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Slowdown during fight
hello, from 2 months i have problem with Slowdown during fight
i play with browser (google chrome) and have last version of flash:
do 1° fight, no problem
do 2° fight, no problem
do 3°/4° fight, i note big slowdown during fight, resolve only with refresh of page but sometimes after refhesh doesn't work chat, for return work chat i am forced exit of game
is problem of game or my problem? another player have same problem?
help please
sorry for my bad english
i play with browser (google chrome) and have last version of flash:
do 1° fight, no problem
do 2° fight, no problem
do 3°/4° fight, i note big slowdown during fight, resolve only with refresh of page but sometimes after refhesh doesn't work chat, for return work chat i am forced exit of game
is problem of game or my problem? another player have same problem?
help please
sorry for my bad english
Client has had a major memory leak since they put it on Chrome..... If you watch task manager you will see the memory usage creep up more and more.... That is what is causing the slower game.....
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all..

on client don't have problem, i have problem only when use browser (chrome or explorer is indifferent)Client has had a major memory leak since they put it on Chrome..... If you watch task manager you will see the memory usage creep up more and more.... That is what is causing the slower game.....
Okay well your first post didn't state whether wasn't Client.... I can use Chrome IE or Fire Fox to play at all... Client does have major issues....

Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all..

hello kenny, do you know if admins know this problems and work for resolve?Since way back when they did the big update to client I have never been able to play on it and nobody can figure out why..always played from chrome since and now its getting unbearable with lags and things not loading properly.
hello kenny, do you know if admins know this problems and work for resolve?Since way back when they did the big update to client I have never been able to play on it and nobody can figure out why..always played from chrome since and now its getting unbearable with lags and things not loading properly. own opinion says they put it on the back burner to other things..or maybe they are confused and cant figure out how to fix it

But IF they are working on it then it takes time for them to dig in and figure it out now since it seems more people are having issues.
I'm not crazy, I swear!:ogo:
on client don't have problem, i have problem only when use browser (chrome or explorer is indifferent)Client has had a major memory leak since they put it on Chrome..... If you watch task manager you will see the memory usage creep up more and more.... That is what is causing the slower game.....
Okay well your first post didn't state whether wasn't Client.... I can use Chrome IE or Fire Fox to play at all... Client does have major issues....![]()
So I take it you do not play on client? Which browser seems to work best for you?
I'm not crazy, I swear!:ogo:
Kenny Do you read or just Guess at things??????
Considering your lack of proper grammar, it is difficult to understand what you are even saying most of the time. Don't be an idiot. I try to be neutral even though it is clear you do not have any friends left but I see I'm going to be putting you on ignore now.
Isn't it about time for the nurses in the nursing home you live in to revoke your right to surf the interwebs?
I'm not crazy, I swear!:ogo:
i try change browser
google chrome: much slow
mozilla: terrible!!!!!
explorer: very very good for luck![]()
from personal experience, this game can only be played on chrome... (I haven't try Internet explorer.. haven't used that in ages) but Opera, Safari & Firefox take forever to even open up backpack or autoeat or anything... Chrome is a bit slower than client but funcional.
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.
for 6 years i play only from chrome (explorer was much slow) but for a few months is impossible for me play from chrome and unexpectedly from explorer now is very goodfrom personal experience, this game can only be played on chrome... (I haven't try Internet explorer.. haven't used that in ages) but Opera, Safari & Firefox take forever to even open up backpack or autoeat or anything... Chrome is a bit slower than client but funcional.
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