this game. It's like spitting in everyone's face here...
If you don't like something I post in forums, go to this website: www.magrareallydoesn't care.troll and fill out a frankie got his feelings hurt report

You should check other games before saying this thing, in most of games, player who violate the game rules, in most of cases are banned for life, with no way to get back the account.
And in some now day advanced games also their ip is banned from the game itself and is not allowed to create any account with that ip.
People should be only happy that yes can get out from the jail simply paying real money.
If you want i can also give you a list of games where cheater's account are banned for ever without way to get it back
And in some now day advanced games also their ip is banned from the game itself and is not allowed to create any account with that ip.
People should be only happy that yes can get out from the jail simply paying real money.
If you want i can also give you a list of games where cheater's account are banned for ever without way to get it back

Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard
but i will try my best

You should check other games before saying this thing, in most of games, player who violate the game rules, in most of cases are banned for life, with no way to get back the account.
And in some now day advanced games also their ip is banned from the game itself and is not allowed to create any account with that ip.
People should be only happy that yes can get out from the jail simply paying real money.
If you want i can also give you a list of games where cheater's account are banned for ever without way to get it back![]()
The same way you can speak about games that band people for life, I can speak about 100 more games that are not as strict.
Games that you can get a whole lot more for your hard earn MONEY!! The biggest question here is if we follow everything that
the RU does, why can they bring back players here the same way? What I brought to the table here is nothing "unheard of".
They have done it and it has worked so do it here too. One more thing I remember lososerg have on his saved fight log as a
header "pssibility bot use". Then a few weeks later they put a max on the amount of mobs you can kill then followed by a puzzle. So first they have no proof becuase they have no proof they change it so they can no it and still people are jailed!
I am not that brightest lightbulb so please would you explain how that is fair and a reason for "LIFE BAND" for this or any game?
You should check other games before saying this thing, in most of games, player who violate the game rules, in most of cases are banned for life, with no way to get back the account.
And in some now day advanced games also their ip is banned from the game itself and is not allowed to create any account with that ip.
People should be only happy that yes can get out from the jail simply paying real money.
If you want i can also give you a list of games where cheater's account are banned for ever without way to get it back![]()
The same way you can speak about games that band people for life, I can speak about 100 more games that are not as strict.
Games that you can get a whole lot more for your hard earn MONEY!! The biggest question here is if we follow everything that
the RU does, why can they bring back players here the same way? What I brought to the table here is nothing "unheard of".
They have done it and it has worked so do it here too. One more thing I remember lososerg have on his saved fight log as a
header "pssibility bot use". Then a few weeks later they put a max on the amount of mobs you can kill then followed by a puzzle. So first they have no proof becuase they have no proof they change it so they can no it and still people are jailed!
I am not that brightest lightbulb so please would you explain how that is fair and a reason for "LIFE BAND" for this or any game?
I dont know what kind of game you play but if they allow hacker and cheater to play their game i think they almost reached the lowest level of rule for game

P.S. the lowest level is game shutdown

Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard
but i will try my best

@esras. there are several reasons in both our statements why it is or isnt wrong..
such as for your statement on your RL scenario.. if someone gave me anything in real life to hold for someone, i would need to know what it was, if it was a suitcase i better know everything in the suitcase. and even then i prob wouldnt hold y? cause this is real life also. lol. i dont often trade anything.. or hold things for anyone..
in game is completely different i give out loans i partake in 3rd party traders only amongst my clan (of course after knowing all the deception in this game) btw this whole example isnt about me about someone i knew on mag side to clear to air of any assumptions..
sad fact and the hard truth.. is that we ban players who take their characters seriously, for getting caught up in multis deception whos plan is only to break the rules and find ways around them to help their other multi.. why not like dantillo said, give warning 100% of the time. esp for something so minor. if he was 3rd party trader what you do is, curse the mutli, and delete the items that was traded, or warn both of them.. because even i know a player who has mutli and has been around in game for so long, and he still didnt know much rules about the multis before i became human... of course this goes along with reading the rules first..
but like i said,, when you are a victim to 3rd party trader you can read all the rules and it wont prepare you for this.. especially at low lvl, or when your very trusting person like me.. if i started out in this game not knowing how the game is or how the community is or how low players go to use others (who are unknowing,like new players) if i started out new i would help if someone came to me to give an item to someone since he was logging off. y? because i would think id make a friend doing a favor for someone, because maybe it could benefit me later by earning trust.. multies used to be illegal and i was only 13 years old when i played. and sure i didnt read rules, but thats cause im only 13 years old. i dont read the rules for call of duty when i play online, because its just a game and rules often are too long.. over spoken to bore the readers and confuse us making the rules open for interpretation on every rule..
basically like this game all the rules are "But NOT LiMited TOO" meaning this is the rule, but many other things can be illegal aswell, we just dont write it down..
i made 10 multis at age 13 not cause i was breaking rule intentionally. but because as a 13 year old i played game like a kid would i tried to have a character who had 100% victories and no defeats while i was only fighting mobs lol, when i failed i made new character.. im just saying.. rules are rules, but look at the players intention.. if it was harmless and not meaningfull, warn them directly update the rule to them yourself, dont say look at rules here and expect everyone to understand them fully. and i know my experience with guards, everyone has different answer, but wont change so simply as always, explain your best to safegaurd our players.. this instance of 3rd party trader in my mind and clear is that he is innocent..
one way to tell. look through chat logs. see how long they talked/what they talked about, how long did they talk to each other before, are they friends.. it could have been 10 minutes they interacted in whole game and bam player is banned by deception.. i asked guards to look in chat log and see that this player never spoke to the multies before, but i was told.. curse doesnt concern you and we dont give info out to those not affected by curse, but i dont want info. i want you guys to look into things more serious and help players not think everyone on both sides are guilty all the time.
such as for your statement on your RL scenario.. if someone gave me anything in real life to hold for someone, i would need to know what it was, if it was a suitcase i better know everything in the suitcase. and even then i prob wouldnt hold y? cause this is real life also. lol. i dont often trade anything.. or hold things for anyone..
in game is completely different i give out loans i partake in 3rd party traders only amongst my clan (of course after knowing all the deception in this game) btw this whole example isnt about me about someone i knew on mag side to clear to air of any assumptions..
sad fact and the hard truth.. is that we ban players who take their characters seriously, for getting caught up in multis deception whos plan is only to break the rules and find ways around them to help their other multi.. why not like dantillo said, give warning 100% of the time. esp for something so minor. if he was 3rd party trader what you do is, curse the mutli, and delete the items that was traded, or warn both of them.. because even i know a player who has mutli and has been around in game for so long, and he still didnt know much rules about the multis before i became human... of course this goes along with reading the rules first..
but like i said,, when you are a victim to 3rd party trader you can read all the rules and it wont prepare you for this.. especially at low lvl, or when your very trusting person like me.. if i started out in this game not knowing how the game is or how the community is or how low players go to use others (who are unknowing,like new players) if i started out new i would help if someone came to me to give an item to someone since he was logging off. y? because i would think id make a friend doing a favor for someone, because maybe it could benefit me later by earning trust.. multies used to be illegal and i was only 13 years old when i played. and sure i didnt read rules, but thats cause im only 13 years old. i dont read the rules for call of duty when i play online, because its just a game and rules often are too long.. over spoken to bore the readers and confuse us making the rules open for interpretation on every rule..
basically like this game all the rules are "But NOT LiMited TOO" meaning this is the rule, but many other things can be illegal aswell, we just dont write it down..
i made 10 multis at age 13 not cause i was breaking rule intentionally. but because as a 13 year old i played game like a kid would i tried to have a character who had 100% victories and no defeats while i was only fighting mobs lol, when i failed i made new character.. im just saying.. rules are rules, but look at the players intention.. if it was harmless and not meaningfull, warn them directly update the rule to them yourself, dont say look at rules here and expect everyone to understand them fully. and i know my experience with guards, everyone has different answer, but wont change so simply as always, explain your best to safegaurd our players.. this instance of 3rd party trader in my mind and clear is that he is innocent..
one way to tell. look through chat logs. see how long they talked/what they talked about, how long did they talk to each other before, are they friends.. it could have been 10 minutes they interacted in whole game and bam player is banned by deception.. i asked guards to look in chat log and see that this player never spoke to the multies before, but i was told.. curse doesnt concern you and we dont give info out to those not affected by curse, but i dont want info. i want you guys to look into things more serious and help players not think everyone on both sides are guilty all the time.
btw players were also jailed because they associated with me before.. head guard right when she logged on took players out of jail said to them idk why your even in jail.. so players can be justifiable jailed. or falsely jailed, but once jailed, the person jailing them dont look back but only look forward in RL.. whenever their is any clue or any doubt, cops look back and re-investigate. new tools are made to look deeper in the case etc.etc..
also multi rule back then was banned.
now mutli rule not banned.. i think this curse should also be uplifted or giving a VERY REASONABLE pay out fee of 10-20Diamonds max.
also multi rule back then was banned.
now mutli rule not banned.. i think this curse should also be uplifted or giving a VERY REASONABLE pay out fee of 10-20Diamonds max.
You should check other games before saying this thing, in most of games, player who violate the game rules, in most of cases are banned for life, with no way to get back the account.
And in some now day advanced games also their ip is banned from the game itself and is not allowed to create any account with that ip.
People should be only happy that yes can get out from the jail simply paying real money.
If you want i can also give you a list of games where cheater's account are banned for ever without way to get it back![]()
The same way you can speak about games that band people for life, I can speak about 100 more games that are not as strict.
Games that you can get a whole lot more for your hard earn MONEY!! The biggest question here is if we follow everything that
the RU does, why can they bring back players here the same way? What I brought to the table here is nothing "unheard of".
They have done it and it has worked so do it here too. One more thing I remember lososerg have on his saved fight log as a
header "pssibility bot use". Then a few weeks later they put a max on the amount of mobs you can kill then followed by a puzzle. So first they have no proof becuase they have no proof they change it so they can no it and still people are jailed!
I am not that brightest lightbulb so please would you explain how that is fair and a reason for "LIFE BAND" for this or any game?
I dont know what kind of game you play but if they allow hacker and cheater to play their game i think they almost reached the lowest level of rule for game![]()
P.S. the lowest level is game shutdown![]()
You should check other games before saying this thing, in most of games, player who violate the game rules, in most of cases are banned for life, with no way to get back the account.
And in some now day advanced games also their ip is banned from the game itself and is not allowed to create any account with that ip.
People should be only happy that yes can get out from the jail simply paying real money.
If you want i can also give you a list of games where cheater's account are banned for ever without way to get it back![]()
The same way you can speak about games that band people for life, I can speak about 100 more games that are not as strict.
Games that you can get a whole lot more for your hard earn MONEY!! The biggest question here is if we follow everything that
the RU does, why can they bring back players here the same way? What I brought to the table here is nothing "unheard of".
They have done it and it has worked so do it here too. One more thing I remember lososerg have on his saved fight log as a
header "pssibility bot use". Then a few weeks later they put a max on the amount of mobs you can kill then followed by a puzzle. So first they have no proof becuase they have no proof they change it so they can no it and still people are jailed!
I am not that brightest lightbulb so please would you explain how that is fair and a reason for "LIFE BAND" for this or any game?
I dont know what kind of game you play but if they allow hacker and cheater to play their game i think they almost reached the lowest level of rule for game![]()
P.S. the lowest level is game shutdown![]()
Bud before you make a comment please read what is posted I understand you being 12-13 years old you skip most of whats written. I said so stict... Never did I mention hackers and cheaters but, I don't think you know the differance between
hackers cheaters and people that was wrongly jailed. Like I said before RU did this and it worked!! I used to see loads of
people on my friends list all the time no matter the time, I could move from loacation to location and see players. Lately
I do not see many. The game can work it out it will take some effort and some looking into but, they can do it. Other games
do not take a chance in jailing player because the admins thinks someone is doing something wrong. Usaully if they can not prove it, they keep an eye out on that person.
Can we bring back the players do to curses?
I have seen
people go to jail for the possibilty of bot My god if you can't prove
it why jail people over that?
Then make out a list and ask guards to investigate, you are making a general discussion for everyone, and i remark : everyone who is jailed.
In short, you are asking to free all cursed player, no matter what is their curse.
If, is one of your friends that get in trouble and accused you should write a specific forum post about it, and make guards or admins check about them another time, not making general discussion about freeing all the cursed people.
To make a easy understandable example, you are asking to free both cheater, haker and innocent people.
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard
but i will try my best

Guess where are all our low lvl we are told they are massacred by high lvl…31&server_id=10…31&server_id=10
the game is dying not only because of the lack of players... we are still a few hundred people playing here, why don't we have fun right now? because certain players are blinded by hate, by ego or by whatever else you can think of... it's because they are greedy and they will not tolerate anything else rather than "their best".. what does that mean you may ask, well, here's an example... in every level there's an imbalance between population and whoever has the short end of the stick in their own lvl will have to endure more than just loses in abyss but also lost souls, gehenna and whatever else can your level bring up on the table... why is arena dead? I'll be damned if I know and that's my favorite battlefield by far... I know why I stopped q-ing for now... I have noone to go with atm... but why does nobody else goes? why aren't halls happening anymore? there was a hall weekend recently with almost no halls going in my lvl range, there's easily 40 people in lvl 15 and we cant get 10 to q up twice a day at least? Bummer... I'm tired of this blaming this or that for game dying.. it's us... It's our behaviour that kills the game not the lack of green plants in Antarctica or the low amount of aliens on other planets.... everyone should revise their own behaviour, try to understand the circustances and do what's best in the long run.
yes, i have to agree on these points!!!

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