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are that destructive action or not ?
that he destroy my versida and atack me is ok,because my choice to use blesses and im in enemyrace magmar and he is human
but why to hell with scroll ? rthat he can nothing that we knows all,but thats no the question,i only want to know,is that destructive action or not,his onlyx goal was ,i leave the game
that he destroy my versida and atack me is ok,because my choice to use blesses and im in enemyrace magmar and he is human
but why to hell with scroll ? rthat he can nothing that we knows all,but thats no the question,i only want to know,is that destructive action or not,his onlyx goal was ,i leave the game
Nope, totally legal. You are in "neutral" grounds, so he can do what ever he wants there. He used scroll so he could give you the injury that he's built his exe skills up to be able to give you. Read his info, he says he will attack any magmar in neutral grounds. Since he can't raid and kill anyone now days, neutral grounds is his only option.
If you don't like something I post in forums, go to this website: www.magrareallydoesn't care.troll and fill out a frankie got his feelings hurt report

ok,was only a question and i have to accept this
thanks magra
is 0 problem,all games have more or less "ingameidiots" and brute is one of maybe some more in this game
shame on you brute ,that you atack enemyrace i can totallly understand,but never,that your goal is destroying hobby from other players......verry verry egoistic you are,as low level really not strong,then drink up and kill all low levels
again....shame on you....bashing noob
thanks magra
is 0 problem,all games have more or less "ingameidiots" and brute is one of maybe some more in this game

shame on you brute ,that you atack enemyrace i can totallly understand,but never,that your goal is destroying hobby from other players......verry verry egoistic you are,as low level really not strong,then drink up and kill all low levels
again....shame on you....bashing noob
write not so a crap,i was there only to kill golem for a achievment ,your clanplayer write rassist word to me and almila ,we both have it in chatlog
i asked him only,why he help a looter
i also write him,that i dont make something with my human,because is it powerlevel
thats also in chatlog,your crappy cheaterclan make many years on magmarside crap,acro exe you and you leave the race to humans because you dont have eggs,maybe a kiddy or so and start now crap on humanside
i dont copy here anything from chatlog,because isnt allowed,but all knows me and i write every time what i feel and not so a crap ike you atm
i asked him only,why he help a looter
i also write him,that i dont make something with my human,because is it powerlevel
thats also in chatlog,your crappy cheaterclan make many years on magmarside crap,acro exe you and you leave the race to humans because you dont have eggs,maybe a kiddy or so and start now crap on humanside
i dont copy here anything from chatlog,because isnt allowed,but all knows me and i write every time what i feel and not so a crap ike you atm
ok,i knowe that isnt allowed copy chatlog but when someone say so a crap like deathstroke ,read this
**No chatlogs
and what say the rules to so rassist statements like :
**No chatlogs
normal is that enough to jailed a account ,but guards not awnsered me :/
all can see now the facts ,i play ONLY via client and have all in chat-log
again,look on yourself and your clan and put your nose not on something,from that you have 0,00 knowledge,thanks
**No chatlogs

and what say the rules to so rassist statements like :
**No chatlogs

normal is that enough to jailed a account ,but guards not awnsered me :/
all can see now the facts ,i play ONLY via client and have all in chat-log
again,look on yourself and your clan and put your nose not on something,from that you have 0,00 knowledge,thanks
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Aug 18th 2017, 4:06pm)
i sayed him stop that rassist words or i see this as a provokation,normal,i hate rassists not only in rl,i hate so peoples overall
ALL players,that write rassist words to friends or me,recieve automatic executions,but that was his choice,what he write,he have ea head on his shoulder and hopefully a brain inside
stroke,you are one of my fiends and i really dont like you ,you rob 2 friends from me,you protect looters,you self have a looter asccount ,thats all facts and you think only when im not online you can do what you want with my name ? forget it,you are still a noob and we only wait for the next 1 word from your clany and some executers running to him,he have his warning and what he do with this,isnt my problem
crappy idiot ,leave the game,is really better,we dont like rassist cheaters and bashing players
ALL players,that write rassist words to friends or me,recieve automatic executions,but that was his choice,what he write,he have ea head on his shoulder and hopefully a brain inside
stroke,you are one of my fiends and i really dont like you ,you rob 2 friends from me,you protect looters,you self have a looter asccount ,thats all facts and you think only when im not online you can do what you want with my name ? forget it,you are still a noob and we only wait for the next 1 word from your clany and some executers running to him,he have his warning and what he do with this,isnt my problem
crappy idiot ,leave the game,is really better,we dont like rassist cheaters and bashing players

I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing

btw,i have a moneycurse,i cand pay a executer for doing his profession,but if i copy some of your crap to my friends and my friends make that angry,then he exe not,because i say that,they exe for your clanplayers bullcrap
again: i cant trade,cant use mail,cant use auction,thats normal,when under this curse so tell ,crappy idiot ,normal i send you now executer,becuse you make me again and again angry and that in a game,that i play for fun
you on hatelist and you know that,thats why you write so much crap from me on forum you crappy rassist
come here to germany,i pay all and then say me all in my face ,what you write here ,that i wish me so much
1 kick from my less 112 kg and you goes faster down,as with your account
again: i cant trade,cant use mail,cant use auction,thats normal,when under this curse so tell ,crappy idiot ,normal i send you now executer,becuse you make me again and again angry and that in a game,that i play for fun
you on hatelist and you know that,thats why you write so much crap from me on forum you crappy rassist
come here to germany,i pay all and then say me all in my face ,what you write here ,that i wish me so much
1 kick from my less 112 kg and you goes faster down,as with your account
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing

lol is didnt see chatlog but i see groot saw it, and pilek says turko racist word... omg.. maybe thats why people get tired of you quick pilek. you over react over everything, you dont consider anyone else except for yourself..
and to answer you accusations..
-i never cheated. not on either side..
-i never looted, not on either side..
-DID i really steal 2 friends from you?? haha.. if i remember correctly you told me come to human side when i was being harrassed.. i come to human side. and when i was lvl 4-6 i made clan, sent open invites to all my friends i played bfs with. 1 player joined from another clan, clan leader didnt like it, had you order exe on me, a real bad chat log i have of the whole issue, and i specfically told you, you want to ruin a friendship (you/me) for a few gold exe. you say its your job to not be offended.. hey i didnt get offended, but we were no longer friends.. then what happens after that... not even a few weeks later that "friend of yours who hired your for exe turns around calls you dirt and promises to exe you whenever she has chance.." the loss of friends is on your hands not mine.. i never did anything to you. beside protect MY CLAN.. i even gave you 2nd chance after you exe me to join my clan, but you cannot act like a clanmate. you are solo player. and will be for a long time. till you can act civilized..
-your the only destructive player here, once again i dont have looter account and i dont bash people like you lol.
lastly, a real fact.. once again. your mag got mirrored by my clanmates on human side.. come to human side stir things up even more and find a small reason to order exe on my clanmates "legally" saying it was racist word lol. when really it isnt.. we can see by this threat. you try VERY HARD to act like it isnt related to the reason you gor mirrored but because your concern for racist dont worry.. i may be on your blacklist, but ill highly suggest to my whole clan to put you on ignore..
and to answer you accusations..
-i never cheated. not on either side..
-i never looted, not on either side..
-DID i really steal 2 friends from you?? haha.. if i remember correctly you told me come to human side when i was being harrassed.. i come to human side. and when i was lvl 4-6 i made clan, sent open invites to all my friends i played bfs with. 1 player joined from another clan, clan leader didnt like it, had you order exe on me, a real bad chat log i have of the whole issue, and i specfically told you, you want to ruin a friendship (you/me) for a few gold exe. you say its your job to not be offended.. hey i didnt get offended, but we were no longer friends.. then what happens after that... not even a few weeks later that "friend of yours who hired your for exe turns around calls you dirt and promises to exe you whenever she has chance.." the loss of friends is on your hands not mine.. i never did anything to you. beside protect MY CLAN.. i even gave you 2nd chance after you exe me to join my clan, but you cannot act like a clanmate. you are solo player. and will be for a long time. till you can act civilized..
-your the only destructive player here, once again i dont have looter account and i dont bash people like you lol.
lastly, a real fact.. once again. your mag got mirrored by my clanmates on human side.. come to human side stir things up even more and find a small reason to order exe on my clanmates "legally" saying it was racist word lol. when really it isnt.. we can see by this threat. you try VERY HARD to act like it isnt related to the reason you gor mirrored but because your concern for racist dont worry.. i may be on your blacklist, but ill highly suggest to my whole clan to put you on ignore..
You consider word "turko" as racist? May be "Saxon" else racist?
By the past yes that is Racist..... I had a player that asked one here on com that also played on the French server how his frenchie player was doing and got Jailed for it..... Guards can and will Jai layers for anything that they want....
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all..

the funny thing here is the guards already asked me for the chat logs and iv gave them it they are in the middle of it rn so we will see who gets banned for trying to get around game rules oh and pilek let me tell you again that i couldnt have mirrored you i dont even have the badge to do it so how could it have been me???
then show us,what i make with any account to you
so a bullcrap,why guards dont ask me for the chat-log,only you ? i complain 2 times and guards not awnser,only teivel 5 hours later
have i hexed you with pilek or my other humi ? ballchain? mirror ? wrath ?
no,i only ask,why you help a looter and i dont sayed in this question,that is for rindvieh or not ? copy completed log here
i was breaking nothing,0 rules ,chatting is still allowed and i never say ,what i do with my accounts,so is all allowed !
so a bullcrap,why guards dont ask me for the chat-log,only you ? i complain 2 times and guards not awnser,only teivel 5 hours later

have i hexed you with pilek or my other humi ? ballchain? mirror ? wrath ?
no,i only ask,why you help a looter and i dont sayed in this question,that is for rindvieh or not ? copy completed log here
i was breaking nothing,0 rules ,chatting is still allowed and i never say ,what i do with my accounts,so is all allowed !

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